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God’s Law is the Only Law: The Genesis of Michele Bachmann

…ed the evening’s guest speaker, attorney Herb Titus, with a “Patrick Henry Award” for “his tireless and fearless telling of God’s truth to power.” Titus (best known for his representation of former Judge Roy Moore in his failed quest to install a 2.6-ton Ten Commandments monument in the Alabama Supreme Court building) is one of the few lawyers in America who, Peroutka noted, truly “believes God is sovereign and therefore God’s law is the only law….

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Does the Bible Really Call Homosexuality an “Abomination”?

…that avoiding toevah justifies the genocide of the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanaites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. So, toevah is serious, but it is serious as a particular class of cultic offense: a transgression of national boundary. It is certainly not “abomination.” Toevah is used four times in Leviticus 18—once to refer to male homosexual acts, and then three times as an umbrella term. As in Deuteronomy, the signal feature of toevot is t…

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What’s in an “Om”?: How Women are Transforming Yoga

…e McIntyre, in collaboration with her husband Michael McIntyre and sister Saraswati Clere, the film is a love letter to yoga—for urban women in lululemon pants, yes, but also for women fighting cancer and women who are large, for girls locked up in juvie and kids in a Nairobi slum, for women trying to find a lost libido and women about to give birth.  More than fifty women and girls cross the screen in an hour and half. Their bodies are flowing th…

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Note to Religious Liberals: God Does Take Sides

for the upper 2% of wealthy Americans were made permanent. Oh, and like a maraschino cherry high atop a lollapalooza of suck, we find out from Wikileaks that the Obama administration—with GOP help—basically has quashed the investigation into torture by slow-marching it to death. It’s starting to feel a lot like 1983 around here. Or, as one friend put it, “Pretty sure the way I feel about human politicians right now is how Skynet starts.” And where…

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The Religious Origins of Fake News and ‘Alternative Facts’

…in the final months of the 2016 election was the conspiracy known as “Pizzagate.” Supposedly, a D.C. restaurant housed a pedophilia ring involving members of the Democratic Party, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, John Podesta. Podesta’s emails—released by WikiLeaks, and probably hacked by Russia—revealed phrases like “cheese pizza” and other code words for child sex-trafficking. Hillary Clinton herself may have been involved. The rin…

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Exactly 30 Years Before Illinois AG’s Devastating Sexual Abuse Report, a Plan for Prevention was Implemented, Then Scrapped

…ed of sexually abusing children who are or have been in Illinois. And why, apart from the fact that it’s obviously the right thing, should the bishops do this? Because, as the state’s top law enforcement authority stresses, each of these men is already listed on official public church websites elsewhere and is deemed “credibly” accused by official church prelates and panels. A distraught Margaret was convinced that much of the horror could have lo…

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Why I’m Not Quite Sold on ‘Black Santa’

…of Jim Crow segregation. The results of this experiment were used by the NAACP-Legal Defense Fund in its challenge to separate-but-equal education in the Brown v. Board case. In 2006, a similar study showed African-American children still labeling a Black doll “bad.” Both ABC, in 2009, and CNN’s Anderson Cooper in 2010, replicated the doll test for a national audience. The results of the contemporary test were used to discuss the effects of livin…

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The Spirit of January 6th: The Theology of This Seldom Discussed Movement Animates the Growing Threat to U.S. Democracy

…e concerning enough in light of Wallnau’s prominence (on Michael Flynn’s ReAwaken America tour, for example), but it appears to be a trend. The week before, Andrew Whalen of Texas-based Vanquish Prayer Warriors had also prophesied vigilante violence. On an April 3rd episode of Elijah Streams TV, he said that God had given him a dream in which he told Donald Trump that his greatest desire is to see “Obama and Hillary hanging from a rope.” In fact,…

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Communicators for Christ: How Homeschool Debate Leagues Shaped the Rising Stars of the Christian Right

…homeschooling family, Eastman currently serves as a Representative in the Alaska State House. In that position since 2017, he’s attracted national attention from his refusal to honor Hmong and Black veterans of the American military, his lifetime membership with the far-right militia organization Oath Keepers, his support of child marriage, and his presence at Trump’s Stop-the-Steal rally preceding the January 6th, 2021 storming of the U.S. Capit…

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A Tale of Two Fascisms: ‘Douchey’ JD Vance vs. ‘Creepy’ Blake Masters

…st or rape, once said: “It’s not whether a woman should be forced to bring a child to term, it’s whether a child should be allowed to live, even though the circumstances of that child’s birth are somehow inconvenient or a problem to the society.” In a 2021 interview in which he called himself “unapologetically “pro-life,” Masters stated his support for overturning Griswold and said that he was in favor of “fetal personhood” laws, adding: “(Abortio…

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