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Three church doors in a row, all shut.

As a Queer Catholic Woman I Had High Hopes Before the 2023 Catholic Synod on Synodality

…elt that little sacristy door slightly creak open as I fumbled to dial the phone to call my mom. Was this it? Sadly, no. My excitement faded as I followed the livestream of the Synod of Bishops, punctuated by anger as I read the summit’s 41-page report. This past Friday I saw New Ways Ministry’s statement, “Synod Report Greatly Disappoints, But We Must Have Hope,” while walking down a busy DC thoroughfare. In it Francis DeBernardo, executive direc…

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Alabama’s IVF Ruling Reveals Deep Ties to This Increasingly Influential Christian Right Movement

…as and Augustine, which, according to religion scholar Julie Ingersoll, “reflects more of the character and tone of the reformed wing of dominionism” which reveals the influence of Christian Reconstructionism on his legal thinking. According to Ingersoll, portions of Parker’s concurrence expose the movement’s loftier theocratic aspirations: It’s not just about IVF or even about contraception (though it is about both). Parker’s opinion completely d…

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Where’s Wallnau? A NAR Apostle Takes Aim at Swing Counties in ‘The Battle for the Mountain of Government’

…gence apps” including As One America, which contains the name, address and phone number of Christian neighbors “who are not showing up to vote or who are not registered.” He then showed a map with big red arrows pointing to precincts “within striking distance” from Vida Church to the precincts that are “where the devil’s got a stronghold that God wants to break up.” The app was developed by Superfeed Technologies, which has also designed apps for…

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The ‘Unified Reich’ Scandal is a Feature Not a Bug of Trump’s Brand of American Fascism

…ion of a unified Reich. The German word for “empire,” Reich can refer to a number of entities, the most common association today being Nazi Germany, which referred to itself as the “Third Reich”—following the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation and Imperial Germany. The video’s reference to the Reich, as the Associated Press has reported, seems to have been taken verbatim from a Wikipedia entry on World War I: German industrial strength and pro…

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First it Was an Insurrection Flag, Now Supreme Court Justice Alito is Caught Flying Another Far-Right Flag — An ‘Emblem for an Extensive Spiritual Warfare Campaign’

…so maybe Mrs. Alito’s way of coping with neighborhood strife is to hoist a flag flown by insurrectionists. Could it be true? Yes. But it is incredibly unlikely—just as unlikely as misogynist-in-chief Sam Alito allowing his wife to decide which flag is flown for days at his house, openly supporting the insurrection. The story would be wild enough if it ended there—and grounds for Democrats to impeach the man. After all, here’s a Supreme Court Justi…

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‘The Quiet Damage’ Details the Heartbreaking Effect of QAnon on Five American Families — But Critical Questions Linger

…s where family members lose friends or fail exams because of their QAnon-afflicted spouse or parent are some of the most affecting. Getting out is a matter of the person wanting to change. They have to be ready to accept that they might be wrong and to take real accountability and make amends with their loved ones. The book’s conclusion flatly confirms that some will not change, and loved ones must let them go, grieve, and move on without them if…

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But ‘Natural’ is Better, No? ‘How Faith in Nature’s Goodness Leads to Harmful Fads, Unjust Laws, and Flawed Science’

…al: How Faith in Nature’s Goodness Leads to Harmful Fads, Unjust Laws, and Flawed Science, religion scholar Alan Levinovitz investigates how Nature has become a “meta-myth,” an overarching conceptual framework that cuts across religion, science, and society. I reached out to Levinovitz over the phone to discuss organic food, birth control, alternative medicine, and the role of naturalness in explaining COVID-19. This interview has been edited for…

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Evangelicalism “Wasn’t Created for Someone Like Me”: Following a Queer Evangelical of Color in the Age of Trump

…n edited and condensed version of our conversations, which took place over phone and email. FEBRUARY 2017 Since the election, how has your relationship with white evangelicalism shifted? Sundays are hard. The last few months, as the temperature has turned up, I just get angry when sermons don’t address the injustice and violence in our country. I do not want to leave the first church that ever felt like a home to me. I’ve spent my entire Christian…

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Accused of Anti-Semitism, Trump Aide Makes Ancestry Appeal

…ternal grandmother was a Jew. Of course, it is possible to express [insert flavor of bigotry here] even if you have friends, relatives, partners, or a spouse who identify as part of [group that is the target of that bigotry]. It’s a close cousin to the “some of my best friends are [insert group]” defense. In this case, Schmitz is making his case in Jewish legal terms. Under traditional interpretations of Jewish law, membership in the Tribe is matr…

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William Barber on the phone

William Barber And The Religious Left Join Forces. Will It Work?

…aw-making in the U.S.—not faith. As long as that’s the case, people will deflect, deny or find excuses for their racial tribalism, no matter how religious they are. The herrenvolk have exquisitely woke consciences—but only for the people who look and talk like them. They lump the others into the category of “the undeserving poor” and seek to cut their benefits, a story going back at least to the New Deal. The idea that faith can dislodge this kind…

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