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Contact For 1800-299-7264 Flight Booking American Airlines

QAnon isn’t a Cult — a Problematic Term — But Michael Protzman’s Q-Adjacent ‘Negative48’ Certainly Is

…e number is certainly down from its height as many have stayed and cut off contact with their families. They recently took a road trip to Arizona to attend Trump’s rally, which garnered national attention with Protzman’s claim that Trump was really JFK Jr. in disguise. Protzman’s followers claimed that their seats meant Protzman had contacts with Trump, which renewed interest in the group from their casual online followers, despite any proof of th…

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Sharbat Gula’s Experience Exemplifies the ‘White Savior’ Lens Through Which Most Americans View Afghanistan

…ow? Lifetimes after Sharbat Gula had her picture taken—her image stolen—by American photographer Steven McCurry, how many Americans know the name of one Afghan photographer? Afghans, and Afghan women and girls in particular, do not need saving. They need—and deserve—understanding through multiple lenses and panoramas, and they need respect as individuals. ### Author’s note: Afghan-led organizations to follow and support include Enabled Children’s…

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Ordination of Women: Keep it Irregular

…g on of hands was going to be prohibited. We and all of the women we could contact would wear pink undies. We did. We had a quiet bond. It was doubly good to have a loud bond as well as a quiet one. The judicatory and the Committee on the Ministry was apoplectic. Most people in the room didn’t really know that women couldn’t do what my friends were doing so they just thought the mixture of genders was sweet. I never heard from the judicatory about…

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I Was Wrong About Occupy

…gical as they articulated a need for communal, inspirational, face-to-face contact in which they could “appear” to one another. Secondly, they talked about the nearly complete privatization of municipal public space in a way that made a deep and tragic sense. Where can you go if you don’t own something? Does a public even exist if it has no space? The great irony is that they have been called the virtual demonstration, and here they were talking a…

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What My Christian High School Taught Me About Being a Black Girl

…my teenage acne is on display. My head is turned to the side to avoid eye contact with the camera. I hated having my picture taken. Still do. I don’t remember the day this picture was taken, but I remember how I felt at fourteen: awkward, nervous, uncomfortable. My face is round and chubby and despite my baggy clothes, I can tell my body hasn’t left childhood behind. I look like a child. I was a child. * When I was fourteen my high school teacher…

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Not Peace, But Division? Evangelical Vaccine Refusers Divide Families

…e coronavirus pandemic on the right has added so much stress to reasonable Americans’ lives over the past year and counting. And, while rearguard efforts like the NAE-sponsored “Christians and the Vaccine” initiative may make a dent in the proportion of evangelical vaccine refusers, they won’t even begin to solve the underlying problem of widespread willful ignorance and paranoid, conspiratorial thinking among conservative evangelicals. As I’ve be…

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New Anti-Trans Strategies Floated at Family Research Council’s Pray Vote Stand Summit

…dard set by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Psychological Association. Each of the three panelists added color to the picture they painted of predatory therapists offering surgical interventions to young trans or nonbinary children. Being trans is merely a trauma response, they asserted. Children are being permanently scarred, made per…

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Just Like January 6, One of the Most Disturbing Aspects of the Right-Wing Coup Attempt in Germany is Who Was Behind It

…This week, Germans awoke to headlines that gave them a taste of what their American friends felt on January 6, 2021 as Germany saw its largest anti-terrorism operation carried out by police in recent history. Three thousand police officers searched 130 sites and 25 people have so far been detained by law enforcement on suspicion of the attempted violent overthrow of the government. Aspects of the plot—to storm the German parliament and take member…

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The New York Times Sunday Review has a Mormon Problem

…central place in Mormon sacred history motivated Joseph Smith to initiate contact with American Indian nations in the Church’s earliest years. LDS missionary efforts in Hawaii and the South Pacific followed soon after. (Today, between 20 and 30% of the nations of Tonga and Samoa are LDS.) People of Asian, Asian Pacific, Latin American, and indigenous American descent have never been restricted from ordination, a fact Siegel blithely ignores. Chur…

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Participant Discredits the Original Ex-Gay Study

…kground at the time, I referred to the Pattison study favorably in my 2000 American Psychological Association presentation about ex-gay outcomes. Then, in 2009, the National Association for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality cited this study as an illustration of sexual reorientation, saying Pattison and Pattison (1980) reported successful religiously mediated change for 11 homosexuals who participated in a Pentecostal fellowship. Researche…

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