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Status of Uganda Anti-Gay Bill Unclear; U.S. Religious Right Support Isn’t

…essings forever. Museveni and his wife, who have long ties to the NAR, the International Transformation Network, and evangelist Ed Silvoso, have in fact been using similar language since at least the turn of the millennium when they and religious leaders covenanted the nation to God and the Lordship of Jesus Christ for 1,000 years.  A recent article from the far right WND on Museveni’s prayer began circulating among ecstatic conservative evangelic…

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Amid Horrors, Muslim ‘John Hancocks’ Forge Secular Sudan

…this writing, the Khartoum regime continues to bar reporters and even most international humanitarian aid groups from entering the country. Human rights groups have called on the international community to mount a dramatic cross-border, emergency humanitarian aid operation; though there is no indication at this point that anyone will heed the call. Observers believe that the battle of Kauda will begin before the rainy season in April. The Declarat…

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west bank mural

A One-State Solution for Israel and Why It Will Work

…cannot vote; their neighborhoods have been annexed to Israel, even though international law and the international community recognize that East Jerusalem would belong to a Palestinian state, assuming it were to have existed. We need even more hands to write this story out: The West Bank is cut open and torn apart by settlements, many of whose inhabitants are fervent ideologues. But not all of them. Some settlers prefer the convenience of cheaper…

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Anti-Gay Marriage NOM Documents Reveal Racial Wedge Strategy and More

…Europe and Latin America: “Marriage needs to be a national (and ultimately international) effort, not just a local or regional issue,” says one document. One refers to an “International Organization for Marriage” and says, “The movement for gay marriage is global. The counterrevolution protecting marriage needs to have a similar reach. We need to take what we have learned about winning marriage battles in the US and assist groups fighting marriage…

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Exodus Declares Opposition to Criminalization of Homosexuality

…ality worldwide. The statement on the organization’s website reads: Exodus International believes that every human life, regardless of sexual orientation, is of inestimable and equal worth to God and that defending this principle is foundational in offering a Christian response to any issue. As such, Exodus International has not supported and will not support any legislation that deprives others of life and dignity based on their sexual orientatio…

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‘Open Mosque’ in South Africa Receives Threats; ‘Blood Test’ for ‘Degeneratism’: Global LGBT Recap

…rns among activists that the nation’s leaders are pulling back support for international efforts to promote the human rights of LGBTI people: “We currently have leadership that fails to represent the ethos of what the constitution says and the equality principles they have to uphold,” said Mmapeseka Steve Letsike, a lesbian activist who chairs the South African National AIDS Council’s Civil Society Forum. “We have leadership going out of this coun…

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Global LGBT Recap: Ugandan Law Unleashes Vigilantes, Anti-Gay Americans Want to Boost Homophobia Exports

…Uganda and Nigeria. Zambia: Amnesty International Raises Concerns Amnesty International reports that attacks on individuals by both vigilantes and police “have been instigated by a series of inflammatory statements made by senior government officials instructing the public to report anyone they suspect of being a homosexual or “promoting homosexuality.” As in Uganda, reports AI, Zambian publications have been “outing” individuals.  Zimbabwe: Muga…

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Because God Tells Me So; Do Jews Have a “Historic Right” to Israel?

…poused; the normalization of the Jewish people by becoming a member of the international community of nation states. Zionism can use a theological reading of Hebrew Scripture to deepen the commitment of its constituency but it cannot make that the basis of its “historic right” to the land on the international stage, especially when that right is countered by another community with an equally legitimate, non-theological historic right (i.e., histor…

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Inventing “Jihad”

…ar and making peace. Classical Muslim juridical literature on the topic of international relations and statecraft taken by itself can and has obfuscated these parallels to a considerable extent, since political realism more than ethics and moral reasoning frequently informed such a genre. Consultation of a broader repertoire of sources allows one to retrieve multiple perspectives on the permissibility of military activity and allows one to better…

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UK Atheist Church Invasion

…wn community, and grow their community virally.  Evans: This has become an international organization so quickly. We were sort of OK running Sunday Assembly from our bedrooms but international movements can’t be done by emails at three am in the morning anymore.   Jones: We’re also working on our branding. Humanism is such a wonderful idea but it’s got some of the worst marketing that I’ve ever seen around it.  How does Sunday Assembly address the…

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