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A Meeting of Minds… and Computers: What Are the Costs of Using Technology to Merge Humans with Machines?

…ural signal receptors that could allow users to type words into their smartphone using only their thoughts. Billionaire Elon Musk raised the ante even further, announcing a new company, Neuralink Corporation, that aims to merge human brains with computers with the ultimate goal of enabling what Musk calls “consensual telepathy.” In this scenario, you would be able to share your thoughts and feelings with another person through a neural-computer in…

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You Are What You Eat: New Book on Cannibalism Reimagines What It Means to Be Made of Flesh

…ls, the Queen announced, Columbus could take them, put them in chains, and sell them wherever he pleased, inside or outside Isabella’s many realms. Reports of cannibalism in the New World spiked. In general, cannibalism is widely reported but difficult to confirm. Subjects will often tell ethnographers about it, but ethnographers virtually never see it themselves (the anthropologist William Arens famously argued that ritual cannibalism doesn’t rea…

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In This Week’s LGBT Recap: Are Gay Priests Overdue for a Stonewall Moment?

…ipated in World Congress of Families summits. Also listed as signers are a number of religious leaders, including Foley Beach, Archbishop of the Anglican Church in North America; Catholic Bishop Emmanuel Badejo of Ojo, Nigeria; Lawrence Khongy, pastor of Faith Community Baptist Church in Singapore; and Josiah Trenham, an Orthodox priest who has spoken repeatedly at World Congress of Families gatherings.   Vatican: Commentary on gay priest ban; tim…

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So What if Psychedelics Are ‘Just’ Spiritual?

…s largely on the measurable and the medicinal. Otherwise put, in order to “sell” psychedelics to the public, especially the legislative and legal establishments, it must not only be put on par with other drug therapies but also shown to be even more effective. The approach, in other words, is thoroughly pragmatic, and understandably so: remember that legal, recreational marijuana was first medical marijuana. All of which raises an interesting ques…

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If We Did Use the Bible to Run the Country…

…ubile girls for their own sexual use. On the other hand, the wealthy would sell all that they have and give the proceeds to the poor. I have no need for Jeff Sessions or anyone in this administration to interpret scripture to or for me. What I require is that they exercise the responsibilities of their offices with integrity and compassion. I invite the Attorney General and the White House spokesperson to audit or enroll in an academically rigorou…

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SCOTUS’s Incoherent ‘Masterpiece Cakeshop’ Decision

…nder a rock recently, Masterpiece involves a Colorado baker who refused to sell a wedding cake to a same-sex couple due to his religious beliefs. He was substantially fined by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission, but with the help of the ADF, appealed the case all the way up to the Supreme Court, where he ultimately emerged victorious. The decision was “narrow” in the sense of being limited in scope and more concerned with procedure than setting…

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Historian Matthew Stewart Upends the Widespread Belief that 19th Century U.S. Christianity Was On ‘The Right Side of History’

…lement accommodated slaveholding and reinforced patriarchy long past their sell-by dates. He exposes their timidity and dishonesty. He lays out the whole story in a brisk and entertaining way. The infidels of primary interest, profiled by Stewart in a whole new light, are renegade Unitarian minister Theodore Parker and abolitionist leader Frederick Douglass, who greatly respected each other. These two were connected, in turn, to infidel-in-chief A…

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The Chilling Response to the Pelosi Attack isn’t Simply a Matter of Partisanship, it’s a Sign of the Right’s Embrace of Fascism

…ath squads that kill conservatives, molest children, drink their blood and sell them into sexual slavery—what else is left but a desperate act of violence? The attack itself was shocking. What’s been truly chilling though, were the responses of elected GOP officials and candidates. Few expressed their condolences. Those who did, failed to acknowledge their own or their party’s complicity in this brutal act, instead claiming more broadly that polit…

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Is Zionism No Longer Able to Offer Solutions to the Present Reality?

…written by a liberal Zionist that I’ve read. And yet, I think it misses a number of crucial elements—not so much in its diagnostics but in its framing of liberalism and its realistic suggestions for a new liberal Zionist paradigm. Full disclosure: I’ve known Donniel Hartman for a long time. We always seemed to have affinity and respect for one another’s ideas, even as our differences remain significant. I never quite understood why. After reading…

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Who Killed Mars Hill Church? There’s One Suspect Evangelicals Simply Aren’t Prepared to Interrogate

…, and J. Howard Pew, scion of a prominent oil family seeking a platform to sell American Christians on libertarian economics. As a CT production attempting to reckon with problems within evangelicalism itself, RFMH offers us a window on what evangelicals view as problems and as solutions to what confronts their movement, as well as the gaps and contradictions in their self-analysis. Gaps often indicate something profound about a group or an author…

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