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Why Bill Maher Gets a “C” in My Introduction to Religion Class…

…ine Albanese, Professor of American Religious History at the University of California at Santa Barbara, and Columbia University’s Chair of Religious Studies, Mark C. Taylor: Religion can be understood as a system of symbols (creed, code, cultus) by means of which people (a community) orient themselves in the world with reference to both ordinary and extraordinary powers, meanings, and values. (Albanese) Religion, I would argue, is a complex adapti…

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Mennonite in a Midlife Crisis (of Faith)

…Janzen’s writing chronicles her time on sabbatical, which led her back to California Mennonite country by way of her broken marriage. What had originally been scheduled as a much-needed reprieve from her professorship became an escape from an empty, unaffordable house, vacated by her husband for a man named Bob that he met on Involved in a car accident weeks after her husband’s departure, Janzen surely could have languished in her overpr…

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Fighting Demons, Raising the Dead, Taking Over the World

…blications, 1998). On page 35, Haggard describes a 1992 meeting in Upland, California, that was the genesis of his close partnership with Peter Wagner: When I arrived, I met Luis Bush, Dick Eastman, Peter and Doris Wagner and several other recognized leaders. From that meeting, New Life Church formed its mission for the 1990s—to support Luis Bush generally and Peter and Doris Wagner specifically… a calling that led to the creation of the World Pra…

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Atheists Gather in Burbank: A Humanist’s Response

…hem atheo-luminaries Richard Dawkins and Bill Maher, descended on Burbank, California earlier this month for the Atheist Alliance International 2009 convention. The main topic? The great harm done throughout history by religion: the single most dangerous human creation. The welfare of humanity, it was argued, depends on the dismantling of religion and all of its delusions. The possibility of collaboration, of compromise, of any shared ethical comm…

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Modernity’s Fraternity: What Dan Brown Gets Right

…st insofar as there is really an Institute of Noetic Sciences in Petaluma, California. As their Web site explains, the Institute “explores the frontiers of consciousness” to “build bridges between science and spirit,” and “research subtle energies.” Such baloney works wonders for middle-class self-absorption, and for Brown it serves as a useful device. By merging mind and matter, it allows Brown, through Katherine Solomon, to construct his own “mi…

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You Are More Than Your Brain: A Revolutionary Theory of Consciousness

…09) Alva Noë is a cognitive scientist and philosopher at the University of California, Berkeley, who has spent the last 15 years working with researchers studying consciousness and how it works. His new mind-altering book, Out of Our Heads: Why You Are Not Your Brain, and Other Lessons from the Biology of Consciousness, addresses a philosophical mystery: how do we know that we are who we think we are? How do we really know that other people are co…

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Old Politics, New Bedfellows: The Olson/Boies Challenge to Prop. 8

…preme Court in Bush v. Gore) have joined forces to file a lawsuit opposing California’s ban on gay marriage. This whodathunkit romance is supposed to illustrate a point: that the issue of same-sex marriage transcends the familiar categories of liberalism and conservatism. In a recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, Boies asserts: We acted together because of our mutual commitment to the importance of this cause, and to emphasize that this is not…

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The Christian Roots of the New Age: The Aquarian Gospel

…in the Midwest, in Bellville, Ohio, he moved later in life to Los Angeles, California, which is where he wrote down The Aquarian Gospel. The year was 1908, and he died just three years later. When he died, a new Christian movement was in the offing, right there in Los Angeles, one aimed explicitly against the very kinds of Liberal Protestantism so well embodied in The Aquarian Gospel. That new-old style of Christianity called itself “Fundamentalis…

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Christianity Without the Cross

…n Parker (president of the Starr King School for the Ministry in Berkeley, California) have, with passion, scholarship, and clear writing, laid out a fascinating thesis. It is also a stylish and readable book. “This is,” said Diarmuid O’Murchu, the Irish psychologist-priest-writer, and no slouch himself, “the best book of theology I have read in 20 years.” After finishing Proverbs of Ashes: Violence, Redemptive Suffering and the Search for What Sa…

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