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In Israel, Left and Right Join to Protest New Government Threat to Democracy — What’s Striking is What’s Missing

…he Right has wanted for decades. Those not on the solid Right have found a new cause, and that should be celebrated. But that new cause is also quite telling. It’s telling us that, in a sense, the country has largely moved on from the Occupation. The settlers have won, even with these protests—and they’re likely to continue winning because they’ve changed the parameters of the conversation. To borrow an American football phrase, they’ve “moved the…

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Statement on NAR & Christian Nationalism Answers Few Questions But Exposes Growing Rifts in the Movement

…ong with Prophets Stacey Campbell, and Kris Vallotton, to name a few.* The new statement opens with an explanation for its genesis: “In light of the controversy surrounding the terms “New Apostolic Reformation” (NAR) and “Christian Nationalism,” we are issuing this statement of clarification.” While there certainly is controversy around these terms, the statement adds more confusion than clarification. And, in early media coverage the statement’s…

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Opponents of Marriage Equality Confident of Defeating Last-Minute Push

…efeat legislators who vote for the bill. Dennis Poust, a lobbyist with the New York Catholic Conference, says the Archdiocese of New York has no formal relationship with the NOM. (In Maine, the initiative campaign that resulted in repeal of marriage equality legislation was led by the Church and funded primarily by NOM and Catholic organizations.) Despite being led by Catholics, Poust said, NOM operates largely independently of the Church. “We’ve…

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The Environmental Politics of Vodou, New Orleans Style

…, environmentalists, policy specialists, and a Vodou priestess gathered in New Orleans to discuss new models of water management in Southern Louisiana. The symposium, which coincided with the seventh annual Anba Dlo Halloween festival, is important for a city under the constant threat of flooding. (Anba Dlo is a Haitian creole term meaning “beneath the waters.”) But the symposium was also important moment for Afro-Caribbean religions in America. F…

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The British (Bible) Invasion: KJV 400-Year Anniversary Rolls On

…JV was born in England in 1611, but almost immediately crossed over to the New World. John Wesley’s Methodism, Charles Wesley’s music, and George Whitefield’s hypnotic sermonizing enjoyed some successes in England but took firm root in New World soil and positively blossomed there. Mary Wollstonecroft’s feminism, as enunciated in her 1792 Vindication of the Rights of Women, was utterly indebted to her own immersion in the religious culture of the…

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A Time to Break Down, and A Time to Build Up: Reinventing Ministry in Post-Katrina New Orleans

…the first week. In Case of Katrina: Reinventing the Church in Post-Katrina New Orleans Ellen Blue Wipf & Stock August 4, 2016 My heart was breaking, too, since New Orleans is my home. My son was in the city as a first responder during the storm, and his family’s home had to be bulldozed. The fear and grief were very personal for me. Yet living and teaching in Tulsa gave me the distance that allowed some level of objectivity that UMC people living…

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A Whole New Ball Game: New Book Rethinks the History of Religion in Sport

What inspired you to write The Eternal Present of Sport: Rethinking Sport and Religion? A recurring argument in sport studies (and popular commentaries as well) is that sport is a form of “civil religion” that creates social cohesion around shared values and rituals. There’s this constant image of fans transcending political differences as games transport them from “profane” to “sacred” time. That image has been criticized effectively by scholars…

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Beyond Alarmism and Denial in the Dominionism Debate

…tion movement. It also bears saying that none of what Wagner has touted as new, is new; rather, it is the recapitulation of old Pentecostal teachings—and actually heresy to some Pentecostals (like the Latter Rain and Shepherding movements). The NAR was “created” by Wagner after leaving Fuller. Wagner believes that the offices of apostles and prophets are still given by God for today, and they are not just for the church, but for the world. Some ap…

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Eid on 9/11 Anniversary?

…he first sliver of a crescent moon is sighted, it marks the beginning of a new month (or a new year). Some Muslims have adopted calculation in advance, choosing to figure out the months well in advance. Makes it easier to plan. Others, myself included, like to wait up all night to hear word. If anyone across the Americas has in fact spotted that first crescent, then we enter Ramadan. The last day of Ramadan ends with the next crescent moon, markin…

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Christian Right Denialism is More Dangerous Than Ever: A Reporter’s Guide to the New Apostolic Reformation

…ics Too often, major Apostles and Prophets of the NAR are misidentified in news stories and magazine articles as pastors or evangelists. While they may be those things as well, the failure to more precisely recognize the nature of their leadership and their church offices is a hefty understatement, and promotes critical misunderstandings of their roles. It’s like referring to Roman Catholic Cardinal Timothy Dolan as a Catholic priest. He is certai…

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