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What’s Islamophobia, and Do I Have It?

…to the proposition that reading the Bible explains George W.’s war against Iraq? This would be strange, to say the least, but we could say the same for subway ads that quote Muslim scripture beside scenes of terrible violence, as if all we need to understand the one is the other. One sure sign of an Islamophobe is this: you need only remove a few words here and there and their argument pertains with equal vehemence to the West, or Christianity, or…

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Amid Uncertainty, Eight Things We Know for Sure About the Boston Bombings

…well-advanced and active. Thus, even the recent resurgence of violence in Iraq between the Sunnis and Shias has again been described as “ethnic,” when the focus of identity defining the contending communities is explicitly religious. Do journalists need to be reminded that “Sunni” is not the name of an “ethnic” group? Expect with a high degree of certainty then that, outside of the perversions of Fox News, we will never hear the word “religion” u…

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Imagining Fear and Anxiety in Post-9/11 New York

…s revealed. Submissions had been anonymous up to that point, discussed and promoted by a jury selected to represent (some parts of) New York City. The excitement turns to tension, then to panic. The selected design has been produced by a Muslim, an American Muslim architect of some renown named Mohammed Khan, and the committee is flabbergasted. How can they present a design proposed by a Muslim to officially remember 9/11? But on what basis can’t…

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Does Romney’s Religion Condone Torture? [UPDATED]

…thorizing the United States’ use of “enhanced interrogation techniques” in Iraq; and Timothy Flanigan, deputy White House counsel who participated with Alberto Gonzalez in Bush’s “War Council” and testified before a Senate panel that waterboarding and other torture techniques should not necessarily be “off-limits” and that “inhumane can’t be coherently defined.”  When dozens of religious leaders and organizations issued a 2005 statement calling on…

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Reading Beinart and Lerner as Gaza Burns

…the liberal journalistic establishment, a one-time hawk who supported the Iraq War as well as the Israeli occupation of Palestine, declared himself a dove on Israel-Palestine, it was widely hailed as a turning point in Jewish American life. In Crisis, Beinart makes his own motives perfectly clear: he has a powerful sense of attachment to the Jewish people and a deep desire to see Jewish life flourish in the future, but an equally powerful commitm…

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‘Politicized Religion’ Doesn’t Explain Evangelical Support of Donald Trump

…Corinthians”) as ordinary Americans are with the loopholes of the IRS tax code…‘The Art of the Deal,’ his campaign biography by default, is a human billboard for pride and lust…‘I’m a greedy person,’ he told an Iowa audience, ‘I’ve always been greedy.’ Prothero’s explanation is structured around the notion of evangelicals’ loss of their fundamental religious identity through politicization. In supporting Trump, Prothero insists, evangelicals “are…

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Don’t Call It “Prayer Shaming”: Our Moral Failure Exposed

…ive, suggested that these invocations of prayers and positive thoughts are code words for deliberate political inaction by elected officials. The theological commentary on this shooting is what my grandmother would describe as “too heavenly minded and no earthly good.” These conversations about prayer reflect a graver moral issue than “prayer shaming” during a time of tragedy. Since the beginning of this year, 12,223 people have been killed in gun…

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New Mormon Anti-Gay Policy Sparks Mass Exodus From Church; Christian AID Workers in Africa Refuse to Help Gay Refugees; Ukraine Rejects, Then Accepts EU-Required Gay Rights Law; Global LGBT Recap

…ical Fellowship of Honduras asked the Congress to reject any initiative to promote marriage between same-sex couples… The Evangelical Fellowship rejects the proposal that emerges from the Lesbian and Gay Community… Pastors declared that they were not acting according to a whim or with fundamentalist mentality, but based on the Scriptures. The Bible lays down the principles of how to manage sexuality, which is a responsibility that human beings hav…

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GOP Debate Invokes Lincoln-Roosevelt Gospel, Candidates Take Turns Trampling It

…rly Fiorina said, government taxation and regulation crush growth. Her tax code is three pages long. In some contrast, T.R. thought government promotes growth by, among other things, regulating business. Cruz proposes a flat tax 10% so, he said, a millionaire doesn’t pay less than his secretary. Yet Lincoln found that his initial flat tax burdened the lower and middle classes far more than the rich, and he made it progressive. Cruz said his flat t…

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Declaring a Theological State of Emergency: Trump’s Ignorance Must Not Be Ours

…e of the Muslim faith mirrors that of many Americans. “Islam” has become a code word for terrorism. In fact, it is the name of a monotheistic faith tradition based on the Qur’an which is practiced by more than 1.6 billion people, nearly a quarter of the world. Its practitioners are referred to as Muslims. So our popular pedagogy must begin in order to right the wrongs of misinformation and demagoguery. Just as Christianity and Judaism have many ex…

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