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Scope Bacon, Twttr Hoaxes & Joel Osteen’s Big Reveal

…ch, complete with Facebook ad campaign and promotional website including a promo video that went viral, that a number of customers were disappointed and angry to find out that it was a fake. Part of the confusion seems to have been that the launch occurred on March 28, not the customary April 1. But just as important was consumer demand. Enough people were convinced by the slick product rollout that they actually wanted to try it. “That’s not funn…

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RD News Round-Up—September 29, 2008

…ding up to this year’s election.“ (For more on Pray the Vote, go here) The promo for Craig Detweiler’s new book Into the Dark reads: “Detweiler, a well-respected film expert and media spokesperson on Hollywood and Christianity, examines forty-five twenty-first-century films that resonate theologically—from The Lord of the Rings trilogy to Little Miss Sunshine—offering groundbreaking insight into their scriptural connections and theological applica…

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Progressive Christian: Wallis “No Longer Speaks for Us”

…ympathetic to the advertising. But we don’t take a position on this except promoting dialogue. At Sojourners, we’ve decided to have a safe place for dialogue and even disagreement on our staff and in our constituency. That’s interesting, since the Believe Out Loud ad could be best interpreted as . . . promoting dialogue. Sojourners, so far, has been silent on the Rev. Robert Chase’s piece we published here. In the court of public opinion Twitter,…

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What Romney Didn’t Tell You about Mormonism at the RNC

…publican National Convention. “No mention of the men and women deployed in Afghanistan,” she said, echoing a concern voiced by conservative commentators like Bill Kristol. “If it’s not worth mentioning us in a national political convention, maybe we shouldn’t even be in Afghanistan.” Her husband faces possible deployment to Kandahar in February. That got me thinking. What other “we’s” and “us’s” got left out when the RNC scripted its sell of Mitt…

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Rage or Courage?: YouTube Terrorism Take Two

…not only by world dominance but also by local occupying forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. A visual counterpoint to this perspective has been provided by Al-Jazeera English in a documentary first aired in late 2011 and repeatedly since. The 9/11 Decade tells the inside story of the 21st century’s most significant conflict in three one-hour episodes: “The Intelligence War,” “The Image War,” and “The Clash of Civilizations?” which strives to make three…

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Global Islam, the Year in Headlines

…ms over 1,000 copies of the Qur’an and other Islamic Sacred Texts Burnt in Afghanistan by the US military. 2. YouTube Video “Innocence of Muslims” ignites protests in the Muslim world setting deep divisions between interfaith communities and liberal and orthodox Muslims. 3. Moro Islamic Liberation front  and Phillippine government Sign Peace Accord regarding the four-decade conflict, which has cost over 150,000 lives. 4. Muslim Brotherhood in Egyp…

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Howling at the Moon

…tants more important than Muslim civilians and combatants with the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. We have a very different sense of the shared human community now, and we need to adjust accordingly. This year, I face a dilemma because it seems the most pressing needs are actually in my own family. Some jurists say the zakah cannot be given to one’s own family. I think the rationale was appropriate for the extended family networks. If we give to our…

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Top Five Toxic Religion Stories of 2014

…isted U.S. intervention, the Taliban are staging a fierce comeback in both Afghanistan and Northern Pakistan. The slaughter of children in Peshawar won’t be the end of it. In Northern Nigeria Boko Haram is determined to eliminate all non-Islamic schools and drive out the Christians. DIY jihadists commit random acts of violence everywhere from Ottawa to Sydney. And are there Christians anywhere who still wage war on non-Christians? We don’t see it,…

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Tweeting ISIS Attacks: A Lesson in Not Learning a Lesson

…o now? But, of course, we’ve been here before. We overthrew the Taliban in Afghanistan, and we invaded Iraq. Bush declared the Taliban were no more, and that major combat operations in Iraq had ended. Though bin Laden is dead, however, the aftermath is much darker. We now face a jihadist state established across two countries, which appears—as of this week—to be capable of taking down a Russian airliner, bombing a Lebanese neighborhood, and stagin…

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The Passion of Katniss: How the Hunger Games Confronts the Trauma of Violence

…health have probably all played a role in this shift. But the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq have also been the first major American wars during which the country had an established, stable psychological diagnosis for combat stress. For the first time, there’s a highly-visible, medically-legible pool of veterans whose experiences of war diverge radically from anything resembling a kill-and-banter escapade. The effects of traumatic stress have b…

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