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Looking at Death: Images of 9/11, Before, During, and After

…, in publishing early pictures of war’s death and destruction in Spain and China, Life stated, “Dead men have indeed died in vain if live men refuse to look at them.”  This last line is crucial, and applies as well to today’s wars as it did to the conflicts of a half century ago. By the 1960s, it was film that brought us images of death. Abraham Zapruder’s visual documentation of John F. Kennedy’s assassination creates one type of image: a single…

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State of the Union Stuck in that Olde-Time Semi-Niebuhrianism

…ic path. Though he should be thanked for wanting to wage the struggle with China in economic and not military terms, he ramped up that struggle in the SOTU, warning that the Chinese are outstripping us technologically and we must “win the future,” despite all the risk such belligerent talk entails. Perhaps a foreign policy Niebuhrian can be expected to do no less. On the other hand, if we reject Niebuhr’s premise of endless conflict in the domesti…

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What’s Huntsman’s Game Plan?

…learned about the two-time Utah governor and Obama-appointed ambassador to China and his approach to the 2012 primaries: 1. He will not allow Utah to define him. His major executive experience is as a popular (and quite moderate) governor of a deeply red state, but Huntsman campaign headquarters will be in Orlando, Florida. 2. Moreover, he will not allow his Mormonism to define him. In his ABC interview with George Stephanopoulos, Hunstman vastly…

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Why the World Needs Religious Studies

…can be of mutual benefit. As a journalist, I’ve found that epoché is rule number one for reporting among people different from you. Lawyers often have to do something similar. It’s a basic part of how business works. For much of history, traders, rather than scholars, have led the way to discovering foreign cultures. Christians and Muslims were trading with each other during the Crusades, and Marco Polo made it to China centuries before Matteo Ri…

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Presbyterians Make Right Choice on Israel Divestment

…airly targeted. There’s no secondary boycott of companies selling goods to China, for example, despite its occupation of Tibet. More importantly, however, the strong and unequivocal message of divestment is inappropriate for a complicated political/military situation which does not reduce to simple oppressor/victim dichotomies. As I have written about many times, I oppose Israel’s settlement policies, and the current Israeli government’s unaccepta…

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Why is Huntsman’s Mormonism “Tough to Define”?

…Milbank went so far as to compare Mitt to conjoined twins recently born in China. Ouch.) In dodging the question of Mormon identity, was Huntsman acting the part of the slippery and crowd-pleasing politician? Or was he trying to negotiate the often difficult path of the other-than-orthodox Mormon? Either way, I claim him as a member of the tribe. Editors’note: Joanna will be speaking about Mormon identity in the 21st century June 11 in Salt Lake C…

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Tibet is Burning: Is the Freedom Movement Entering a New Phase?

…ngs could change so fast in Egypt or in Libya, then why not Tibet? Even as China has been clearly intensifying its crackdown on religion, Tibetans are ramping up their campaign to raise awareness and bring attention to their predicament. And of course, the participation of monks and nuns in freedom movements is not new—the peaceful ‘Shangri-La’ image of Tibetan monks belies a history of many armed struggles, often aimed at the “enemies of Buddhism…

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Occupy Francis Lewis Boulevard

…while listening to Russian-speaking Central Asians scream into their cell phones, all of which are so much cooler than mine; this particular virtual argument was about an order for an organic something that didn’t go through. I guess. Then halfway through my haircut, a South Asian man walks into the barbershop and sits two chairs down from me. He’s wearing a dark brown shalwar qameez, the clothes most commonly worn by people in the northwest of t…

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What Happens If the Bible Is the “Owner’s Manual For Life”

…sed on their false claim that the UNFPA supported “forced abortions” under China’s one-child policy. This is the same Chris Smith, by the way, who recently traveled to Kenya to condemn that country’s recent decriminalization of abortion, after expending taxpayer resources demanding a USAID Inspector General investigation into whether the Obama administration had broken the law prohibiting taxpayer dollars from being used to lobby for or against ab…

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Why Did a Muslim Civil Rights Group Oppose Democrats’ Plans to Confront White Nationalism?

…milarly, American methods of surveilling Muslims are now being exported to China in a global commodification of anti-Muslim policies and practices. The Nigerian government used Trump’s words calling for lethal force against rock-throwing migrants to justify killing rock-throwing Shi‘i protesters. War on Terror rhetoric has fueled indiscriminate massacres of Fulani villagers in Mali, simply because al-Qaeda’s branch in Mali has drawn heavily from e…

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