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A Campaign About Values Voters, or Justice?

…for reelection, I thought, “oh, no. Not values.” Mind you Obama is not himself using the word “values;” in fact, the main Washington Post article Sargent cites focuses on Obama’s new-found aggressiveness directed at political adversaries. At one point the piece notes, “Obama has begun to frame the 2012 contest as a referendum on values,” highlighting in particular his criticism of Rick Perry’s global warming denialism, the refusal of Republicans…

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UPDATED: Oklahoma Personhood Bill Not Dead…

Update below.  Oklahoma bill SB-1433—the so-called personhood bill, backed by Personhood USA and Oklahomans for Life—is dead.  According to a press release sent out minutes ago by Speaker Kris Steele’s office, the bill will not come up for a vote: The House Republican Caucus voted today not to hear the personhood bill on the House floor. This decision was not made unilaterally, but as a caucus collectively. I accept the will of our caucus. The fa…

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Another “Hot Text” For the War on Women: Rosemary’s Baby

…day, especially to Catholics in the wake of Humanae Vitae [the 1968 encyclical reaffirming the Roman Catholic view on birth control, abortion, and other “life” issues]. The Catholic elements are hard to miss, as is the intertwining of the Pope with satanic rape/conception/motherhood as destiny. I enjoy how the satanists are the ones who lock Rosemary down. As you write, she becomes “surrounded” and “hemmed in” by her neighbors, doctors, and spouse

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Methodists Vote to Keep Homosexuality “Incompatible”

…urch voted today to keep intact its section in the Book of Discipline that call homosexuality “incompatible with Christian teaching” and sanctions only heterosexual marriage. New wording would have removed those passages. The vote came after a debate that became contentious when one African delegate compared homosexuality to bestiality and declared that God would not create humans as gay or lesbian. During the vote, supporters of the petition to c…

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Apocalypse Now and Then: Our Global Death Wish

…conomics, and the environmental crisis, are not so distant from ancient apocalyptic prophecies about the end of the world, the Second Coming, or the rapture. Sure, our anxieties may be grounded in ‘facts,’ but the ancients thought theirs were too. What’s more important is the pattern of millennial thinking, which has always been with us and, unless the world is about to end, likely always will be.   In Search of Collective Salvation One detail nee…

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Yerushalmi, National Review, and a Conservative Fight Over Shari’ah

…ries that “the anti-sharia movement’s implication that all Muslims are radicals amplifies resentments and fuels hate by encouraging Americans to view their neighbors with suspicion and distrust.” He is hopelessly outnumbered at National Review, where most of the writers and commenters weighing in are confused at Schmitz’ inability to perceive Muslim Americans as the collective Fifth Column everyone understands them to be.  No one, however, is more…

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God is My Co-Belligerent: Avatar Priests, Hijacked Theologians, and Other Figures of Right-Wing Revolt

…to hear Bonhoeffer’s latest biographer expected to be asked to imagine themselves called by God to rise up against a regime that might be as heinous as the Third Reich—but as it turns out Metaxas is not unique among religious-right intellectuals in his use of the language of armed revolt.  “I Am Offended”  Metaxas is not yet a household name, but this has certainly been his year. He was not only the keynote speaker at the National Prayer Breakfast…

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Richard Land Steps Down, But Not Out of the Culture Wars

…obbyist” and listed him as one of the nation’s 25 most influential evangelicals in America. Two years later, Religion News Service featured Land as one of the “Top 10 GOP King Makers.”        A Rise that Paralleled the Rise of the SBC in Politics          Richard Dale Land was born on November 6, 1946 in Houston, Texas. A sixth generation Texan and “cradle roll” Southern Baptist, Land walked the aisle, confessed his faith and was baptized at the a…

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Hell Is (For) Other People

…time religion. Kevin Miller, originally of Saskatchewan, has made a terrifically provocative film called Hellbound? on the human urge to punish and how that urge gets projected onto our sense of what God is about. An opening sequence of Miller attempting to engage some mad-as-hell Westboro Baptists left me worrying, “Oh. He’s going to caricature the brimstoners. Not good.” But it soon becomes obvious that Miller really does want to know the minds…

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Rev. Sun Myung Moon Dead at 92

…h his methods were sometimes questionable. In 2004, for example, he had himself crowned “humanity’s savior” in front of astonished members of Congress at a Capitol Hill luncheon…  [Mass] weddings were the activity most associated with Mr. Moon in the United States. They were in keeping with a central tenet of his theology, a mix of Eastern philosophy, biblical teachings and what he called God’s revelations to him. In the church’s view, Jesus had f…

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