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On Pi Day, Puzzling Over the Most Famous Transcendental Number

…her Moses Maimonides wrote that pi’s reality has not been found, only approximated. “The ratio between a diameter of a circle and its distance around is not known,” writes Maimonides, who goes on to recommend 22/7 as an approximation. More recently, Pi, the main character in 2001 novel Life of Pi, calls pi an “elusive, irrational number with which scientists try to understand the universe.” “Like ‘pi’, life is not finite,” author Yann Martel expla…

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Fascinating History of Search for “Lost White Tribe” Sheds Light on Construction of Race

…s” in northern Brazil. In the late 1930s the Third Reich would sponsor an expedition to Tibet to find traces of ancient Aryan tribes in the Himalayas. (It was considered a success). And into the 20th century, leading archaeologists believed that massive ruins in southern Africa had been built by a lost white civilization. It’s tempting to wonder what these explorers saw. Were they crazy? Were they lying? Were they right? Can we find any lost white…

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Race, Reparations and the Search for Our Molecular Soul

…ience, and then you add to that DNA, which has been called things like the code of codes, the holy grail. We give it this kind of supernatural significance. So, I think it’s a combination of being a society that values data, being a society that equates progress with scientific development, and being a society that thinks that genetics—in part because DNA comes from you, from us, from we—is the ultimate information, the ultimate data. It’s like th…

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Don’t Call It “Prayer Shaming”: Our Moral Failure Exposed

…nately trailed Black bodies in White America since slavery. The threat of execution that stalks black and brown bodies more than anyone else creates a deeply rooted anxiety that cripples authentic living. This is worthy of our thinking, writing, debating and voting. White evangelicalism, as a political ideology, hijacked this moment with anemic theological impositions when American communities, especially those of color, hungered for political sol…

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I’m Too Sexy for My Church: Will a Thriving Singles Scene Renew American Catholicism?

…munity isn’t new or unique to Catholicism, of course. JDate turns twenty next year, and evangelicals (for whom “young adult” is often code for “single”) have been known to seek out Bible studies with “cute” guys and girls. But in a time of declining demographics, and an upswing in online dating, the popularity of such parishes appears almost as an act of defiance. According to the Pew Research Center, the Catholic share of the population has been…

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Why Belief in the Primacy of Language Leads to a Misunderstanding of Richard Dawkins, Islamophobia, and Politics

…gate into giant dynamic forces, which then loop back and shape individual experiences. Except the currency of affect theory is emotion, which scholars have broken up into much smaller elements like background moods, facial reactions, impulses, and a whole bevy of subtle signals that pass between our brains, bodies, and other people. For much of Western intellectual history, emotions have been dismissed in favor of logic and rationality. If the pas…

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Anglican Bishops Punish Episcopal Church Over LGBT Inclusion; Secularization’s Role in Moving Latin America ‘Beyond Machismo’; Greek Orthodox Bishop Says Gays Deserve Respect; Global LGBT Recap

…hat support LGBT equality: “I hear some people who received dirty money to promote homosexuality in our Christian country are currently seeking to be re-elected. I hear one of them is seeking for a higher office. Elect only those that promote good Christians values because voting people tainted with such dirty money may bring a curse on our country,” Archbishop Ntagali said. Matthew Davies at the Episcopal News Service writes that Michael Curry, p…

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Declaring a Theological State of Emergency: Trump’s Ignorance Must Not Be Ours

…isinformation and demagoguery. Just as Christianity and Judaism have many expressions, so too with Islam. It is for Muslims to sort out their internal matters—but it is incumbent on global citizens to inform ourselves so as not to be cowed by the likes of Trump. For example, a group of Muslims, including feminist journalist Asra Nomani, is calling for a new movement: “We are Muslims who live in the 21st century. We stand for a respectful, merciful…

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Why Conservative Evangelicals Won’t Let Us Pee in Peace

…ins the passage of “religious liberty” laws to protect people who want to express their opposition to same-sex marriage or “transgenderism.”) What the hell is transgenderism, even? The radical ideology of peeing in peace? The extremist belief that you shouldn’t get beat up or murdered because your sexual identity doesn’t match what’s listed on your birth certificate? No, pretty clearly, the point of “religious liberty” laws is to carve out exempti…

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UNESCO on Religion, Culture and SOGI in Asia; Orthodox Family Sues to Stop Cremation of Israeli Trans Woman; Struggles of Iraqi Queer Activists; Global LGBT Recap

…more conservative Muslim states applying Sharia law which condemns same-sex sexual acts, particularly between men, with punishments including imprisonment, lashing and even death. There are limited examples in Asia-Pacific of progressive clerics and Islamic organisations offering greater acceptance for people of diverse sexual and gender identities. In Indonesia, some scholars propose a humanist interpretation of Islam inclusive of LGBT people, s…

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