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Meet the New (Straight White American Male) Mormon President

…top leadership, as noted above, still consists entirely of straight white American men in their 80s and 90s not known for their open-mindedness or innovation, it seems likely that much of the controversy that has plagued the church will continue. But perhaps now I’ll get an answer to a question I’ve had for several years about one of the songs from The Book of Mormon musical. Will the lyrics to “I Believe,” in which Elder Price affirms his belief…

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North America Has a Hindu Nationalist Problem, and Scholars are On the Frontlines of These Right-Wing Attacks

…to lose if Hindutva harassment of academics continues to flourish on North American soil. The academy needs more critical thought about South Asia, not less. Academic freedom is the very heart of the globally envied North American education system. In actively trying to undermine our educational and research efforts in North America, the Hindu Right impoverishes the study of South Asia, and, moreover, it assaults the justly cherished foundation of…

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The Visceral Vote: Obama-as-Sojourner v. McCain-as-Mythic-Hero

…ich to live,” according to Wuthnow. Since the true threat came from within American life itself, it is hardly surprising that the communist threat was seen as much inside as outside the nation: “Americans feared that their fortress could be invaded at any time. They spent increasing amounts on national defense [and] built bomb shelters,” while at the same time they “searched for subversives in their midst.” It could hardly have been otherwise. Whe…

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This is not a Religion Column: Sarah Palin, American

…t is the principle of the thing with George, and, moreover, being a native American and a veteran of the last war, he has a rather narrow prejudice against being ordered around by guys who talk like they just got off the boat.” Spelvin’s borough of bubbleheads sounds more like Brooklyn than Mayberry. His anxieties, his bigotries—organized labor, immigrants—are those most commonly attendant to urban living. Even his name is a sly joke for working c…

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Can’t “Truss” a White Conservative’s Pledge

…sed by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USA’s first African-American President. LBJ’s 1965 War on Poverty was triggered in part by the famous “Moynihan Report” finding that the black out-of-wedlock birthrate had hit 26%; today, the white rate exceeds that, the overall rate is 41%, and over 70% of African-American babies are born to single parent. Um, Hell-to-the-yeah s…

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A Color-Blind America? Don’t Fall For The Okey-Doke

…k that we don’t need area studies such as African American studies, Native American Studies, Asian American studies and the like—all because race/ism is no longer an issue. Within the study of religion, this could mean that examination of African American and African diasporic traditions, which are heavily (though not exclusively) rooted in the legacy of slavery, might be seen as a glimpse into the archaic past—a past that has little to no contemp…

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Syria and the American Apocalyptic Imagination: Isaiah 17:1 as “Evidence” of the End

…he restoration or defense of such worlds. So “religious enthusiasm” or the American apocalyptic can be read as modes of the disaffection of the citizen in a time of political delegitimation. We often see this “religion” taking shape most clearly when we focus all the way down, to the odd hybrid of melancholy and triumphalism in these assertions about Damascus. The ephemeral links between scripture and the present are made firm through the intensit…

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Countering the “Countering Violent Extremism” Program

…ive coalition of civil society and civil libertarian groups, including the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). “…the CVE agenda adopts a particular approach to religion in which the latter is understood to “cause” political outcomes, both good and bad.” There has been less debate on the foreign policy side. According to the State Department’s Sarah B. Sewall, the increased US emphasis on…

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YouTube Terrorism

…e of duty for the first time in 33 years. Three others perish with him. An American consulate is destroyed. At the same time, an American flag is torched, while another diplomatic post, an embassy, is stormed in a neighboring Arab Muslim country. Days later, further outbursts against American officials and diplomatic sites occur in two other Arab Muslim countries. The headlines are here stripped of their local names, not to protect the innocent bu…

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War Criminal Henry Kissinger, First Jewish Secretary of State, Had a Lengthy History of Antisemitism

…said, “The emigration of Jews from the Soviet Union is not an objective of American foreign policy. And if they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern. Maybe a humanitarian concern.” The ADL is, then, endorsing a man who actively fantasized about ignoring a second Holocaust. Kissinger summed up his attitude to Jewish people by blandly and directly admitting his own prejudice. “If it were not for the accident…

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