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Is Eddie Long Preparing For a Confession?

…sounds like someone trying to prepare their loved ones for some difficult news. Will New Birth congregants accept more revelations about their beloved “Bishop”? The people I encountered today were either sold out to Bishop Long, or looked a little stunned that they didn’t hear a strong denial. Doubt may begin to work on the hearts and minds of the faithful if the allegations mount, and the time to trial drags on. Finally, and perhaps most worriso…

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This Narrative of Death that is So Powerful Among Us

…alking about those alternative identities, and I wanted to talk about your new book, Journey to the Common Good for a little bit. I haven’t read the whole thing, but it seems like the thesis is pretty much that we find those kind of new identities as neighbors in that journey through scripture, through that narrative. Is that right? Walter: That’s right, I think, insofar as the Bible or the Old Testament is telling the tale of covenant, and it rea…

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Papal Retirement: A Matter of Conscience

…ning. What is news this time around is that rank and file Catholics want a new Church, not just a new pope. We know that change is in the air because we put it there. Progressive Catholics all over the world are creating new forms of church since the old is so thoroughly discredited. No institution can withstand the onslaught of negative publicity that the Vatican earned over clergy sexual abuse and episcopal cover-ups without major changes. No hi…

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With New York Joining DC in Defiance Methodist Church Faces Showdown on LGBT Ordination

…onference,” Dr. Dorothee E. Benz, national representative of Methodists in New Directions (MIND) and a New York annual conference delegate to the 2016 General Conference, told RD. Dr. Benz echoes the sentiments of many who see the decision of these two BOOMs as signs of progress and something to be celebrated while they remain cautious about what progress will be made at General Conference. Many wonder whether schism is unavoidable. A more importa…

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The Pope and Social Media: A Digital Counter-Reformation?

…(if there ever really were such things). Effectively participating in the new social media environment is not a matter of picking up a new vocabulary of glyphs, images, and sounds that will “capture” the attention of those with whom we want to connect. Digital media has no captives. At least so far, no one’s really figured out how to effectively and durably colonize it. And, I’m pretty sure that’s all to the good. A meaningful interactive pilgrim…

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New Report Raises Questions about Pope Francis’ Response to Sex Abuse Scandal

…d reforming the Vatican bureaucracy (35%) should be top priorities for the new pope. This news coincides with an extensive report in the Washington Post on Pope Francis’ reaction (as Archbishop Bergoglio) to the sex abuse scandal in Argentina, which won’t inspire much confidence or optimism about his possible global response to the scandal as pope: Father Julio Cesar Grassi was a celebrity in the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires. The young, dynamic, me…

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Sexual Abuse is Inevitable in Christian Patriarchy; Just Take a Look at Doug Wilson’s Christ Church, and its New ‘Documentary’ ‘Eve in Exile: The Restoration of Femininity’

…ld wager, they’re likely restricted to conservative Christian schools like New Saint Andrews). Women have purpose within this patriarchal framework—at least that’s the presentation. But those of us who’ve lived through Christian patriarchy can attest that this is not how it plays out in reality. So when I see Eve in Exile as the next best thing for women in Christian fundamentalist circles, I’m concerned that Rebekah Merkle, instead of promoting a…

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Kagan, “Jewish Bolshevism,” and the Legacy of a Nomination

…she is an American socialist. She comes from that background. I grew up in New York, she grew up in New York. I’m very familiar with the sort of Jewish socialist culture in New York, which has an enormous pedigree, has done wonderful things in promoting a way of life and developing American society, but at the end of the day is still socialist. This is a slightly disguised echo of the charge that has circulated among anti-Semites at least as early…

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Note to the New Pope: Half of the World’s Poor are Women

…e the Catholic women among them of contraceptives, of the use of condoms that could protect them from HIV-AIDS, and of the ministry of women priests who would marry, absolve, and anoint them, is no service to them. Even as President Ronald Reagan challenged Michael Gorbachev to tear down the wall between East and West, the much-loved Pope John Paul II put every effort into freeing the Catholics of Eastern Europe from religious and political oppres…

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What a Forgotten 19th Century Suffragist Can Teach Us About Women’s Rights vs. The Religious Right

…dership of Donald Trump, we find new iterations of the “Christian nation,” new connections and clashes between immigration bans, the religious right, and women’s rights. But if oppression relies on strange alliances, so does resistance. Sowing the seeds of liberation often entails looking back to the past and reaffirming elements of one’s own traditions, persons, and events that have been overlooked or willfully covered up. Martin Luther King, Jr….

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