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The Way We Never Were: Calling Out Evangelicals For Hypocrisy Misses the Point

…s moorings.” Jay Caruso expresses much the same sentiment. Writing for the Dallas Morning News, he notes that when it comes to evangelical support for Trump, “all of the lying, multiple marriages, multiple sexual assault and harassment allegations, ugly comments about immigrants, petty and vindictive insults thrown at people who dare to criticize him—none of it matters.” Evangelical leaders like Robert Jeffress—who just last week referred to evang…

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The Right is Using the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago Search to Martyr Trump and Maintain the Violent Myth of the Big Lie

…range jumpsuit and red MAGA cap sobbed in a cage in a convention center in Dallas. Attendees at CPAC, the massive annual conservative activist conference, were given Bluetooth headphones, emblazoned with the word “silence,” where they were invited to listen to audio accounts from January 6 defendants who have been jailed in relation to the Capitol riot. According to Owen, the line to see the J6 Jail exhibit was hundreds of people long. While an ac…

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‘This is a War Meeting…This is Gonna Get Dirty,’ Anti-Woke Capitalism, & American ‘History’: Day 2 Roundup

…victories—a favorite tactic of the Right—in Denver, Colorado Springs, and Dallas, and calls on believers to “find anyone in church that’s not registered to vote, register them to vote and get them to vote their biblical values,” claiming that church mobilizations, and efforts by groups like Moms for Liberty, were key to these local victories. Pastor Jentezen Franklin, Senior Pastor at Free Chapel, based in Georgia, exclaims during his speech that…

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Inspired by the Anti-Abortion Movement and QAnon, Anti-Trans Rhetoric is a Blatant Call for Violence

…of the American Right are already owning the term “terrorist.” At CPAC in Dallas, “We’re all domestic terrorists” was flashed across a screen behind the stage, to the cheers of the audience. It’s a new, horrifying version of the anti-abortion murder redux—brought to us by the same people whose incendiary rhetoric inspired the bombings of abortion clinics. By claiming that medical personnel who perform abortions were committing murder, the right-w…

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Who Could Possibly Take Issue With ‘Human Dignity’? Beware of Trojan Horses

…ary’s prime minister Victor Orbán spoke at CPAC’s April 2022 conference in Dallas, religious conservatives in the United States wildly embraced him as the prophetic herald of a post-Enlightenment model of a spiritually-pure cultural polity. “What I see in Orbán,” raved conservative Christian columnist, Rod Dreher, “is one of the few major politicians in the West who seems to understand the importance of Christianity, and the importance of culture,…

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The Spirit of January 6th: The Theology of This Seldom Discussed Movement Animates the Growing Threat to U.S. Democracy

…ian theology with charismatic zeal into a force that cannot be stopped!” A number of scholars and journalists across a wide range of interests and concerns have written about the significance of the Latter Rain.** This is notable in light of the dearth of contemporary reporting on the Dominionism of NAR, a dearth that effectively erases the past. Of course, all of this is not entirely new. Indeed, the idea of dominion has roots in the 19th and ear…

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I’m Not Here to Fix Evangelicals, But to Show Them Who They Are: An Interview With the Author of ‘White Evangelical Racism’

…de. You also point out that he had no qualms about joining First Baptist – Dallas, the megachurch now headed by staunch Trump loyalist Robert Jeffress, when it was pastored by the segregationist W. A. Criswell. Further, instead of whitewashing Graham’s association with Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., you describe the relationship as “testy.” You even state baldly that Graham “exemplified a kind of religion that combined Christianity, patriotism,…

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From the cover of the Kindle edition of C. Peter Wagner's book.

It’s Not the Name It’s the Theocratic Vision — THE NEW APOSTOLIC REFORMATION’S PR PROBLEM

…ng several writing at RD. We needn’t rehash all that except to note that a number of the Summit’s participants suggested that the name of their movement poses a public relations problem. While the term New Apostolic Reformation* has stood the test of time for more than a quarter of a century, some don’t like it, mostly because others in the movement have been harshly criticized. Several speakers argued that NAR should not be used because, even amo…

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No, Rush Limbaugh Did Not Hijack Your Parents’ Christianity

…d James Dobson as part of the background noise. In 2016, when overwhelming numbers of white evangelicals backed Donald Trump, it seemed that Limbaugh had the edge over Dobson when it came to discipling white evangelicals. How else could one explain the apparent betrayal of “family values” evangelicalism? Their salt-of-the-earth Christianity had been hijacked by the likes of Rush Limbaugh. Except it hadn’t. At least not if hijacking entails taking…

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Attack on the US Capitol Has Many Journos Finally Taking White Evangelical Authoritarianism and Christian Nationalism Seriously

…t the matter of Trump’s “character,” although others, like First Baptist – Dallas Pastor Robert Jeffress and President of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Franklin Graham, have been consistent in their pro-Trump enthusiasm. Green’s reporting gives pride of place to Mohler’s insistence that he was “shocked” at last Wednesday’s events and that, in supporting Trump in the 2020 election, he had no inkling that things would take the turn that…

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