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Biden’s New Domestic Terrorism Strategy Addresses Trump’s Omission of White Nationalism, But Fails to Address Targeting of Black and Brown Americans

…or all.” In short, a rehaul of the education, carceral, public health, and military systems of the United States, which is what my own concept of holistic justice calls for in my book, Homegrown Hate. Unlike my framework for advancing a new counterterrorism paradigm, this Strategy does not take into account the need to redress the inequities borne from the post-9/11 worldview in order to productively tackle the reality of post-1/6 America—a nation…

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DADT Repeal and DREAM Defeat: A Failure of Evangelical Influence?

…al the military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy on gays and lesbians in the military. Viewing today as a microcosm of religious political activism, these two votes caused me to wonder: do elected officials give a damn what religious activists have to say? Let’s take DREAM first: there was a pretty wide coalition of religious activists who supported DREAM and brought their message to the Hill. The activists included long-time proponents of immigrati…

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Bryan Fischer’s and the GOP’s Special Christian First Amendment

…ry, Lt. General William G. “Jerry” Boykin (Ret.) was never censured by the military for a speech he gave in uniform eight years ago in which he stated that Muslims hate America, and that the military is recruiting a “spiritual army” to fight Islam. At the time, the American Family Associations news service, as well as Gaffney and a host of others, came to his defense, with Gaffney telling the AFA that Boykin “clearly put his finger on the truth wh…

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Buffalo and Uvalde Both Appear to Have Involved the AR-15, the Rifle Revered by the Christian Right

…design to another company, however, who sold versions of the weapon to the military, police departments, and the general public. The AR-15 immediately proved popular to U.S. gun enthusiasts who admired it—and continue to do so—for its comparably low price, for its customizability, for its aesthetics (“it just looks cool,” one collector told me), and for its overall usability. Today, the term “AR-15” refers to various rifles and pistols based on th…

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Does The White House Get It?

…ern civilization issued a nationwide injunction against enforcement of the military’s DADT rule, the Obama administration looks drastically out of step with the American public by signaling that it may very well appeal the ruling. While there are obviously several political calculations at work there, what might be more telling is an off-the-cuff remark by Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett. Speaking to the Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart about bul…

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Obama at Romero’s Tomb: The Politics of Liberation

…ican press, describing Romero as a Salvadoran martyr who was killed by the military. Roberto D’Aubuisson, the military officer who is suspected to have ordered Romero’s assassination, was trained in the United States and was permitted to observe US Special forces in action. D’Aubuisson is also the founder of ARENAS, the conservative political party that governed the country until 2009. I did not anticipate that Obama would mention D’Aubuisson or t…

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Religious Leaders Demand Apology from West for Anti-Islam Comments

…ceptionalism in the interview, was fined by the U.S. military in 2003 for his involvement in the use of “improper methods” to get information from an Iraqi detainee that military prosecutors said amounted to torture. West retired for the military and first ran for Congress last year….

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When Is Hosni Mubarak?

…emporary caretaker government, perhaps a unity coalition guaranteed by the military, leading to free and fair elections after the shortest time possible within which campaigning can be organized. This requires all the stakeholders on the ground, who are not representatives of the dictatorship, to come to the table, and to receive guarantees both from one another but also from regional powers who can help nudge the process forward. The military has…

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Space X and the Photo-Op: Trump’s Use of the Bible Was Just the Latest in a Series of Christian Nationalist Messages

…the cathedral, said that the Bible would accompany Americans to space. The Military Religious Freedom Foundation was quick to condemn this “repulsive display” of “exclusivist, fundamentalist, Christian supremacy, dominance, triumphalism, and exceptionalism.” Trump’s own speech on May 30th, 2020 applauding the launch of SpaceX’s Crew Dragon spacecraft went even further when painting white, Christian supremacist ideas on a cosmic canvas. As the pref…

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Blasphemy and Betrayal: The Murder of Salman Taseer

…but also about the need to reform the blasphemy laws instituted during the military dictatorship of General Zia-ul-Haq from 1977-1988. The blasphemy laws (Penal Code 295-298) make it illegal to: “outrage religious feelings,” defile the Qur’an, or deride the Prophet, his family, the first four Caliphs, and the companions of the Prophet. What constitutes outraging or defiling behavior has varied from distribution of purportedly anti-Islamic literatu…

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