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Conversion Story #643 (not a real number)

…country. It would resume with graduate school and culminate with living in Egypt specifically for the study of Arabic at an intensive level. This was ten years later and by then I had attained fluency. Still, Arabic is for me a means to an end, not the end in itself. The end—and still my on going quest—is greater and greater understanding of the Qur’an. Of course in the ten years between the shahadah and attaining a proficiency in Arabic, the poli…

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Pray-In On Capitol Hill for DREAM Act

…. This important but modest bill embodies the Jewish principle that “When strangers sojourn with you in your land, you shall not do them wrong. The strangers who sojourn with you shall be to you as the natives among you, and you shall love them as yourself; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt” (Leviticus 19:33-34). The DREAM Act is opposed by religious right groups like Concerned Women for America and Eagle Forum, but Conservatives for Com…

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Sunni Leader Breaks Dialogue With the Vatican Over Pope’s Comments

…arts of the Muslim world. The proper response to that persecution was what Egyptian Muslims did during Christmas, serving as shields for Coptic Christians, standing beside them in their churches. Yes, Muslims are being persecuted around the world. But this gives us no moral high ground. We must do what we can to protect minority communities. The Qur’an is clear in commanding Muslims to always act out of justice, and not out of hate: “Oh you who be…

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An American Muslim Abroad, Or, Things I Saw in Dubai

…he credit card number of some eight-five million men, most of whom live in Egypt.   ⬆ Earlier on this day, I saw a South Asian gentleman crossing an eight-lane highway while drinking a cup of tea out of a white ceramic mug. He took his time, pausing between lanes to let cars whiz by (at roughly 70 miles per hour) and took measured sips to pass the time, enjoying his hot and fresh caffeinated beverage, which no South Asian can survive without. I sa…

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Which Side Are You On?

…meantime, the people are doing a pretty good job of getting ready to leave Egypt all on their own, and we’re stuck wondering why it is nobody thinks we’re relevant anymore. *Harold Meyerson calls Scott Walker “the cheddarhead pharaoh.” Update: No sooner have I spoken than a religious voice weighs in – on the side of the unions. Jerome Listecki, Archbishop of the Diocese of Milwaukee, says: “this much needed call for cooperation and communication b…

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Bibi’s Bad History

…ll its chemical weapons while Israel can keep its chemical arsenal (Israel signed but has not ratified the UN ban on chemical weapons). Why? Because Israel is the most persecuted of all people as illustrated by the Holocaust. So the logic is that persecuted peoples (or perhaps only the most persecuted people) can have WMDs but no one else can. What about the second most persecuted people? And the third? Where do we draw the line? My claim here is…

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Paul for the People: John Dominic Crossan Imagines a “Letter to the Americans” In His New Video Series

…for revolutionary impact: embedded within Messianic-Christian Judaism is a significant level of disruptive social, political, and economic content. You can see some of that in the baptismal details given in Galatians 3:26-29. Claims of full equality between female and male or between master and slave (a Christian master could not have a Christian slave) were socially explosive. Thus it is not surprising, if also very saddening, to see how soon suc…

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The White Nationalist Fantasy of Ancient Christian-Muslim Conflict Would Get an ‘F’ in History Class

…amount to Christian theologians splitting hairs over terminology, they are significant because they show how fluid Christian understandings of Christ’s divinity were when Islam emerged. The Qur’an’s portrayal of Jesus fits within the spectrum of alternative understandings of Jesus in the East. Qur’an 4:171 states that “the Messiah, ‘Īsā ibn Maryam (Arabic for “Jesus son of Mary”), was nothing more than a messenger of God, His Word, directed to Mar…

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Storytime with David Brooks: In Which the Liberals’ Favorite Conservative Gets Lost in a Lily-White History

…how can God’s anointed nation possibly be doing such awful things? Where white Americans complacently see their history “in an upward spiral” under special providential protection, nonwhite Americans, and almost everyone outside our borders, see this New Israel behaving more like Old Egypt in its worship of wealth and power. Brooks ends his column with a wistful plea for a new Moses to come along to revive the Exodus template and “tell us what our…

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The Children of Bellow and Roth: New Book of Short Fiction Takes On the Male Jewish Experience

…story. It’s relatively easy to ship from the United States to El Arish in Egypt, which is twenty miles or so from Gaza. For example, it’s fairly common to rent out part of a shipping container. The tricky part is getting anything into Gaza. The most straightforward way seemed to be overland from El Arish through the Rafa checkpoint. But I was researching and writing the story during the Israeli incursion of 2014, when nothing was getting into Gaz…

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