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Russian Zombies Follow in Pussy Riot Footsteps

…international phenomenon. Last November, nearly 10,000 people assembled in Mexico City to imitate the living dead, though Russia has attempted to suppress the spreading zombie phenomenon. Yakovlev received permission from the city to organize a “Zombie Parade” earlier this summer, but his permit was revoked. It is not entirely clear why the city decided to shut down the zombie parade, but it appears to have been in response to a coalition of relig…

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‘Atheizing’ the Dead, Religious Doughnuts, & Tax-Free Witching

…if she returns to school wearing her prohibited nose ring. In Roswell, New Mexico, a group of students have been suspended for giving their teachers boxes of doughnuts with religious messages attached to them. Romania has decided not to tax its witches and fortunetellers. One reason being that the witches and fortunetellers aren’t good at keeping receipts. Calvin College canceled a show by music group The New Pornographers because some people didn…

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Creating a Cell: Science Plays God

…anism that would quickly eat up all the oil that BP spilled in the Gulf of Mexico. Or, what if you could make an organism that would produce energy? This work represents a quantum leap toward such possibilities. Here’s what Venter and his colleagues actually did. They synthesized from scratch the entire one-million DNA base pair genome of a bacterium of species A. Then they put that genome into a bacterial cell of a species B, closely related to A…

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Choose Right, Not Racism, Gov. Romney

…r own family history points to a painful past. Your grandfather escaped to Mexico to be able to practice his belief in polygamy (you and President Obama both have polygamy in your family history). Mormons have been persecuted for a long time, though your money and your father’s position protected you from associating with that persecuted past. It is part of you, no matter how much you cling to your privilege. Would it be too difficult for you to e…

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Gordon Gekko Gets God: The Heritage Foundation of Theology

…r asked whether there might be a connection between NAFTA’s effects within Mexico and the urgent need of Mexicans to reach El Norte, even risking death by dehydration to get here. Free market fundamentalism seemed to work out pretty well for us. To be sure, we could see the enormous wealth beginning to concentrate at the top of our own society. But as long as enough trickled down to us plebeians (and as long as we could get easy credit to keep up…

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A Pastor Takes on BP in New Orleans

…against the mega-corporation BP. Right now roughly a third of all Gulf of Mexico areas available for commercial fishing (where roughly a third of the US mainland’s seafood comes from) are closed. The impact of this, according to a report from the Mississippi Coalition of Vietnamese American Fisherfolk and Families, is that 80 percent of Vietnamese and Southeast Asian families in the Gulf will feel some economic squeeze. Of the 40,000 Vietnamese f…

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Religion or Ethics at the Supreme Court?

…king an injunction against all future offshore oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico?”* To which the answer would be, “I don’t want to comment on any potential litigation that may come before me,” because our political process is stupid and nominees have to tap dance around what they actually believe lest somebody place an anonymous hold on them for playing softball. Which, sigh, is exactly why people like Stephen Prothero want to use the placemarker…

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‘Christian Warriors’: Who Are The Hutaree Militia And Where Did They Come From?

…the United States planned to destroy national sovereignty by merging with Mexico and Canada to form a North American Union. That theory first surfaced among right-wing opponents of President George W. Bush. Along the way, right-wing media demagogues and Republican Party activists and elected officials fanned the flames. Now as the Obama administration enters its second year, these conspiracy theories have led to aggression and violence and an all…

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Reverend Billy For Mayor: Is He For Real?

…,” though she was raised mainly by her mother on a commune in northern New Mexico that exposed her to Sufism, Buddhism, and Native American spirituality. She was taught to respect all religions and, when she met Talen in 2000, bristled a bit at his satire of Christian preaching. But, already an accomplished performer and theater director, she made what would become the Church of Life After Shopping part of her own work and spiritual practice. Bill…

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New Age Tragedy in Sedona: Non-Indians in the Sweat Lodge

…ng event in Sedona cost each participant more than $9,000. A search of any number of Web sites advertising these “Indian ceremonies” will turn up sweat lodges that average over $100 per event, and four-day “vision quests” going for around five hundred dollars, “all meals included” and “Visa and MasterCard accepted.” Indians all across the country are upset, saying white people stole the land, killed the buffalo, and now want to steal the religion….

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