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Is Eddie Long Preparing For a Confession?

…e, Agnes Rathlagame, had been flown into Atlanta from Johannesburg for the service. It was not clear if this was planned or not, but it certainly seemed to enhance the stature of Bishop Long’s and New Birth’s generosity. To round out the early card, Bernice King announced the offering, adept at inviting the visitors to contribute so they could “prosper” as well. All of that, however, was the preliminary to the Main Event: Bishop Long and New Birth…

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The Uses and Abuses of the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

…g King’s own Alpha Phi Alpha) sponsor events in his honor; and beginning in 1994 the King holiday was recognized as a national (later global) day of service. The “I Have a Dream” speech is referenced ad nauseum, ignoring King’s more radical and fiery rhetoric near the end of his life. As a society, we extol the virtues of non-violence and the collective fate of humanity, but still the King holiday seems to feel empty. In our current social and pol…

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How 95% of Jewish Israelis Support a ‘Plausible’ Genocide

…te and its army must try to save them. Now imagine that there are more than 100 Jews in need? No need to imagine—Hamas is holding more than 100 Jewish Israeli hostages. And so, in the words of one observer: “60% of Israelis believe they should not be providing aid to people that are still holding 136 of their brothers and sisters hostage,” stated as if the point is self-evidently defensible. The logic of the Jewish state, the preference for Jewish…

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The Heart of Texas Ain’t Hateful: An Open Letter to Lawmakers From a Texan Trans Queer Latinx

…rely held religious belief.” HB 2779 aims to accomplish the same goal as HB 1923, providing a “broad-based ability to decline to provide services to anyone based on their sex-based dress, grooming, or bathroom access, if providing that service conflicts with sincerely held religious beliefs,” according to Equality Texas. The bill applies to child-welfare services, employment, housing, marriage licensing, ceremonies, and services, health care (incl…

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Jeb Bush Is Confused About Religious Freedom

…ue we’re talking about here is, should someone who provides a professional service be punished by the law because they refuse to provide that professional service to a ceremony that they believe is in violation to their faith. I think people have a right to live out their religious faith in their own lives. They can’t impose it on you and your life, but they have a right to live it out in their own lives. And when you’re asking someone who provide…

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Days of Reckoning for the Philadelphia Archdiocese

…with all of his heart, and believing the priest who was entrusted with his spiritual and temporal life? The Jesuit at the Thursday service did mention how awful the week had been, and how grateful he was that the congregation had come to mass. Small consolation. I did not participate in the foot washing. I did not go to communion. All I could think about was Mark saying out of his pain, “That man molested me. He knows it. He knows it. He knows it….

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Talking With the “Religious Terrorist” that Turkey Wants Trump to Extradite

…arters was the size of a large living room with comfortable, overstuffed chairs and couches lining either side with one prominent chair at the head of the room, almost like a throne. Clearly it was his, since there was a TV remote and some reading material beside it. I stepped aside so he could take the chair but he insisted that, as the guest, I should take the honored spot. He took a more modest seat by the side. Tea and Turkish sweets arrived s…

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And the Violent Bear It Away? Disciplined Nonviolence and the Coming Election Emergency

…ler’s brownshirts—the Sturmabteiling, or SA—facilitated his rise during the 1920s and 1930s. A badly polarized Weimar Republic found itself totally defenseless in the face of stormtrooper-incited chaos and crime. Of course our official founders—those rich white men in wigs—chose to euphemize and sanitize what they knew full well would ultimately threaten the stability of their perfect machine: the unspeakable violence they authorized within the sy…

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The Queerness of Christian Ethics: A Conversation with Rev. Elizabeth Edman

…talk about developing a bulletproof faith—which has everything to do with spiritual survival. Yet one of the ways you talk about surviving is in understanding your own value. Then when someone comes at you, show them the dignity and respect they ought to be showing you. One could say we’re “forced into” living this way as a matter of survival, but the truth is we’ve gotten really good at it. I’ve seen us treat each other that way again and again…

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Latest Diatribe on Francis and Latin Mass in the Times Launders the History — and Troubling Elements — of the ‘Tradition’

…turning of the priest to face the congregation allowed lay people into the service, since they could at least see what’s going on. But the biggest claim Dougherty makes in his piece, of course, is about the spirit of the ecumenical council—that it created a “new faith.” It’s an old song within the Church. If a constant refrain within Catholicism is ecclesia semper reformanda (“the church is always being reformed”), then there’s always someone else…

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