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Former Opponent Invites Gays to the Wedding Party

…is stable or strengthening among our college-educated elites, much larger numbers of Americans, particularly in middle and working-class America, are abandoning the institution entirely, with harmful social and personal consequences.” Blankenhorn sees this disparity leading to further inequality, a weakened middle class and children in danger. His proposal is to bring together everyone who is concerned with strengthening marriage, including gays…

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Police Violence is Baked in: Academy Training Encourages Racial Profiling and Emphasizes the Use of Violence

…or example, they purposely paired him up with one of the top cadets in the class, who had undergone Navy SEAL training and weighed at least 70 pounds more than Adam, to fight in a mud pit. “I had spaghetti arms by the time we were done,” Adam recalled. Adam was not a good fit for policing because he did not engage in the kind of violence the institution demanded. Adam’s classmates who did make it through the academy were those who successfully ali…

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Was a Teacher Disciplined for Refusing to Apologize for Teaching Science?

…e on the story here. It’s difficult to tell exactly what took place in the classroom and whether Hensley overstepped her boundaries in a discussion of religion. Nonetheless, this all leads me to wonder, if a student argues in class that the bible is life’s literal blueprint, facts be damned, is it wrong for a teacher, in the course of teaching science, to correct the student’s misinformed worldview? Or, in the interest of not offending the child a…

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Coming Out on a Christian Campus, Then and Now

…ure. Another essay, entitled appropriately “Toxic Teachings,” interrogates class notes from a course on Christian Home, notes that repeat outdated psychological theories about distant fathers and cross-gender identifications and that offer tips on how to bring your kids up straight. (I recall my own Christian Home class. I still have the textbook with its litany of gender stereotypes. I remember the professor split up the boys and girls one week t…

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Beyond the Miniskirt-Wearing Nun: What Catholic Reform Looks Like

…it was about time that religious historians take seriously mobile, middle-class life in the suburbs, especially in the western United States. What’s the most important take-home message for readers? In spite of efforts to downplay the significance of the Second Vatican Council, for many American Catholics it provided the theological justifications to demand sophisticated religious education, to engage ritually in the sacraments, to be accepting o…

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Inside the American Family Association

…sexuals will become part of an elite class’ and ‘Christians will be second-class citizens at best.’” The most powerful person in Texas and a contender to be the most powerful person in the world is hosting a Christians-only prayer rally with an organization that believes Christians are at serious risk of becoming “second-class citizens.” What’s important to remember, though, is that while religious right elites are lining up to endorse Perry’s pra…

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The Senate Deal: Still Stroking the Rich [UPDATED]

…The already-very-comfortable people getting this big wet kiss from working-class hero Joe Biden are those whom Lewis Lapham taught me to refer to as achievatrons: many of them doing well in the so-called “knowledge” professions, which (let’s admit it) often amounts to knowing the right people and having the right connections. Here is the most pernicious feature of the deal on marginal rates, a feature that Sen. Tom Harkin, who voted “no,” rightly…

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Maybe Millennials Are Just Realizing That ‘God is Dead’

…where my students are coming from makes me a more effective teacher. In a class of thirty, I was able to get about three-fourths to respond. With the exception of one, each expressed a negative view of “religion.” I don’t teach in some secular bastion of higher education, where such responses to “religion” might be par for the course. I teach at a small, church-affiliated school located deep in the eastern quadrant of the Bible Belt, in rural Nor…

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“Taking a Stand for Jesus” in the Public Schools

…ard, which ruled that the teaching of creationism in public school science class violated the Establishment Clause, was a test case of Louisiana’s Balanced Treatment Act.) The article includes this stunningly familiar quote from a board member: David Tate, the School Board member who brought up the matter at the board’s last meeting, said he would rather not see litigation, but added that the board gets sued on other matters. “We don’t want litiga…

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In Oklahoma, Another Court Against Using Religion as Justification for Discrimination

…ument as “impermissibly tied to moral disapproval of same-sex couples as a class of Oklahoma citizens. All of these perceived ‘threats’  are to one view of the marriage institution—a view that is bound up in procreation, one morally ‘ideal’ parenting model, and sexual fidelity.” The claim to be “preserving” the “traditional institution of marriage,” wrote Kern, is just a “kinder way” of expressing the state’s “moral disapproval” of same-sex couple…

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