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What Good Is It for Union to Gain the World, But Forfeit Its Soul?

…gion can be used toward capitalistic ends. In The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Weber compares Benjamin Franklin with wealthy banker Jacob Fugger. For Weber, the men represent two sides of the same capitalist coin. While Fugger is unapologetically self-interested and uncaring, Franklin imagines his actions as morally praiseworthy. Weber contends that what characterizes people like Franklin is a belief that their work is the work o…

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Meeting on the Bridge: Fr. James Martin’s Ministry to LGBT Catholics Becomes a Book

…st as excited about the second part of the book, which is a series of Bible passages and meditations and reflections for LGBT Catholics, as I am about the first half of the book. The book is not only the invitation to dialogue between the institutional church and LGBT Catholics, it is a series of spiritual resources that I hope finds its way into the hands of struggling LGBT Catholics, particularly young people, who need to be shown that in the Ol…

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Elizabeth Warren,  American Evangelist

…of Something Much Greater ( this isn’t my choice, it’s my calling ) A new spirit is loose in the land – the spirit of rebellion and liberation and deliverance from our common bondage In Organized Money we face a Satan who is wily and unrelenting and who must be resisted at each and every turn Acting together in resistance actually changes reality, creates community, and helps break the chains of oppression Together we can forge a righteous army c…

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Latest Diatribe on Francis and Latin Mass in the Times Launders the History — and Troubling Elements — of the ‘Tradition’

…f Pope Francis and how he’s used the papal throne to enforce the reforming spirit of the latest council. It’s a curious piece, making sweeping (and often untrue) claims to support its points while channeling generations-old talking points to advance a political agenda. The program of such reactionary Catholics is to erase tradition and adaptation, and to ultimately—and ironically—make the Church more “Protestant.” Dougherty’s argument is that desi…

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Rising Influence of New Apostolic Reformation Teachings is Ominous Sign For the US — Especially For LGBTQ Students

…sible for the legalization of homosexuality in Texas. Left unchecked, this spiritual warfare isn’t likely to stay in the spiritual realm for long. Burden himself recently told his congregation that if believers “get really good at extending the Kingdom of God and taking cultural ground back [from] Satan, [it] might mean that we accidentally start a war.” At the time, Burden was participating in a church event with NAR leader Jim Hodges, who insurr…

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Rising Christian Right Movement, New Apostolic Reformation, Emerged as a Mid-20th Century Splinter of White Supremacy

…ng of what they saw as the prophesied “latter-rain” outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Western church. The NAR continues to draw direct parallels between events in Israel and events in the “Christian” West—hence the similarities seen in both NAR Christian Zionism and NAR Christian nationalism. British Israelism had begun to take a different, much more radical direction by the time of the Latter Rain Revival. It became the core of Identity theolo…

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‘Late Night With The Devil’ Reflects the Role of Talk Shows in Sensationalizing the Satanic Panic of the 1980s

…n. DeLouise entered a trance and assumed the persona of an old woman whose spirit could not rest. Derl-Davis administered communion to the spirit and the exorcism was declared a success. Months later, William Peter Blatty published his novel The Exorcist. It was initially a flop until Blatty received a last-minute invitation to appear on ABC’s The Dick Cavett Show. In what may have been demonic intervention, Cavett’s other guests canceled and Blat…

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Hold Your Applause: Potential Changes to Roles of Catholic Women and LGBTQ+ People May Just Be Vatican Breadcrumbing

…the locus of decision-making, albeit with flowery rhetoric about the Holy Spirit and some claim to local input. The process maintains a clear distinction between lay people and clerics, reinforces the myth that persons in religious congregations are not lay people, and leaves all the final decisions in papal hands. Some people have found it a useful framework for raising important questions—notably some Germans who have progressive views and the…

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AR-15 Lapel Pins are More Than Political Provocation — They’re Symbols of the Violence at the Heart of White Christian Nationalism

…nity” originated as a youth movement. The core principle was that a strong spirit required a strong body as well—a principle that made its way to the US and was fused with the frontier spirit and Manifest Destiny, as historian Peter Manseau explains: “All of this might seem far removed from holiday cards, until one recalls that it is Jesus himself who has been proposed as the exemplar of the ‘manly and virile’ faith found at the root of Christmas…

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When it Comes to Societal Dominion, the Details Matter: A Reporter’s Guide to the New Apostolic Reformation, Part II

…lic leaders. It is the public affirmation that someone has the God-endowed spiritual gift and is worthy of assuming apostolic authority. Some therefore have the gift but have not yet (if ever) earned the recognition of the office by fellow apostles through a public “commissioning” ceremony. Wagner’s definition is clear enough, though in practice it can get fuzzy. Inspired by Wagner, Ché Ahn explains that there are also several subcategories of apo…

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