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Indonesian Court Rejects Religious Conservatives’ Bid To Criminalize Gay Sex; More in Global LGBT Recap

…positive depictions of LGBT lives. The MDA Free to Air Television Program Code states that “music associated with drugs, alternative lifestyles (e.g. homosexuality) or the worship of the occult or the devil should not be broadcast.” The Free to Air Radio Program Code says “information, themes or subplots on lifestyles such as homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexualism, transsexualism, transvestism, paedophilia and incest should be treated with utmost…

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Brownback Nomination Further Evidence That “Religious Freedom” Is Code For “Conservative Christian Supremacy”

…PR rightly noted (in its opening line, no less), Brownback is “one of the least popular governors in the country,” but he’s been working to elevate his profile as a conservative Catholic culture warrior for more than a decade. The Ambassador-at-Large position is considered a senior advisor to the administration, while the Office of International Religious Freedom states that its mission is to “monitor religious persecution and discrimination world…

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Unquestioned Support for Israel Wasn’t Always the Way for Conservative Christians

…n. American Christian delegates expressed similar concerns as their Middle Eastern Christian counterparts. Father MacMahon, an American clergyman appointed head of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA), supported the repatriation of Palestinians to their land and property. According to a memo of the Meeting of Committee for Holy Land Appeal, Father MacMahon was firm in his conviction that “the only solution for the refugee problem was…

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Delillo and Doctor Strange: Orientalist Fantasy is Alive and Well

…or the most part, Jeffrey is a dull git, but in the arms of the mysterious Eastern woman, he can be, just for a moment, James Bond. The Eastern, exotic woman has no real role in the narrative; she’s simply there to confer a frisson of libido, brutality, and moral ambiguity. [Spoilers ahead… –the Eds] The book’s final twist also indulges the pleasures of Orientalist pulp. After Artis is frozen, Jeffrey and Ross return to New York, where Jeffrey bec…

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The White Nationalist Fantasy of Ancient Christian-Muslim Conflict Would Get an ‘F’ in History Class

…a product of Rome, Wittenberg, and Vienna. But it originated in the Middle East and was still thriving there when the Qur’an was produced in the early 600s. “Eastern” (or, from a different angle, “West Asian”) Christianity was diverse, and many of its varieties differed in theology from so-called “orthodox” Christianity. At ecumenical Christian councils such as the famous ones at Nicaea (325) and Chalcedon (451), wealthy and powerful male bishops…

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RD News Round-Up—September 29, 2008

…ding up to this year’s election.“ (For more on Pray the Vote, go here) The promo for Craig Detweiler’s new book Into the Dark reads: “Detweiler, a well-respected film expert and media spokesperson on Hollywood and Christianity, examines forty-five twenty-first-century films that resonate theologically—from The Lord of the Rings trilogy to Little Miss Sunshine—offering groundbreaking insight into their scriptural connections and theological applica…

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Trickle-Down Metaphysics and the Dawn of a Trumpian New Age

…inciple that imagining creates reality has captivated modern readers,” the promo copy explains. The publisher probably didn’t expect the book to resonate quite so uncomfortably with the political moment when they chose November 8th—Election Day—as its publication date. But indeed, Donald Trump’s distinctive style has roots in the spiritual tradition of which At Your Command and The Secret are both a part. Neville was just ahead of his time. Born i…

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Give Me That Old-Time Ex-Gay Snake Oil

…view LGBT people—as purely sexual beings. Foster’s screed is simply a long promo for a new ex-gay movie coming out, and the trailer, three-minutes of nauseating footage, centers around how each of these former homosexuals lived their lives in clubs, engaging in cheap, easy, and often public sex, or were sexually abused. For all the claptrap the religious right yells about how they don’t want to think of us “that way,” the trailer for the film is p…

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Muslims Need Not Apply—To the White House or Congress

…ing that Obama should be impeached because he is a Muslim (complete with a promo promising free guns, paid for by “a millionaire” who wants you “protected against what’s coming.”) The video in the email is by evangelist Jack van Impe, known for his premillennial rapture theology and his disconnected rambling in Bible verses. It is entitled “President Obama’s Religion in Question” and argues that he is really a Muslim. Joan, who claims in an email…

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Mexico’s Religious Conservatives Seek Anti-LGBT Constitutional Amendment, LGBT Activists Defend Secular Government; Cash From Qatar Funds ‘Traditional’ Family Activism Worldwide; Global LGBT Recap

…were diverse, though, their views on family life were anything but. Middle East: In much of Middle East, it’s getting more dangerous to be gay “In much of the Middle East, it’s getting more dangerous to be gay,” writes Jacob Wirtshcafter for GlobalPost. Egypt, for example, “has become one of the world’s biggest jailers of gay men, with as many as 500 behind bars on ‘morals’ charges — and the crackdown is escalating.” “Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, U…

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