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Should Gays and Lesbians Argue Scripture? A Dialogue

…te for life? How can we reconcile our values of fairness and justice with penalizing people for an involuntary trait? (Of course, not every queer person experiences sexuality this way, but some do.) It’s a mess.      On the other hand, if we read the clobber verses narrowly, none of these problems arise. Thus, between two equally valid readings, the one that maintains our fundamental values of love, companionship, fairness, justice, honesty, and h…

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The Year in Religion: A Ray of Hope Amid the Usual Fecklessness

…f white men. For those now awakening from their slumber, whether as a consequence of this new scholarship or the fearless truthtelling of the Movement for Black Lives, there can be no turning back from the element of danger. As you awaken you will necessarily become an enemy of the white supremacist state. You will also become the enemy of complacency and apostasy within your own faith community. You will accept that conflict, that disturbing the…

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Why Faithy Rhetoric Won’t Help Democrats

…tegist for the PICO National Network, argues that white evangelical political identity in the United States is formed not (as is often the stereotype) by a top-down strategy of conservative pastors telling congregants how to vote, but rather through reinforcement of ideals of what makes a “good” Christian through lay leaders, para-church organizations, and ministries both within and without the church. It’s a very interesting read, particularly th…

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In Tea Party Senate Candidate’s Dissertation, A Nostalgia for a Populist Christian Nation

…tead, he argues, the religious right “is better understood first as a consequence of fears about top-down communism—and about the evaporation of a religious understanding of the nation—than as simply a product of resistance to the sexual revolution or desegregation.” Sasse’s nostalgia for grassroots impulses lead him to pinpoint the religious right’s rise before Reagan. It was Nixon, not Reagan, Sasse argues, who brought political vitality to the…

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To Let It Go and So To Find A Way: U2, (A)Live with Grief and Grace

…y when artist and audience are in the same physical space, something transcendent takes place. Such is the case, I would argue, when U2 is on tour, playing (and praying) live with and for their fans. Whatever it is that transpires in those live moments surpasses the kinesthetic, energetic exchange between bodies in a room where music is being performed by musicians on actual instruments. There is a real sense of metaphysical maneuvering amidst the…

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Harold Camping, Prophet of Apocalypse, Dies at 92

…failed predictor of the Apocalypse, “passed on to glory,” according to the California radio station he co-founded and led for more than 50 years. Camping had a degree in civil engineering from UC Berkeley, but felt his true calling was as a Bible teacher. He taught the Bible at his Dutch Calvinist church in Alameda, California, the Christian Reformed Church—starting in the 1940s while he was still a university student. He started Family Radio in 1…

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Christian Schools International v. University of California

…if., along with some of its students, filed suit against the University of California, basically arguing that students from its private Christian high schools were being discriminated because the university system, in its review of applicants, did not give college preparatory credit for some of their courses. The Christian schools were represented by Wendell Bird, the famous creationist lawyer from Edwards v. Aguillard.   The courses were in sever…

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Prop. 8 Stay Lifted

…ct Court. At this time, same-sex marriages are expected to become legal in California on Wednesday, August 18, at 5 p.m. Progressive faith leaders are hailing the decision and encouraging committed same-sex couples to prepare to complete marriage license paperwork. “Today justice won out,” said Samuel M. Chu, Executive Director of California Faith for Equality. “Today’s decision by US District Court Judge Vaughn Walker to overturn Prop 8 and lift…

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Prop. 8 Ruling Delayed By Standing Questions

…month. The court did rule that a deputy court clerk from Imperial County, California, did not have standing to intervene in the case to defend Proposition 8, affirming the lower court’s ruling on that issue. About the Ninth Circuit’s request to the California Supreme Court, Andrew Pugno, general counsel of the coalition said: “This gives the state Supreme Court an opportunity to clearly reaffirm the right of official proponent…

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Robert Bellah’s Powerful Legacy: A Mixed Blessing for Religious Studies?

…academic secularism had repercussions still felt within the University of California system. The clash resulted in nothing less than a virtual train wreck that threw religious studies off the tracks of establishment at the flagship campuses of the University of California system at Berkeley and Los Angeles. Let me begin with a grateful appreciation for both Bellah the scholar and the man. I admired the way Bellah deviated from mainline social res…

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