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Gingrich’s Faith Leaders “Not Aware” they’d been Enlisted in Campaign

…n Sunday, Pastor Scrivner Damon of New Life Community Church in North Palm Beach, who was listed on the January 28 announcement, looked at me, bewildered, when I asked him about the coalition. “Was I?” he asked, when I told him he was listed as a member. I showed him the announcement, and as he read it, he shook his head. “I have not done anything,” he said. “I haven’t even made up my mind who I’m going to vote for yet.” When I called Pastor Doug…

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Mark Driscoll vs John MacArthur: Battle of the Self-Promoting Calvinists

…him, John MacArthur is an old school fundamentalist whose church draws over 8000 weekly attendees. He also believes all Charismatics are blasphemers, and ultimately hell-bound, which is the premise of his Strange Fire conference, based on his recent book of the same name. MacArthur spent the conference denouncing the prosperity gospel, the social gospel, charismatics…so basically, everyone except him and his ever-shrinking group of friends. Drisco…

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Death of an Occult Crime Expert Reawakens Controversy

…mer graduated from police academy top of his class. He served the Virginia Beach police department for 34 years during which he received the department’s medal of merit and was inducted into the city’s hall of fame. He was also an active member of his Methodist church as well as a loving husband, father, and grandfather. However, what Rimer will most be remembered for is his career as an expert on so-called “occult crime.” Rimer became interested…

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Tea Party, Circa 1930s: A Response to Michael Kazin

…, strong grassroots groups in California, the Ozarks, the Midwest, and the South came together in the New Right/Christian Right impetus spurred by East Coast power brokers like Howard Phillips, Richard Viguerie, and Paul Weyrich. But the important thing to remember is that DC strategists would not have had a base without the decades-long history of movement building that had gone on in churches nationwide. Even as the 1970s news media were “discov…

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Rick Perry and the New Apostolic Reformation

…e President George H.W. Bush should court. Wead noted how Robison’s fellow Southern Baptists were “offended when he recently claimed to have experienced ‘deliverance’ from an ‘evil spirit.’” But many prominent Southern Baptists appear to have moved past such concerns. At The Call on the National Mall in 2008, hosted by Lou Engle, one of the NAR-influenced instigators of Perry’s prayer rally, Mike Huckabee and Perkins (both Southern Baptists) were…

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Who is Mat Staver, Counsel for Anti-Gay Activist Against Suit from Uganda?

…iller has been in hiding with Isabella since September 2009, living in the beach house of Christian Right activist and businessman Philip Zodhiates, whose daughter Victoria Hyden works as an administrative assistant at Liberty Law School. Students at Liberty Law School tell RD that in the required Foundations of Law class in the fall of 2008, taught by Miller’s attorneys Mat Staver and Rena Lindevaldsen, they were repeatedly instructed that when f…

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The Happening and the Gospel of Bruce Springsteen

…rt. For the outskirts, for that place away—in this song, “an old abandoned beach house.” Of course, Springsteen isn’t the only musician with Big Things in mind: Miley Cyrus’ godmother also sings about sin and salvation. Backwoods Barbie, Dolly Parton’s new album, is a familiar mix of noble women, cheatin’ men, and a forgiving God. Says reviewer Susan Wunderlink, “Her songs put forward Christian spiritual elements like faith and prayer, but Parton…

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‘Back Door’ Voucher Plan Diverts Tax Dollars to Religious Schools

…ic education are gearing up for a fight. In a recent letter to the Daytona Beach News-Journal, Rabbi Merrill Shapiro, president of the Board of Trustees of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, wrote, “Who should make the decision about how much money any citizen contributes to religious groups—that citizen, or the government? Most Americans would have no trouble answering that question. All of us want the right to freely make our o…

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Ihram: Dressing for the King

…is worn by the men. They have two plain white clothes (about the size of a beach towel) which they wear. One piece is wrapped around their lower half, like a sarong or skirt, and the other piece either goes over one shoulder and under the arm on the opposite side, or, is sometimes draped over both shoulders. At certain points along the way with the hajj rites, they are supposed to change from right shoulder covered to left shoulder covered. It’s v…

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Pamela Geller in Brooklyn: Free Speech, Hate Speech, and the Futility of Arguing with a Bigot

…encourage hate speech. 6:58 The man in front of me asks, ‘Do you have an iPhone charger?’ ‘For a 5,’ I ask, though so presumptively it does not merit a question mark. ‘Yeah.’ ‘Yeah.’ ‘Awesome.’ He’s a nice fellow, though he believes Palestinians would have a different view of Israel if only they ‘visited’ (not seeming to understand that they cannot, and many would not be visiting so much as returning to places they were expelled from). They could…

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