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LGBT Victories at Olympics, Struggles in Brazil; Catholic Bishops Organizing Anti-Marriage Equality Protests in Mexico; Global LGBT Recap

…ned that they should be dealt with “within the law.” In a 2015 report, the Iraqi group Iraqueer and the US-based organization OutRight Action International (formerly the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission) documented the kidnapping and murders of gay men by members of Iraqi militia groups, including the Brigades of Wrath (Saraya al-Ghadhab) and League of the Righteous (Asa’ib Ahl al-Haqq) between 2009 and 2015. The groups condem…

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Brownback Nomination Further Evidence That “Religious Freedom” Is Code For “Conservative Christian Supremacy”

…ould be “disqualified” from the position due to his history of “rushing to sign anti-Islam legislation designed to vilify Muslims.” Brownback’s nomination is also the latest sign that Trump is willing to hire even economic “losers” if it appeals to his base, which has been grumbling lately about the president’s attacks on his own attorney general, Jeff Sessions. If confirmed, Brownback would be the first religious freedom Ambassador-at-Large who d…

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Scope Bacon, Twttr Hoaxes & Joel Osteen’s Big Reveal

…convincing was this product launch, complete with Facebook ad campaign and promotional website including a promo video that went viral, that a number of customers were disappointed and angry to find out that it was a fake. Part of the confusion seems to have been that the launch occurred on March 28, not the customary April 1. But just as important was consumer demand. Enough people were convinced by the slick product rollout that they actually wa…

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Seventh-Day Adventists & Gay ‘Cures’; Legal Victory for Kenyan LGBTs; Political, Religious Leaders Spar on LGBT Issues in UK; Global LGBT Recap

…ay, in addition to struggling with an addiction to pornography. This short promo video offers an overview of their stories. By promoting these voices as representative of the entire experience within the LGBT community, even though they do not currently identify as such, the Adventist church elevates stories that portray all LGBT people as damaged, sex addicts, drug and alcohol abusers, unfaithful in relationships, and utterly lost if they do not…

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That Mercenary Feeling: What the Apparently Unlimited Use of “Contractors” Says About American Empire in Afghanistan and Iraq

Today’s New York Times contains a little sleeper piece that almost escapes notice beneath the bigger headline about vote fraud in Afghanistan. In it Jim Glanz points out that Pentagon-employed contractors not only outnumber uniformed U.S. troops in Afghanistan but also that the ratio of contractors to military personnel there is the highest of any war in U.S. history. In a new study, the Congressional Research Service reports that contractors mak…

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Are We Living Through World War III?

…on of some forty-nine countries, which was strong enough to swiftly topple Iraq’s government, but not strong enough to pacify Iraq, establish a new government, or secure it from foreign fighters. Jihadists poured into Iraq, intent on creating havoc; newly empowered Shi’a forces often allied with Iran. This has long been a global conflict, though we have trouble seeing that because we tend not to pay close attention to our foreign policy decisions….

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Orlando Massacre and ISIS: The Illusion of Power

…world. Yet in the area that it actually controls—eastern Syria and western Iraq—it is losing ground. The movement known variously as the Islamic State, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (or “the Levant”—wider Syria), or Daesh has been seriously degraded. Air strikes have killed many of their leaders, disrupted their supply routes, and destroyed their weapons caches. Within the last year they have lost some of their major territorial conquests, i…

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ESPN Commentator says BYU Not Guilty of “Institutional Racism”

…mer athletes of color who had a positive experience with BYU and the Honor Code: “If Darron Smith wasn’t so hell bent on exposing BYU, the Church and the honor code office as racists, he’d find out that for every Thomas Stancil, Tico Pringle and Ray Hudson, there’s a Brandon Davies, Reno Mahe and Brian McDonald, the latter of which recovered from an alcohol-related probation, joined the Church and served a mission to Washington, DC.” Sikahema’s fu…

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6 Reservations About U.S. Intervention in Libya

…not dissimilar from the Republicans’ insistence on prosecuting the war in Iraq even after the 2006 elections, when the American people made it clear that they wanted out. Are the American people really that irrelevant, that you can wait a full week to bother to tell us why you got us into another war before we’re even out of Iraq and Afghanistan?   2) I am rightly made uneasy by conflicts with no obvious goal. The United States, like every other…

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Will International Criminal Court Bring Charges Against ISIS For Gender-Based Persecution?; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…wide range of crimes, but not yet moved forward because neither Syria nor Iraq are signatories to the treaty that gives the court jurisdiction. In 2015, Bensouda said she might consider bringing charges against foreign fighters who joined ISIS from countries that are party to the treaty, however, including the UK, Germany, Belgium, and Jordan. The case laid out against ISIS in the petition is based in part on extensive evidence compiled by activi…

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