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Vatican’s New Media Evangelizing Strategy Can’t Save it from All The Bad News

…ia and its head, Pope Benedict, have not been able to stem the tide of the news cycle about the sexual abuse scandal, nor has the biggest newsmaker in the scandal used media effectively to convey a coherent message to Catholics that is sincere, contrite, and constructive. Even more disturbing is the eagerness to use media in order to evangelize, while demonizing legitimate reporting on the sexual abuse stories. In late April, it was revealed that…

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Conservative Christians Oppose New ‘Inter-Religious’ University

…ing negates my faith. That logic fueled the age of religious warfare. This new postmodern world requires a different economy of belief. Those who reject interreligious bridge-building based on mutual respect and understanding, those who insist ever more rigidly on the exclusive truth of their own way, distance themselves further and further from other traditions. Are these the sorts of religious leaders we want to be producing, to take the helm in…

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New Report on (White) Christian Nationalism and the J6 Insurrection Shows Just ‘How Dire the Threat is’

…ence both prior to, and during, January 6, research he describes both in a new epilogue to the paperback edition of his book The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American, as well as in the new report. As Seidel put it during the February 9 webinar: “America is a shared idea. And Christian nationalism refuses to share. It excludes non-Christians and the wrong kind of Christians, as this report shows…. This is the choice we face as a…

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Aliens, Nanobots, & Microbes: The Science of Secular Apocalypse

…rom a non-religious perspective. His outlook is grim. Nature is dangerous. New technologies are creating even more vectors for disaster. And some apocalypse-minded religious groups, Torres argues, might harness those new technologies in order to manufacture their own end-of-days. Plus, there could be aliens. While reading The End, I spent a lot of time wondering whether Torres was prescient or nuts. Much to his credit,Torres is happy to discuss bo…

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Meet the New Christian Right, Same as the Old Christian Right

…ave suffered a string of defeats in recent years, potentially reigniting culture wars that many liberals had hoped were all but over. It may not be your father’s Christian right, with new players and new tactics, but it’s still the Christian right and it is more empowered than its been since the glory days of Ronald Reagan….

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‘Russkii Mir,’ the Russian Equivalent of ‘Blood & Soil’ Ideology at the Heart of Putin’s War, Explained and Rejected by Theologians in New Statement

…uote from a scholar to the effect that “Putin wanted to be the father of a new Russian nation, but he is the father of a new Ukrainian nation instead.” The same might be said for his hopes to sponsor a revived Russian church, and just possibly for his dreams to use American social divisions against themselves. Any religious body wanting to counteract “division, mistrust, hatred, and violence” just got handed the tools to do so, courtesy of Orthodo…

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The Pope and Social Media: A Digital Counter-Reformation?

…rmines the clerical control that the Pope’s message is intent on securing. Users, Not Consumers New social media is defined primarily in contrast to not to print, but to broadcast media: radio, movies, television. Where the latter is characterized by passive reception of a message crafted outside the immediate experience of the audience, social media today is by its nature participatory, interactive, collaborative, distributive, and, importantly,…

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The Revelation of Kurt Andersen: With ‘Evil Geniuses’ a Media Mandarin Discovers Plutocracy

…st ambitions in completely undoing the premises and core principles of the New Deal and the postwar social compact. They accomplished this feat in just 30 years of concerted effort. Andersen shows us how they did it through sins of commission but also sins of omission: quietly declining to renew key regulatory provisions, dropping cost-of-living indexing for recipients of various public benefits, letting the real value of the federal minimum wage…

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Why It’s Heresy to Read the Bible Literally: An Interview with John Shelby Spong

…of God returns to Jesus who is being put forward by the Christians as the new temple… the new meeting place between God and human life. So, the transfiguration story is the Christian version of Hanukkah. Once you get that framework in Mark’s gospel, Rosh Hashanah to Passover, then you can begin to see it in Matthew and in Luke. It’s very different because Matthew is very Jewish and Luke is very Gentile-oriented. Luke tells a different sort of sto…

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Papal Retirement: A Matter of Conscience

…ning. What is news this time around is that rank and file Catholics want a new Church, not just a new pope. We know that change is in the air because we put it there. Progressive Catholics all over the world are creating new forms of church since the old is so thoroughly discredited. No institution can withstand the onslaught of negative publicity that the Vatican earned over clergy sexual abuse and episcopal cover-ups without major changes. No hi…

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