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There’s No Business Like the Bible Business: 200 Years of the ABS

…eenth century, a service organization for much of the twentieth century, a business always because it sells Bibles, and today branding itself as a “ministry,” modeling the language of contemporary evangelicals. Throughout, and regardless of the type of organization it conceived itself as, the goal has been to spread the gospel through distributing Bibles, and “to build a Christian civilization.” At its 150th anniversary meeting in 1966, Billy Grah…

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Republican Scandals Drag Secretive ‘Family’ Into the Big Time

…eal with the messy question of good, bad or failing empire. It’s all about business, 24/7. Perhaps the business model is the most controversial way to think about the term “empire.” America as the purveyor of “popular culture” and capitalism puts it squarely in the empire business. The idea is already firmly entrenched around the world. American brands can be found everywhere, and the television shows and media are available to all. Perhaps that’s…

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Are School Districts Getting the Message on Government-Sponsored Prayer?

…aid the boy was being deprived of educational instruction during the Bible class and that the class violated the First Amendment. Shelly warned board members that the district could be forced to pay $100,000 to $800,000 when it inevitably lost. Board members voted 6-0 last week to immediately end the Bible class, drawing boos from a crowd of students, parents and community members who had shown up to speak in support of the program. In the Chattan…

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The Leadership Crisis at the End of the Megachurch Era

…wanderings of these notable pastors would be tolerated or even expected in business or politics. But try as we might, we can’t seem to fully and finally subsume Christian discourse and practice into business or politics. There remain the words and example of Jesus, who tells his closest followers that they will be rejected and warns them in terrifying terms against the inevitable temptation to exalt themselves or abuse their authority. Where conte…

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Should Faith Healing ‘Do Business’ with Modern Medicine?

…t religion and medicine (if they’re not at “loggerheads”) are going to “do business with each other.” That is, they’ll be engaged in forms of exchange and commerce. Often, religion and medicine are obligated to do business by the patient herself. Patients, who walk into a doctor’s office with concrete religious practices habituated into their daily lives, with myths and stories crawling under their skin, bring religion and medicine together whethe…

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Risky Business: The Pitfalls at the Corner of Church & Wall Street

…hange, we might assume, would be market participation not based, as in the classic models of capitalism, solely on competitive self-interest, but rather on what Kathryn D. Blanchard calls “sympathetic self-interest”—self-interest based on morally-grounded measures of extrinsic (read: “material/financial”) and intrinsic (read: “spiritual/social”) satisfaction yielded from earnings from business practices characterized by respect for workers, care f…

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Trans Protections in India and Malta; Death-by-Stoning Law in Brunei; Church-State Divides on Marriage

…l Law Professor Blog reports. The new penal code has been condemned by the United Nations. England: Priest Defies Church Ban to Marry His Partner; University Bans Anti-Gay Muslim Speakers Last week Rev. Jeremy Pemberton, a priest with the Church of England, married his partner Laurence Cunnington in defiance of church rules forbidding clergy from even blessing same-sex unions.  The head of the conservative group Christian Concern, Andrea Williams,…

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Want to Know What Public Education Would Look Like Under Project 2025? Just Take a Look at Oklahoma

…k down this absurd overreach. Rachel Laser, president and CEO of Americans United for Separation of Church and State (and, full disclosure, my organization), called the court’s decision “a win for church-state separation and religious freedom” at a recent event at the Mayflower Congregational UCC Church in Oklahoma City—including “for everyone here in Oklahoma who objected to their tax dollars funding a school that proposes to discriminate and ind…

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The “Obamosque” Smears and the Money Fueling Them

Special Guests, a booking service that sends out daily press releases to reporters, producers, and radio shows, and which earlier this week described the proposed Park51 project as “Obamosque,” is today touting a Time magazine poll showing one quarter of Americans apparently believe President Obama is a Muslim. (A Pew poll out today shows that figure at 19%). Why do that many Americans believe that? Could it be the use of terms like “Obamosque?”…

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Perkins and MSNBC

…y the group Faithful America launched a campaign to pressure MSNBC to stop booking Perkins as a guest on its programs, because of his history of anti-gay bigotry. The group attempted to place an ad on MSNBC that sets out their complaint, but MSNBC rejected it: Faithful America’s petition reads: “The Family Research Council is a hate group, and journalists ought to treat it as such. MSNBC must stop inviting Family Research Council spokespeople on t…

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