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Sometimes Salvation Looks Like Rage: An Open Letter to “Non-denominational” Churches

…ht here in our own backyard? What if we began talking about the increasing number of Black and Latino women, men and children that die at the hands of police every year? As much as non-denominational and evangelical churches zero in on so-called “sins of the flesh” (Galatians 5:19-21), hubris is perhaps the most frequently mentioned sin in the entire Bible. This brings me to my second point. Self-righteousness—the belief that one has exclusive acc…

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Secularist Activists Are Being Murdered in Bangladesh: An Ongoing Crisis Causes Many to Flee

…s to die. One of the writers, Ranadipam Basu, was able to reach his mobile phone and post about the attack on Facebook, prompting police to respond and help those attacked to the hospital. They would all survive, though with injuries of varying severity. Sadly, another publisher wounded in a connected attack later that day, Faisal Arefin Deepan, would not survive; he was killed in his office, his body found by his father. Immediately after the att…

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Emanuel’s Pulse: A Plea for Black Church–LGBTIQ Solidarity

…ation / Emanuel’s Pulse, a “pneumatic pact“ In Charleston and now Orlando, last year was this year’s future. Church and nightclub, sanctuaries of the Sacred, places for the celebration of (the) mass(es). Life’s (w)holiness, notwithstanding the bullet holes now in it. With vigilance, hold vigil with me. We know that neither Christianity nor Islam are reducible to the violence perpetrated in their names. Just as we didn’t reduce Christianity to Dyla…

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US Offers Help For Investigation of Bangladesh Killings

…g from pro-civil-union comments she made while visiting Harvard University last year, a shift “critics say is a play to attract Catholics and evangelical Christians.” After those comments last fall, a congressman resigned from the party “to stay firm in the defense of the principles and values of life and family.” Fujimori led voting in April elections but not by enough to avoid a runoff, which will be held on June 5. She is reportedly running nec…

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“Even the Rich Suffer”: An Interview with Google’s Jolly Good Fellow Chade-Meng Tan

…y still doubles as his nickname: Jolly Good Fellow. Over the course of two phone conversations, RD asked Tan—who was, in fact, quite jolly—if mindfulness is a watering-down of Buddhism, whether meditation can truly save the world, and why he specializes in teaching rich people. You’re one of the only prominent advocates of secular mindfulness who is not white. What’s that like? Not only am I one of the only non-white people, but I’m one of the ver…

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Sacred Geography: A Queer Latino Theological Response to Orlando

…n bed on Sunday morning, reading the news about the Orlando shooting on my phone. In the wake of the tragedy, I have found myself mostly at a loss for words, stuttering between anger and sadness. I can not fully describe what I was feeling and thinking that morning as I was getting ready to head over to the LA Pride parade—even as news came in of an arrest in Santa Monica, earlier in the day, of a heavily armed man who was supposedly en route to t…

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Pope’s ‘Joy of Love’ Brings Little Joy To LGBT Catholics; Gay Atheist Malaysian Granted Refugee Status In Canada; Global LGBT Recap

…s right in front of us, difference is on our iPads, in our laptops, in our phones. We hold a whole world of difference every time we open a phone. And the response to in the world around is at best insult, and so often violence, a reality which is the living experience of many you here. Welby also addressed a January gathering of Primates, which voted to suspend the Episcopal Church from questions on doctrine or policy for three years because of i…

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Thank You Breitbart, For The Islam

…mosque, either. She probably has more in common with other Britons of her class and community than religion abstractly. And if it is the case that a mosque and a row of English houses are immiscible, then what happens to a synagogue, a Hindu Temple or, indeed, even a church? At what point does national identity become fixed, and closed to other religions? How can Englishness accommodate secularity, considering that widespread agnosticism and risin…

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How (and Why) A Determined Sit-In Worked

…limited to monitoring the progress of the Congressional Democrats’ sit-in last night mostly by Twitter. Still, what I saw was fascinating, and frankly, inspiring. It’s hard not to admire a 76-year-old John Lewis using the same tactics he used in the campaign against segregation for a new kind of liberation. We’ll come back to his determination later. First, to answer your questions: Was the sit-in a publicity stunt? Yes, and a successful one at t…

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When Auschwitz Becomes a Poké Stop

Last week we watched death on our smartphones. We witnessed the light drain out of Philando Castile’s eyes and we knew that the stillness of Alton Sterling’s body after the bullets were fired was that of death. We watched. On smartphones and tablets and laptops and televisions, we watched real people die. As Luvvie Ajayi has written, these images and videos “desensitize us to black death” and numb us to the violence done against black bodies—a po…

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