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You Are Not Your Star Sign

…nd accident rates, which led to some confusion around whether astrological signs are part of the underwriting process,” the statement reads. “Astrological signs have absolutely no role in how we base coverage and set rates. Rating by astrology would not be actuarially sound. We realize that our hardworking customers view their insurance expense very seriously. So do we. We deeply apologize for any confusion this may have caused.” All of which was…

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Is ISIS A Sign of the End Times? It May Only Matter That They Believe So

…Economist even recently argued that Putin’s foreign adventures were not a sign of strength, but of desperation, and mapped out areas which might one day secede. But Russian intervention wouldn’t just be bad for Russia. Russia has inserted itself into a conflict that appears so confusing as to be confused for interminable. More troops won’t fix the civil war. They may just make it that much worse, and that much more global. Which is, again, what I…

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Turkish Police Move Against Activists Who Defied Pride Ban; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…in Taiwan, where the Constitutional Court ruled last month that the civil code restricting marriage to ‘a male and a female’ is unconstitutional. The Court gave legislators two years to amend the Civil Code. The article says, however, that “the Court’s arguments for same-sex marriage were not entirely straightforward and left room for further interpretation”: It could be that this was due to the Court’s desire to cool down the same-sex marriage d…

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Malta Adopts Marriage Equality Over Objections of Catholics and Evangelicals; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…fending the sanctity of Islam in the country. ‘What is their intention, in promoting the movie and wanting to show it,’ Nordin told the Malaysian Insight. ‘It is as if there is an agenda to make homosexuality something acceptable. ‘We urge everyone to respect Islam as the religion of state. No Malaysian should think of bringing in such a movie.’ Turkey: Article examines role of LGBT people in pro-democracy opposition A July 9 March for Justice was…

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Espionage Allegations Against Russian Church Raise Religious Freedom Issue in Ukraine

…ts effectively to ban the Russian Orthodox Church. To be clear, the decree signed by Zelenskyy doesn’t immediately close all parishes and monasteries tied to Moscow (an act that would cause widespread chaos in a country where such parishes and monasteries still account for a majority of Orthodox institutions), but it does open all of them up to potential closure. This comes on the heels of a raid by Ukrainian officials on the 1,000-year-old Kyiv M…

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The Religious Right’s Apocalyptic Visions of an Obama Presidency  

…who refuse to provide artificial insemination for lesbian couples now face significant fines or loss of license to practice medicine…” and lawyers that “refuse to handle adoption cases for same-sex couples similarly now lose their licenses to practice law”; any professionals, including social workers and counselors working for church organizations, that are “licensed by individual states are now also prohibited from discrimination against homosexu…

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How to Prevent Ethnic Cleansing in Syria

…ry tries to package itself as the realization of one people’s sovereignty. Estonia is for Estonians, and Austria is for Austrians. Most of the exceptions have been undone; Czechoslovakia is a thing of the past, and Yugoslavia’s implosion underlines the case. Belgium is destined to go down this road. Even the awkward and ultimately unsustainable political compromise that is today’s Bosnia suggests how hard it is to realize democracy and multicultur…

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Bad News for LGBT Anglicans, Mormons, Adventists, Norwegians, Russians, Georgians, Egyptians, Kuwaitis, Saudis…

…cheduled to be held in Moscow in 2014, though planning is now on hold. She promoted the anti-gay propaganda ban and the ban on Russian children being adopted by American parents. Feder told WorldNetDaily that Mizulina was “absolutely right” in her push to ban American adoptions because children could end up adopted by same-sex couples. “The Russians are very traditional people,” he added. “They have a strong religious orientation. They haven’t got…

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Global Anti-Gay Forces Plot Against ‘Satanic’ Equality Movement

…n under investigation by the officials in the prime minister’s office for “promoting homosexuality” since mid-March. The organization has been trying to resolve the matter quietly, but activists in Uganda say privately the investigation could be the beginning of an ominous political turn they have long feared — that the law would work not only to destroy the lives of hundreds of LGBT individuals, but also would become a weapon used against critics…

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At the UN, Conservative Christian Agenda Cloaked in Human Rights Language

…use. Slater’s Family Watch International (FWI) has been deeply involved in promoting abstinence-and fidelity-only initiatives in Uganda and has praised Nigeria—where same-sex couples can face up to 14 years in prison or stoning at the hands of Sharia courts—as “a strong role model” for other regional governments “on how to hold on to their family values despite intense international pressure.” The Human Rights Campaign has reported that FWI’s annu…

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