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Rumors of the Suicide of the Liberal Church Are Exaggerated: A Response to Chris Hedges

…birthrates, leftward moves (not least by institutions like UTS) have probably repelled roughly an equal number of people as they have attracted—and meanwhile there has been a net loss of wealthy donors and elite allies. One might expect Hedges to approach this as a trade-off. Indeed it is a sort of tradeoff for him—“a heads you win, tails we lose” variant between selling out and abandoning ship. It is unclear how invested Hedges is in the survival…

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It Depends What You Mean By “Religious”: Latest Poll Says More About Us Than Candidates

…any religious tradition, this non-belief liability may be declining, if only slightly. Still, given that none of this year’s crop of candidates is identified as an atheist, one might think that the matter is settled. But as usual the devil is in the details. This is a poll about perceptions, not facts. Pew’s survey respondents were asked to rate the candidates as “very,” “somewhat,” “not too” or “not at all” religious. In some cases, people might…

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Put Your Money Where Your Mind Is: A For-Profit Meditation Studio Opens in New York

…of Insecurity. Rinzler told me that their clientele has been diverse—racially, socioeconomically, and in terms of sexual orientation. When I asked how socioeconomically diverse MNDFL’s target market could be when even the cheapest package charges $26 per hour of class time, Rinzler pointed me toward their beginners’ special, which offers unlimited classes for the first month for $50. My sister, who recently took MNDFL’s 45-minute-long sound-based…

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To Be Queer, Gifted, and Black: A Conversation with Theologian Pamela Lightsey

…e listening ears to young activists. Some clergy have done that exceptionally well. I’m thinking especially about Traci Blackmon, who was in Ferguson and St. Louis. I’m also thinking about Willis Johnson and Starsky Wilson who were also in that area. These clergy have been integral parts of Black Lives Matter and integral parts of the protest against militarized police and excessive police force against citizens in the Ferguson area. There are oth…

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Larycia Hawkins’ Actual Violation of Wheaton’s Statement of Faith Hints at the School’s True Intentions

…g young earth creationism. Among many evangelicals, to say that God “directly created Adam and Eve” is actually a coded denial that human beings were produced through evolutionary processes—even if these were guided by God’s providence, as in the Christian concept of intelligent design. At the same time, to insist that Adam and Eve are humanity’s “historical parents” excludes any allegorical or mythical interpretation of Genesis’ creation narrativ…

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The Sex Scandal Following Whole Foods’ Guru

…d “safe haven” in the New Age world, though the problem, he said, would apply to any “highly evolved” community. “In black-and-white communities where morality is conventional and right and wrong is clear, he would have no place,” said Ingber. A certain kind of open-mindedness, on the other hand, can tip over into moral blindness. “Strictly a personal relationship” That moral blindness certainly seems to have extended to John Mackey, and arguably

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Ten Religion Stories That Went (Mostly) Missing in 2015

…y ​as “Christianity,” with no modifier required. 10. Pets in Heaven. I’m only slightly kidding here, but Francis says he’s cool with it, and the furry ones already seem to be everywhere in spaces from which they were once automatically barred: airplane cabins and restaurants and supermarket aisles. There’s a serious issue here, inasmuch as the church has always held that a basic qualification for entry through the pearly gates is the possession of…

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Festivus, Atheist Santa, and the Invention of Blasphemy

…an tradition; he comes from an actual saint. But then he becomes increasingly secularized, and he now doesn’t really have a connection with the church. But through time, he becomes kind of sanctified, and becomes an integral part of the modern American Christian tradition. And then there’s the Christmas tree, which comes from pagan traditions in Europe, but has become a sacred symbol. The controversy over the Starbucks cups is the perfect example…

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False Saviors: Trump, Cruz, and the Gospel of the Quick Fix

…quences in exile. Humanity fails in chapter seven, with consequences in flood. The great patriarch Abraham has an uneven record (he sells his wife Sarah to other men, twice, and banishes his own son Ishmael, whom God has to step in and save) with consequences in four generations of intra-family lying, cheating, betrayal, and violence until, in chapter forty-seven, Joseph reconciles with his brothers. Note to politicians who wave the banner of fait…

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In Praise of Failure: Is Defining Religion Such a Good Idea?

…out the demand for definition. There are many words that we use quite happily and productively which have no precise meanings, or for which we do not demand precise meanings. Think about the words we use every day — and fruitfully so — for which we do not seek or expect to have clear and distinct definitions. Art? Pornography? Language? Music? Power? Politics? Remember Justice Potter Stewart’s notorious ant-definition: “I can’t define pornography….

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