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The Democrats’ Real Religion Problem, And All Of Ours

…Georgia, makes no mention of the heavy partisan lean in the district (Tom Price won it by 23 percentage points). He offers no analysis of the national dynamics at play in this race. He doesn’t talk about how the district is significantly whiter than Georgia at large, or the role white flight played in building suburban Atlanta and its politics. Nor does he mention the interesting and probably more salient fact that wealthy, highly-educated suburb…

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Hungarian Mayor Wants to Import White Christians, Ban Muslims & LGBT People; Global LGBT Recap

…ld have to reveal themselves in a circumstance in which that might carry a price in terms of their life and their career. “They feel that what’s come out here is a betrayal in the specific sense. “All sorts of ideas are in this report about what they would have wanted, which I don’t think are accurate.” Hungary: Mayor seeks to import white Christians, ban Muslims and LGBT people BBC reports on the village of Asotthalom, two hours from Budapest, wh…

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October “Baby” is a Grown Woman

…g to his colleague to read. No matter that Hannah’s mother Grace (Jennifer Price) objected to the violation of Hannah’s privacy. These are two good men, and they are concerned, and in the world of October Baby that’s all you need to be able to treat a beautifully damaged and vulnerable woman in whatever way seems best to you. Rather predictably, Hannah flies into a rage at her parents for concealing this information from her, and embarks on a road…

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GOP Debate Invokes Lincoln-Roosevelt Gospel, Candidates Take Turns Trampling It

…hen those areas were unregulated, T.R. found rampant corporate corruption, price fixing, cartels, slums, and poisons in the nation’s food. Jeb Bush wants to repeal all Obama regulation. Going a step further, Fiorina said she’ll review all regulation whatever its origin because government is not accountable. But the Republicanism of Lincoln and T.R. holds that government is most accountable because of that new-fangled idea of election by the citize…

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Is It the Job of Religion Journalists to Define “Religion”?

…ulties inherent in defining religion—supported by scholars, such as Joseph Price, who have focused on the blurry line between religion and popular culture. Oppenheimer’s reflections were—in effect—a journalistic riff on the issues raised by the research on which he was reporting. Oppenheimer, in reporting on new research at HDS, and Linker in his opinion piece taking Oppenheimer to task, mirror issues that we face as scholars of religion. Linker s…

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The Journalist and the Bishops: CNS Editor Fired For Tweeting Opposition to LGBT Discrimination

…think of it as something of our special inheritance, fought for at a great price, and a heritage to be guarded now. We are stewards of this gift, not only for ourselves but for all nations and peoples who yearn to be free. Catholics in America have discharged this duty of guarding freedom admirably for many generations. Even as the Catholic hierarchy bewails the lack of respect for “religious freedom,” they demanded that Spence resign for daring t…

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White Evangelicals Win White House for Trump, But Lose Big

…exit polls, 81 percent of white evangelicals voted for Donald Trump. That number should stun on its own, but its historical outrageousness becomes clearer when considering it represents higher support than George W. Bush received from white evangelicals in his two election bids. Despite that enthusiastic endorsement, some conservative Christian leaders are already trying to distance evangelicals from their complicity in the results. On his blog a…

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Mormon Leaks: Boring Meetings with Interesting Implications

…st, and rebelled against such economic axioms as the profit motive, market price and trade. Despite this economic legacy, voices such as these cannot be found among the Mormon hierarchy today. After the 2008 crash, the Mormon Conference focused on economic issues, but narrowly, stressing individual thrift and endurance rather than taking on socioeconomic structures or public policy. I had assumed that the silence on the part of today’s Mormon lead…

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Countering the “Countering Violent Extremism” Program

…and a corresponding Twitter account and website are all part of what Bryan Price, the director of the Combating Terrorism Center, calls an “inbound marketing” strategy. Countering violent extremism programming, or CVE, is on the rise at home and abroad. The domestic side of the story is receiving solid coverage by outlets like AlterNet and substantial pushback from an active coalition of civil society and civil libertarian groups, including the Am…

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Doing Political Theology In an Election Season: Howard Thurman on Deception

…m-solving abilities are outstripped by the enormity of our challenges. The price of deception, Thurman continues, is to become a deception. American elections, as we can see so clearly this season, are exercises in deception. The prevailing frame of the ideal voter as middle class and the excessive attention given to our presidential candidates’ tax returns (or lack thereof) and Goldman Sachs speaking fees have obscured more pivotal realities on t…

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