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Distant Churches and the Isolated Poor: Lessons from Katrina, Ten Years Later

…ized by upward mobility but by severe poverty and social isolation. Between 1970 and 1990, the percentage of persons living in neighborhoods with a poverty rate of 40 percent or higher grew from 7.8 to 15.8 percent for blacks and from 7.0 to 9.5 percent for Hispanics, and by 2010 the proportion of Americans (irrespective of race) living in high-poverty neighborhoods was 15 percent. Further evidence of the growing social isolation of urban poor pop…

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Rage or Courage?: YouTube Terrorism Take Two

…ations,” but from Bernard Lewis, the Princeton history professor. It was in 1990 that Lewis coined the term in a 1990 essay titled “The Roots of Muslim Rage.” Samuel Huntington admits he picked it up from Lewis. Lewis’ argument is at once simple and simplistic: the West—what used to be known as Christendom—is now in the last stages of a centuries-old struggle for dominance and prestige with Islamic civilization. Since the end of World War II, but…

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The Sex Scandal Following Whole Foods’ Guru

…ned with authentic caring.” Examples include Whole Foods Market, Southwest Airlines, Starbucks, and, somewhat mysteriously,, which is known for using underpaid temp-style labor in its warehouses and allegedly mistreating employees at its home offices. You don’t have to be a Marxist to question whether these institutions are “fulfilling every major value of the great spiritual traditions.” At the very least, that sentiment might seem ali…

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The Politically Incorrect Guide to Ramadan

…department. Ramadan + deportation: Bonus points on Pakistan International Airlines. Which, like fasting breath (when you don’t eat for a long time, your breath starts to kick), nobody wants to get near. See also safe distance. Namauzea: Namaz is the Persian word for ‘prayer,’ and is traditionally used by all the peoples who were introduced to Islam by Persians or Persophones, which is kind of like a talking cat. (Think Bravo’s Shahs of Sunset wit…

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World Congress of Families Draws Anti-LGBT Activists to Budapest; More in Global LGBT Recap

…n, other parents objected and police ordered the parents to leave. Romania: 1,000 people attend pride parade The Associated Press’s Alison Mutler reported that about 1,000 people joined a gay pride march in Bucharest, which came after lawmakers approved an initiative to amend the constitution to restrict marriage to a man and a woman. Australia: Tennis stars spar over marriage equality A new development in a long bitter public debate over marriage…

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Make Aeronautic Jobs, Not Jihad

…while sustaining or creating thousands of American jobs—up to an estimated 127,000. That’s Muslim money buying American goods, creating American jobs. That’s us benefiting from growth in the Gulf and Southeast Asia. That’s the world growing together. The Muslim world’s democratic convulsions—Indonesia preceded the Arab world by roundabout a decade—are responses to economic lethargy, with booming populations ravenous for rights, dignity, and prosp…

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The Man in the Red Dress: My Unlikely Friendship with Cardinal Francis George

…call, you see a different dimension of Christ,” he said. While it’s been a number of years since I last wrote about him or had occasion to visit with him, the cardinal remains one of my favorite subjects as a journalist and was, particularly in hindsight, an unlikely—and truly cherished—friend. Cardinal George had an abiding faith. Not the kind of faithiness that might be a point of pride, but the down-deep-in-his-bones kind of faith that is a gif…

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The Bleeding Heart of Muslim Europe

…g the conflict within the former Yugoslavia. In the days leading up to July 11, 1995, Bosniaks had come to Srebrenica from surrounding areas, because it was declared a UN safe area; then Dutch UN peacekeepers stepped aside, having no mandate to resist the Serbs by force, and the slaughter commenced. Civilians raced blindly into the surrounding forests, to be picked off by snipers or captured and raped. When NATO bombs finally started falling, Bosn…

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Trump Doesn’t Need to “Pivot” if Evangelicals Do it For Him

…ht stalwart Gary Bauer warmed up the audience by comparing the election to Flight 93, a new standard even for the hyperbolic rhetoric of evangelical supporters of Trump, who previously have called his rhetoric “Churchillian” and warned that this election could be the final nail in the coffin of American liberty. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a Flight 93 election. This may be our last shot. It’s time to roll. It’s time to run down the aisle and sav…

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The Pope’s Gay Priests

…2000) and others, estimates at around half are confident, with even higher numbers among younger clergy.  The bishops know this and yet few are able to speak with the kind of candor the pope manages on a daily basis. There are reasons for this, which brings me to the third thing that happened—or didn’t happen—in the wake of Francis’ press conference. No bishop or church leader stood by Francis and in so many words said publicly, “You know, the pop…

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