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Six Overlooked Gems from the Future of World Religions Report

The global religious landscape is changing, fast, and The Future of World Religions report from the Pew Research Center has boldly gone where no exceptionally long research group report has gone before by extrapolating current trends to draw a spiritual picture of the world in 2050.* The report is careful to acknowledge that a lot could change between now and 2050. War, famine, pandemics, and general political instability, for example, could knoc…

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Herd Heroism in an Age of Rebels: The Cultural Roots of the Anti-Vaxxer Movement

Collect all the evidence that vaccines cause autism and endanger children, and you will have a very, very thin file. Collect all the evidence that there’s an appeal to believing that vaccines cause autism and endanger children, though, and you will have more than a file. You will have the work of an entire culture. Just look around. Whole fields of marketing and spiritual counseling argue that there’s something inherently corrupt about modern soc…

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Why Republicans Don’t Think Obama Is Christian

Alex Theodoridis, a political scientist at the University of California, Merced, conducted a survey last fall of Americans’ understanding of President Obama’s religious beliefs. Remarkably, he found that in response to the question, “Which of these do you think most likely describes what Obama believes deep down? Muslim, Christian, atheist, spiritual, or I don’t know,” 54 percent of Republicans said Obama is Muslim. Only nine percent said he is C…

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Pentecostal Prayer Gangs: New Film Documents Religion in a Brazilian Prison

Andrew Johnson is not a filmmaker, he insists: he conceived the documentary, “If I Give My Soul,” while was doing research for his sociology dissertation at the University of Minnesota on religion in prisons. The film (co-directed and co-written with Ryan Patch) shows how faith brings dignity to men living on the farthest margins of their society—and it shines a light on some of the facets of Pentecostalism that have helped to make it the fastest…

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Why Faithy Rhetoric Won’t Help Democrats

On my bloggingheads show last week, I spoke with Lydia Bean, author of The Politics of Evangelical Identity, an ethnographic study of four congregations, two (one evangelical and one Pentecostal) in the United States, and the other two (also one evangelical and one Pentecostal) in Canada. In the book, Bean, who is now a strategist for the PICO National Network, argues that white evangelical political identity in the United States is formed not (a…

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Godly Game or Godless Satire? Countering Biblical Ignorance with Heretical Humor

If any game has more potential to offend than Cards Against Humanity, A Game for Good Christians just might be it. Inspired by the R-rated “party game for horrible people” in which players pair cards like “Hospice care,” “An endless stream of diarrhea,” or “A defective condom” with fill-in-the-blank statements like “I got 99 problems but ________ ain’t one,” A Game for Good Christians, released earlier this year, offers a scriptural twist: most o…

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Francis Must Make Changes to Have a Real Effect

Last week I noted that a recent Pew poll didn’t detect much of a “Francis effect”—sending Catholics back to the pews—and pointed to a few key numbers that I found interesting. Apparently, according to Commonweal’s Grant Gallicho, my reading of the numbers—which was more critical than his—amounted to an “extended raspberry.” Just to get a couple of housekeeping details out of the way. Obviously, my dogma/doctrine typo was just that, as was the dif…

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David Brat: Catholic, Calvinist, and Libertarian, Oh My!

The stunning upset of Eric Cantor by tea party candidate David Brat, a self-avowed Calvinist Catholic libertarian, sent pundits scrambling to get a read on the economics professor’s views, chasing down his C.V., his doctoral dissertation, and his publications. This isn’t the first time observers have wondered how politically engaged conservative Protestants can also claim to be libertarian. Tom Breen over at Hot Dogma concludes that Brat “does no…

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Meddling Bishops Accuse Clinton of Meddling

It takes a certain kind of chutzpah for an entity that has long meddled in politics to turn around and complain about others meddling in its politics. In a video statement released on Tuesday, Archbishop Joseph Kurtz, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholics Bishops, complains about unsubstantiated WikiLeaks Clinton campaign staff emails that referenced the need for lay Catholics to seek reform within the church, linking it to the hierarchy’…

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Francis Must Make Changes to Have a Real Effect

Last week I noted that a recent Pew poll didn’t detect much of a “Francis effect”—sending Catholics back to the pews—and pointed to a few key numbers that I found interesting. Apparently, according to Commonweal’s Grant Gallicho, my reading of the numbers—which was more critical than his—amounted to an “extended raspberry.” Just to get a couple of housekeeping details out of the way. Obviously, my dogma/doctrine typo was just that, as was the dif…

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