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Melissa Harris-Perry: LGBT Advocates Need Public Progressive Faith

…asons that God wanted her in bondage, and every bit of empirical evidence around her, every bit of it, said there either is no god and if there is God does not like you very much. And she had the undaunting audacity to believe that God loved her.  She says it is equally powerful that slaves who did not own their own bodies, or their own children, still chose to marry one another. “The expression of that recognition of God’s love for them was that…

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The Other Mormon Candidate

…in Wyoming, where Mormons trekked through on the way to what would become Utah. Henrichsen’s run also highlights an aspect of Mormon culture: in his words “Mormon culture is focused on professions, where success is viewed as a good by the community.” Perhaps articulating what Mitt Romney doesn’t know how to say well, Henrichsen’s good cheer and industrious politicking will pay off. It is certainly that spirit that keeps him logging many miles on…

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What’s Ahead in the World of Mormonism for 2011

…entering the Republican primaries, as sources report this week that former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman (currently the Obama-appointed amabassador to China) may be exploring a 2012 run. While some—like Mormon sci-fi writer Orson Scott Card—are already rattling sabers over the prospect of another round of anti-Romney, Huckabee-led Mormon baiting, I’m betting that Mormonism wouldn’t be nearly as much of a political liability for Huntsman (who Obama fe…

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When Religious Freedom Means Freedom for Religious Violence

…cke, a militant tent revivalist from Tennessee, spoke in September 2021 in Colorado Springs. He didn’t discuss religious freedom, but he denounced governmental tyranny and declared war in response to public policies that required churches to close along with other public spaces at the height of the pandemic. “I said they’ll be serving Frosties in the Lake of Fire before pastor Greg Locke ever shuts down his local New Testament church because a dem…

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This is not a Religion Column: Sarah Palin, American

…. The first time I encountered it was at Ted Haggard’s New Life Church, in Colorado Springs. When I asked for a restaurant recommendation, I was warned to steer clear of downtown, no matter what I did; urban areas, New Lifers told me, are rife with demons. It was no accident, one New Lifer told me this past spring, that Pastor Ted’s downfall occurred up in Denver, surely a sister city of Sodom. That view, it should be remembered, is very much a mi…

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Goodbye, (Mythic) Columbus

…They were all white folks, mostly Italian-Americans, riding in cars and on cheaply-made floats, trying to create an air of excitement. But there was something sad, hollow, and strangely touching about it—as if they were trying too hard to whip up enthusiasm and regain a proud sense of identity. Security, Pride, Tranquility Many looked like they had just stepped out of the pages of a 1950s-era issue of Life magazine. I got a strong impression of pe…

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Nadia Bolz-Weber on Becoming ‘God’s Bitch’

…ns “work of the people,” so when you walk in you’ll find us totally in the round—to democratize the space—and all the music comes out of the bodies of the people that show up. There’s nothing sacred performance-y about it. The liturgy is led by 15 to 18 different people who, when they walked in, took one of the reader cards off the table. It’s self-selected. No one has to deem them worthy or good enough. Just that alone makes a huge difference. Ad…

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I Know Why a Rain Dance Won’t End The Drought

…t as it were. Whenever we have our ceremonies, conducted in a rather leaky round house, and a storm is coming our way? One of my relatives will bury an ax in the fork of a tree in the direction of the bad weather to split the storm. As often as not it works and I must say I, along with my kinfolks, believe it works. If the ax in the fork of a tree does not work, it is because it was not planted in the right tree, or it was planted too late, but ne…

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Militias, Trump, Guns, and ISIS: Too much Masculinity?

…there is a surplus of masculine purpose. Purposive energy exceeds the capacity to imagine what good purposes to put it to. This might help explain how men today might be drawn to causes that promise opportunities to express purpose. That is what ISIS offers. It is what vigilante occupation of government property offers. It is what “stand your ground” laws offer. It is what might motivate loners and other disaffected men to participate violently i…

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Humanitarian Victims or Christian Martyrs: What’s in a Word?

…he Christian Right, it can only assume that any Christian martyr worth his salt (surely an allusion to a pithy saying of Jesus) must be a Bible-smuggler who, in the name of Western hegemony, is determined to smother all exotic cultures, especially Islam, with civilizing Christianity. In fact, Roman Catholic, Lutheran, and most Protestant, including evangelical, mission is defined today by a servant model. Modern Christians express their disciplesh…

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