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GMO or No: Problematic Intersections of Religion, Biotechnology, and Food

…o That You May Do No Harm: Changing Attitudes Toward Food in Late Imperial China.” While Chinese food policy affects a significant percentage of the world population, it seems problematic to present “Chinese food culture” as a monolithic way of life. The piece looks at concepts like the five elements and yin-yang but lacks a specific spiritual context I expected from the piece. The focus of Ping-chen’s writing is not on spiritual food ritual but o…

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White Nationalist Mottos, the Fate of Jews in the New Christian State, and ‘Appeal to Heaven’ Humor — Day 2 of NatCon 2024

…blished Republican foreign policy, shifting America’s focus from Russia to China. As Politico reported in 2023, he was an influential voice among those reluctant to support Ukraine against Russia’s invasion. Colby and his Allies frame themselves as “conservative realists,” which he’s trying to sell as the “middle way” between isolationism and interventionism. Battle against the “totalitarian” “group quota regime” A contrast to Colby in both style…

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Telling the World a ‘Big Story’: RD in Conversation with Karen Armstrong

…age? What we call the Axial Age occurred in four different regions—India, China, Greece, and the Middle East—from about 900 to 200 BCE, during which time all the major world faith traditions which have continued to nourish humanity—Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Confucianism, Taoism, philosophical rationalism, and monotheism, for example—either came into being or had their roots. Each tradition is wonderfully different; each has its own genius, and…

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In the Name of the Father, Son, and Q: Why It’s Important to See QAnon as a ‘Hyper-Real’ Religion

…a Chinese bioweapon and that the virus release was a joint venture between China and the Democrats to stop Trump’s re-election by destroying the economy. If that weren’t enough, they also played a key role in promoting the Plandemic video and the ObamaGate and #FilmYourHospital hashtag; and forced Oprah Winfrey and Hilary Duff to come out with statements declaring that they are not pedophiles. When taking into account how much neo-charismatics, Am…

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Teaching the Dalai Lama’s Monks: Better Religion Through Science

…all Tibetan Buddhist monks in India. Since the Dalai Lama was forced from China in 1959, India has graciously hosted him, the Tibetan government in exile, and thousands of Tibetans, including many monastics in new monasteries and nunneries. Unlike for Westerners, it is relatively common for Tibetans to become monks (even today, 1 in 10 Tibetans do). We just completed our second year of a five-year pilot with 91 monks and nuns. The project is desi…

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Junior Falwell Unmasked Conservatism; Let’s Thank Him For It

…reak can be blamed on totalitarian regimes in the east. For Cotton, that’s China. For Falwell, that’s North Korea. (While Falwell was on air, the president announced a state of national emergency related to the outbreak, undermining his and Cotton’s search for a scapegoat for his sake.) Falwell’s demagoguery isn’t what we should be thankful for. What we should be thankful for is his confessing, without appearing to know it, that a pillar of “princ…

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Harold Camping, Prophet of Apocalypse, Dies at 92

…d. Therefore, we should not be surprised at what we are learning about the numbers God has placed in the Bible. We should not be surprised at the new insights many believers are receiving, insights that relate to the timing and the details of the end of the world. There were about 80,000 copies of the two books in print when the end didn’t come. “So that was inaccurate,” Camping told Christianity Today. The error didn’t cause Camping to reform. If…

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Mitt, Moochers, and Mormonism’s “Other” Legacy

…eaders have prayed in each others’ houses of worship and collaborated on a number of political initiatives. Speaking at the commemoration of the Cathedral’s one hundredth birthday, the Prophet Thomas S. Monson acknowledged the ecumenical spirit expressed in its tolling of the bells at the passing of each Mormon prophet since 1919. Heavenly Mother Mormonism’s Calvinist heritage is trumped—at least theologically, if not politically—by the United Ord…

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On Abortion, Mitt Romney vs. His Own Campaign Website

…tincts of this country should not be silent in the face of injustices like China’s One-Child policy. No one will ever hear a President Romney or his vice president tell the Chinese government that “I fully understand” and won’t “second-guess” compulsory sterilization and forced abortion. Americans have a moral duty to uphold the sanctity of life and protect the weakest, most vulnerable, and most innocent among us. As president, Mitt will ensure th…

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What’s Truth? Scientific Method Under the Microscope

…ge numbers of people, write up the experience, repeat it, compare the same number of people at the same time who don’t believe in God, but are otherwise similar, see if they have the same experience, and then have someone in Australia and China repeat my experiment and see if they get the same results. This method is what science is supposed to be about; this is scientific proof, this is what scientists believe in. The Decline Effect: Results are…

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