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Was Prof Wrong to Ask Students to Not Thank God?

…e restricted.” The whole fiasco, then, has, turned into what seems like a relatively straightforward issue of the freedom of student expression, including religious expression. At least that’s how the media, along with ECU. In a press release, the university made it clear that it believes that allowing personal statements at graduation ceremonies, including personal statements that contain religious language or references, is important in that “it…

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“Muslim Gospel” Revealing the “Christian Truth” Excites the Da Vinci Code Set

…the merciful God commanded his four favorite angels, who are Gabriel, Michael, Rafael, and Uriel, to bear Jesus into his mother’s house, and there keep watch over him for three days continually, suffering him only to be seen by them that believed in his doctrine. The Gospel of Barnabas’ Jesus, thus, is not the slain and raised Son of God, sacrificed by his divine Father for the sins of humankind, but rather a righteous prophet protected by God whe…

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Muslims Need Not Apply—To the White House or Congress

…rs who thinks she’s calling for a return to “our Constitution” while she’s promoting a religious test for public office. I asked if she had actually read the Constitution and she insists that she has, and then asserted that “Obama and his cronies are trying to change everything in it. Including any part about GOD & Country. He is not a Christian. He stated more than once that he was a Muslim.” Christine O’Donnell, as Candace so aptly pointed out,…

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Trickle-Down Metaphysics and the Dawn of a Trumpian New Age

…ho have the social justice vision, and people who have more of a strictly self-development vision. And the self-development folks would say, ‘Well, look, it’s almost like a trickle-down metaphysics. If I improve myself, that improves everybody else around us.’ Whereas the save the world faction would say, ‘No, we start with our world and our communities first.’ “New Thought has always accommodated both tendencies, and it has always accommodated wi…

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RD News Round-Up—September 29, 2008

…ophecy in light of fast-moving geopolitical events in Russia, Iran and Israel, as well as to brief their team on how more people in the epicenter are coming to faith in Jesus Christ than at any other time in human history.” In light of recent events in Israel, Rosenberg raises two questions: “Can [Tzipi] Livni [the new leader of the Kadima Party] put together a coalition to run the government? If she cannot, new elections are coming and Bibi Netan…

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Give Me That Old-Time Ex-Gay Snake Oil

…I know that I did not choose it. The ex-gay industry can try to revive itself by telling the same lies and trotting out the same distorted and debunked “research” all it wants. The picture they paint of LGBT lives is a sad one. They have to tell it this way because if they told the story of all the happy, healthy, boring LGBT people and their happy, healthy boring relationships, nobody would buy their lies. What’s sad is they find people, such as…

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Clergy May Soon Find Taxes Soaring As Result of an Under-the-Radar Ruling

…taxes are high are likely already to be hurt by the tax bill; some will surely feel that the elimination of the exclusion for their housing allowance would only add insult to injury. (And some ministers, of course, take advantage of the tax code to exclude many tens of thousands of dollars from taxation.) For congregations that do not provide housing to their clergy, the elimination of subsection 107(2) will have a more indirect, but still conside…

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Religious Right Historian: Net Neutrality is “Unbiblical Socialism”

…cess to it] what they can and can’t do with it. Now, what people like yourself and myself mean is no government interference; it’s pretty straightforward. Republicans and conservatives have always tried to keep the internet totally free. But of course we know they have not tried to keep it totally free, except in the very narrow economic sense they then clarified: “free—no taxes no fees—let the private sector operate.” They certainly do not mean f…

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What Irish Marriage Vote Means for Catholic Church; The Lonely Fight for Equality in Belize; Progress and Backlash in Tunisia; Global LGBT Recap

…that LGBT people are seeking to live in communities where they are not merely welcomed and tolerated, but treated with equality. As long as our church leaders continue to say, in effect, “you can come in our doors, and you can even be fed, but you cannot marry here,” neither the bad cop nor the good cop will convince many estranged LGBT Catholics to cross their church’s threshold. At Political Research Associates (for which I have written), Kapya…

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The Quietly Crumbling Wall of Separation

…emedy the decision’s most pernicious effects via legislation (such as the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act). But, when it comes to the Establishment Clause side of the trend, consensus breaks down. That’s because the Smith decision is probably the only church-state opinion Scalia ever penned that religious conservatives don’t like. Yet the trend toward a religion-is-just-another-interes…

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