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Burma’s Spirit Festival, and More in This Week’s Global LGBT Roundup

…been clawing its way out. Activists say that two devastating hurricanes in 1989 and 1995, as well as the HIV/AIDS epidemic, contributed to “the end of this queer cultural renaissance in the Virgin Islands,” along with “the religiosity of the islands.” “They still have these preachers out there that preach fire and brimstone,” said one business owner. Anglican Communion: More disconnect between Canterbury and Africa The Archbishop of Centerbury an…

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Norwegian Catholic Church May Stop Civil Marriages; Global LGBT Recap

…g up’ and when we had some difficult times in our family’s life, when I was 12, 13 the Church became this very important thing that wrapped around us and supported us.” She said her study of medieval English at university and figures like Julian of Norwich had fascinated her and reaffirmed her Faith. “I never felt the need break away,” she said. “In the past, when I didn’t go I found I missed it, it provides community and creates a space that is v…

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‘Anti-Romeo’ Vigilante Squads Target Men Suspected Of Being Gay; More in the Global LGBT Recap

…lations will face a maximum sentence of 100 lashes or pay a maximum fine of 1,000 grams of pure gold or face 100-month imprisonment. The ICJR says it regrets the impact of the implementation of Qanun Jinayat in Aceh. This case will increase the stigma against LGBT people in the province, it further says. Tanzania: Profile of activist struggle with anti-LGBT crackdown NewsDeeply’s Women and Girls profiles Queen M, a transgender woman who is “fighti…

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Barbara Ehrenreich’s Bright-Sided Explores the Dark Side of Positive Thinking

…rie Bradshaws—young women who are vegetarian, well versed in self-help and New Age spirituality, and who are finding a way to make a living preaching to eager audiences, mostly female,” reported the Times. One 31-year-old member of this eager audience is quoted praising her spiritual tutor Gabrielle Bernstein, a 29-year-old former nightclub publicist who lectures on using the “laws of attraction” to “manifest” one’s desires. “A lot of women look u…

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Why I Wrote the Freedom Seder And Why It’s Still Necessary 50 Years After Dr. King’s Assassination

…tian radical A. J. Muste calling Moses the organizer of “Brickmakers Union Number 1” and a pacifist Russian rabbi named Tamaret—wove them all into a new Telling of the tale of freedom. In that Telling, the then ongoing, even now unfinished, struggle of Black America for freedom was interwoven with the ancient story of the Israelites’ struggle to end their slavery under Pharaoh. Where the old Haggadah had what seemed to me a silly argument about ho…

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Pope’s US Visit Provokes Intense Attention; New Vatican Book on Man-Woman Complementarity & New Int’l Report on Christian Role Models for LGBT Equality; Global LGBT Recap

…nity,” he said. Homosexuality is illegal in Uganda and publishable by up to 14 years in jail. A number of laws have attempted to punish homosexuality with more severe consequences including death, but those bills have folded under international pressure. While activists say the foundation of the bill is fundamentally discriminatory, they also say that successful lobbying campaigns have helped introduce possible amendments that strip the bill of it…

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Palin’s Israel Trip

…r her Israel trip, as it has done for other presidential hopefuls, instead booking it through a Christian tour agency. He thinks, perhaps, that Palin is miffed that he and other RJC board members have been critical of her, but that she’s unwise to rebuff them because they could be so helpful to her. But this is characteristically Palin behavior — with or without the criticism. She is, for example, the only GOP aspirant who has never spoken at the…

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New Theory for Tucson Tragedy: Blame the Atheists

…k forward to seeing the Christian media blaming the atheists in tomorrow’s news cycle. Details of Loughner’s religious beliefs are sketchy, but that isn’t going to keep them from defending the argument that he is an atheist by pointing to a supposed shrine that was found in his backyard, which consisted of a skull, as well as the fact that two of Loughner’s favorite books listed in his YouTube account are Mein Kampf and The Communist Manifesto. (A…

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Perkins and MSNBC

…y the group Faithful America launched a campaign to pressure MSNBC to stop booking Perkins as a guest on its programs, because of his history of anti-gay bigotry. The group attempted to place an ad on MSNBC that sets out their complaint, but MSNBC rejected it: Faithful America’s petition reads: “The Family Research Council is a hate group, and journalists ought to treat it as such. MSNBC must stop inviting Family Research Council spokespeople on t…

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Want to Know What Public Education Would Look Like Under Project 2025? Just Take a Look at Oklahoma

…ng himself behind locked doors and armed guards. Walters is so extreme that 17 state legislators—all from his own party—have called for an investigation and possible impeachment. Despite failing students, teachers, and schools, Walters has nevertheless tapped the state coffers to pay a Washington, DC-based media firm up to $5,000 a month to project a cartoonish image of a macho Christian culture warrior by writing his op-eds and speeches and booki…

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