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Wichita, the Sequel: A Clinic Reopens at Ground Zero in America’s Fight over Abortion

…proof jacket, lying on his office couch, and not being fazed. The threats that made that body-armor necessary are already returning in the few months that Burkhart has owned the clinic. The news of the building’s sale from the Tiller family (who have maintained their privacy since the murder) to Burkhart broke last September, far earlier than she had planned, leading her to believe that anti-abortion groups had positioned someone in state offices…

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Francis the Jesuit: a Philosopher-Pope?

…, observers never failed to mention that he is the first Jesuit pope. But what does that really tell us and, more importantly, as his decisions begin to come down the pipeline (as here, for example, regarding the LCWR), what is most important to know about his Jesuit worldview? Soon after Bergoglio’s appearance as the new pope, James Martin, S.J., made an intriguing comment: “Since his election Wednesday, I have heard at least a dozen Jesuits say,…

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Gun Owners of America Celebrates Defeat of Gun Control Amendments

…ects are getting a little uppity. A rifle is the emblem of a free man. So what does that make the guy that had his rifle taken away from him? A victim of a coup d’etat. If he was a ruler and he had his gun taken away—we’re the rulers! We’re the ones who employ wonderful people like this [Paul] but a lot of their colleagues think that actually once they got elected into office somehow they’ve been transformed into some sort of wonderful knowing all…

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On the 20th Anniversary of Waco

…l peril involved in looking to a living guru. However honest and virtuous that guru might be, she—like the rest of us—is susceptible to tripping and falling right up until the day she dies. What makes some folks willing and able to trust in a charismatic persona, while others remain deeply skeptical? Some of us will surely be tempted to adopt overly-simplified “opiate of the people” type explanations, that first-generation religious adherents must…

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Inventing “Jihad”

…lding, and the need was soon felt in official and certain legal circles to promote the military jihad as a religiously meritorious activity. This is precisely what happened during the expansion of the Islamic empire after the death of Muhammad during the late seventh and eighth centuries of the Common Era. Certain hawkish scholars, starting already in the late seventh century, framed Realpolitik concerns focused on security and territorial expansi…

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Lindsey Graham and Al Qaeda Share the Same “Allahu Akbar”

…authoritative voice. Graham and others employ the term precisely in a way that legitimizes that understanding and gives currency to such usage in discourses about Muslims. For them, Zawahiri’s jihad is more correct than the jihad of the father who picks up an extra job to support his family, or the other billion-and-a-half non-violent Muslims in the world.  “Sharia” has also become a buzzword that many pundits and politicians have hijacked. Likely…

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Why is Liberty Institute Still Defending Phillip Monk?

…moved from September 30th to August 14th. The Liberty Institute believes that, This documentation shows that the commander indeed reassigned Monk in a highly irregular manner immediately after her ultimatum to him regarding his views on same-sex marriage. This is totally consistent with his accusation, and totally at odds with the Air Force’s new official explanation. That’s a lot of intention to read into a date change the Air Force has never de…

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Jack Ryan Uses Bible to Exonerate Wall Street, CIA

…e film becomes a pulpy example of a larger pattern of scriptural citation that obscures and promotes tensions between market forces and nationalism, dynamics I discuss in depth in my book, The Babylon Complex (Oxford University Press, 2014). A reboot of the older Jack Ryan series—based on Tom Clancy novels like Hunt for Red October—Shadow Recruit uses an all new screenplay by Adam Cozad and David Koepp. Still, the film is highly reminiscent of the…

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Global LGBT Recap: Adventists Talk About, Not To, LGBT People; British Muslim Group Welcomes Gay-Rights Activist; Homophobia Exports Continue

…n being recruited into homosexuality. They ignore the historical evidence that shows that same-sex relationships are not new in Africa. They seek immediate recourse to the law in ways that are deeply reminiscent of colonial propaganda that sought to subjugate and eradicate the myriad ways through which difference was dealt with. Naimasiah also criticizes western gay-rights activists who “posit sexuality and sexual desires as necessarily political…

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UPDATE: An Abrupt End to Quebec Separatist Plan to Ban “Ostentatious Signs” of Religion

…rance.”  The proposed Bill thus proscribed the wearing of religious signs that are “easily visible” and that draw attention to themselves (ayant un caractère demonstratif).  The language adopted here—beginning with very notion of signes ostentatoires—was embedded in a larger conversation concerning the place of religion in modern nation-states, as emphasized by none other than then-Premiere Pauline Marois, when, during one media scrum, she defende…

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