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Trump v LGBT People At the UN; ‘Bible Beer’ Backlash in Australia; Global LGBT Recap

…what UN Ambassador Nikki Haley had in mind when she pledge to ‘unabashedly promote American values.’” C-Fam has teamed up Russia and anti-equality African and Islamist nations to try to undermine the Council’s newly created independent expert, who is charged with investigating discrimination and violence on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. CNN reported this month on the ways that Donald Trump’s travel ban and suspension of refu…

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Palin on Syria: Let “Allah” Sort it Out

In a keynote address at the Faith and Freedom Coalition earlier this week Sarah Palin spoke about the need to “‘rededicate’ our country to ‘our one true Heavenly Father,” going on to say, “If we rededicate our land to our Lord, things will turn around.” Elsewhere in Palin’s speech her call for “rededication” was juxtaposed by a mocking reference to “Allah” and the bloody civil war in Syria. I say until we know what we’re doing, until we have a co…

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4 (or 5) American Muslims For Ben Carson to Interrogate

…s. After high school, Peter became a U.S. Army Ranger, and was deployed to Iraq for several months with a special operations unit. Peter later returned to the Middle East as a medical relief worker. While delivering supplies to a town in Syria, however, he was abducted by ISIS. Peter’s journey to Islam began before his captivity, but he only formally embraced the faith while a hostage. Not that it mattered. ISIS, unlike Ben Carson, treated the Ame…

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Sam Harris and the New Islamophobes, Deconstructed

…ctivist garb. Harris meets Rand meets Griffith. Bush’s Trix Doctrine viz. “freedom is god’s gift to humanity,” morphs into “freedom is the technological imperative” slash “technology is freedom’s imperative.” Hence reactionary discourses surrounding “open government,” “big data,” and unprecedented levels of bipartisan “public-private partnership” in which the individual as individual is finally stripped of agency and any idea of personal faith is…

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Rep. Pelosi, Can I Tweet You Some Lewd Photos?

…an abomination. Those with the power to name what counts as a crime rarely end up in jail. So here’s my proposal, Ms. Pelosi: If I tweet you the photographs taken by American soldiers of the torture that took place at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, will you call for a House ethics committee to investigate those who authorized that torture? I’m also more than happy to tweet you the link to the torture memos in case you need to read those again to make…

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Rick Perry, the Christocrat Favorite for President?

…vited pastors to a Policy Briefing by invoking Islamophobia (via the Texas Freedom Network): Both our nation and our Judeo Christian heritage are under attack by a force that is more dangerous than any threat our world has faced in recent memory. I am convinced that our ability to defeat the radical jihadists who threaten our nation will be significantly impacted by the prayers and leadership of America’s evangelical pastors. “Rediscovering God in…

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Why the World Needs Religious Studies

…is everywhere. It does matter. The ongoing sectarian violence in occupied Iraq had turned the headlines into daily reminders about the consequences of not taking religion seriously—to say nothing of politics in DC back then. Yes—sounds like a job for a religion scholar. Suddenly, committing the next however-many years to getting my degree in this stuff switched from the leap-of-faith category to eminently reasonable. Sure, maybe I’d end up a scho…

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The Many, Not the Few: An Anthem for Occupy

…I knew the power in the words that I had written. And, in a world that was free of punishment for being yourself… I would have sung it at the top of my lungs. But I also didn’t want to do it out of disrespect. I did it because there was really no other option at that point. I had to do it. I had to forget about what could happen to me. I was guided by something bigger… I don’t know what it is… I can’t put a name to it… The whole thing was providen…

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No Such Thing as a Great 9/11 Work of Art

…ld have been written close to 2001, but in 2007, after looming failures in Iraq and Afghanistan, a sense of distance, and desire to try to make sense of the changing world, Hamid’s book provided a window we were finally getting ready to look through. While Hamid’s work was very much based on the world of foreign politics and policy, with implications in the domestic space, other authors choose to focus on the American experience. After 9/11 we see…

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It’s Time to Reconsider Graduation Prayer in Public High Schools

…xpression of meaning possible in American life, which is tantamount to the promotion of a kind of radical individualism. We are supposed to be a political community. Community requires some kind of creed—though not of course necessarily a religious creed. Silence is no substitute for communal expression, but some devotees of separation seem to feel that any communal expression of meaning is too close to religion to be permitted to the government….

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