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Graham’s Muslim Brotherhood Conspiracy Theory Not New

…n’t accurate. It’s essential to understand the interaction between evangelical powerbrokers, who were once thought to direct the conversation, and the right-wing echo chamber in which evangelicals are now often the echoers, rather than the directors. Corn: In an interview last week with, a conservative website (that pushes the Obama-was-born-in-Kenya conspiracy theory), Franklin Graham, an evangelist like his father, Billy Graham, clai…

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Our Lady of Good Hope and Excellent Behavior: Why this Apparition and Why Now?

…erely evidence of “centuries-old tradition of folk Catholicism driven by local traditions,” as Lewis Wallace suggests in these pages—although he’s right about the endurance of local Christianities. The event has less to do with popular devotions, though, than the global politics of the Catholic leadership. The main question posed by Bishop David Ricken’s public approval of the shrine and the 19th-century apparitions that inspired it is: Why this o…

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Hell, in Rob Bell’s Own Words: State of Belief Radio

…e of Every Person Who Ever Lived” debuted at #2 on the New York Times best-seller list. Here’s the description: “Rob Bell addresses one of the most controversial issues of faith-the afterlife-arguing, would a loving God send people to eternal torment forever…? Bell puts hell on trial, and his message is decidedly hopeful-eternal life doesn’t start when we die; it starts right now. And ultimately, Love Wins.” Pastor Bell I know you’re on a book tou…

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Politics Threaten Utah Compact on Immigration

…nowhere approach like Arizona’s SB 1070, authored by Arizona legislator Russell Pearce, who is Mormon. The Compact, like other state immigration laws, also set the state of Utah on a collision course with the federal government. The framers of the Compact and Utah’s guest worker legislation hoped that taking a productive course of action would force the government to confront the necessity of comprehensive federal immigration reform. Utah’s Attorn…

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GOP Presidential Candidates’ Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy

…pervalent molecules. He was asked his view on the fundamental and scientifically uncontroversial idea undergirding all biological science. Paul’s fellow candidates Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann are candid about their hostility toward evolution. Both support Creationism 2.0, also known as intelligent design. “I support intelligent design,” Bachmann told reporters earlier this year. “There is reasonable doubt on both sides.” And Perry, in a 2010 i…

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Rick Perry, the Christocrat Favorite for President?

…As far as the religious right goes, let’s dispense with Daniels. He first called for a “truce” on the “social issues,” then attempted to placate angry religious right powerbrokers, apparently, by signing a bill defunding Planned Parenthood in his state. But then he floated Condoleezza Rice as a running mate — and the religious right leadership slapped back because they think she’s “pro-abortion.” Enter Perry. He’s got impecable Christian right cr…

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Maybe Romney Could Win the GOP Nomination With a “Danger” Mitt Rebrand

…ampshire pols Doug and Stella Scamman’s farm, with American Legion Post 35 selling hot dogs and Ann Romney’s special recipe chili in the background. Very windy. Very white barn. Very hay bale. Very bucolic. (But delayed for 20 minutes by Fox News coverage of tornados.) In prepared remarks, Romney said that America had given Obama a fair shake but that the president had “failed.” Now was the time, Romney claimed, to rescue America, the “land of opp…

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Why The Book of Mormon (the Musical) is Awesomely Lame

…ds, winning nine of the 14 awards it was nominated for, including Best Musical. But tonight’s success is hardly unexpected, capping off, as it does, an extraordinary season of critical adulation. What’s going on? Why has a good-not-great religious satire from the creators of South Park received rapturous praise from the whole canon of media tastemakers? It may be true that The Book of Mormon is the second-best musical début (behind American Idiot)…

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The View from a Jew at a “Solemn Assembly” Like Rick Perry’s

…run for the presidency.” Of course religious people are free to have political rallies. But they shouldn’t be used to convert people, if they involve elected officials or otherwise have a government imprimatur, and if they are intended to influence legislation or policy, they should merely reflect the legislative or policy perspective of the organizers, not an insistence that we should be governed by their version of the Bible. I’ve reported on, a…

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Obama’s Religion Problem, Marriage Equality, and a Bush Executive Order

…ge equality during the campaign. Why? Because of religion, or, more specifically, because of the belief cultivated by inside-the-Beltway strategists that “people of faith” who had been voting Republican might just vote Democratic if Democrats would (a) talk about their “personal faith,” and (b) not be so ardent in their support of reproductive rights and marriage equality. Candidate Obama played Reagan to that constituency’s leadership, a move tha…

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