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Goy to the World: What Does Hanukkah Have to Teach Us About Living in Empire?

…day can answer all these questions. But Hanukkah does offer some insights, useful even to those who share none of its religious underpinnings. As much as it is about the right of religious freedom, Hanukkah is also about the possibility of rededication. According to the old story, even after the oil runs out, the relit menorah still burns in the temple that the Seleucids had defiled. Dismantling imperial America would require a realization of the…

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Pope’s US Visit Provokes Intense Attention; New Vatican Book on Man-Woman Complementarity & New Int’l Report on Christian Role Models for LGBT Equality; Global LGBT Recap

…in order not to undercut the fight against the Taliban. Pervasive sexual abuse of children has long been a problem in Afghanistan. It is especially pronounced among armed commanders who control rural regions and hold sway over the population there. The practice is known as bacha bazi, or boy play; powerful Afghan men often surround themselves with young teenagers as a mark of social status. The Times editorialized, “The Pentagon’s indulgent, even…

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Indonesian Court Rejects Religious Conservatives’ Bid To Criminalize Gay Sex; More in Global LGBT Recap

…he petitioners were in effect asking the court to formulate a new criminal code because they feared parliament would took take too long to enact changes wanted by the Family Love Alliance. But, in a sign of the challenges that continue to face LGBT people, Associated Press reported on December 15 that a court “has sentenced 10 men arrested in a raid at a gay club and sauna to between two and three years in prison, an activist and a relative of one…

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Seventh-Day Adventists & Gay ‘Cures’; Legal Victory for Kenyan LGBTs; Political, Religious Leaders Spar on LGBT Issues in UK; Global LGBT Recap

…bill, asserting such involvement by government in the work of NGOs would abuse freedom of association and expression. Organizations are also worried that if the bill is passed in its current state, it will hinder Ugandans from freely working with any local or international NGOs, as some activities, like those helping LGBT persons, might be viewed as illegal by the government. Argentina: Government recognizes three parents The government of Argenti…

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Rage or Courage?: YouTube Terrorism Take Two

…tay on YouTube,” it said.  Google is, in effect, walking a precarious line between advocacy of free speech and incitement to violence. Blocking the video might encourage copycat endeavors to prohibit other material, yet most would no doubt agree that endless provocation of violence must also be avoided—or at least mitigated. All companies that allow people to post content online—Facebook and Twitter, as well as Google—have grappled with similar is…

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Some Thoughts on Richard Dawkins’ Terrible Tweet

…rge? Do I pursue a career that makes me more money, or leaves the planet a better place? Do I use what I know about Islam to fight back against its misuse and at the same time misunderstanding of it? Once Muslims used to develop a language that looked out positively at the world, and inspired action in it, inflected by Islam but not limited to Muslims—or to any particular peoples. This was a great age, comparatively speaking, for Muslim culture, a…

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Another Manufactured Outrage: Rep. Ilhan Omar Did Nothing Wrong in Listing Hamas, Israel, and U.S. Together

…ding himself saying “You think [America] is so innocent” was offensive because of his celebration of authoritarian terror, not because he was wrong about America having done terrible things. As Rabbi Jill Jacobs of the rabbinical human rights organization Truah tweeted last week, “It’s true that both US & Israel have committed war crimes. It’s neither antisemitic nor anti-American to say so (as patriots of both countries do). Her words do not equa…

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Are We Living Through World War III?

…years to get out. But we only will if we accept that this is not just because Islam is undergoing an abstract civil war, but because forces that want violence, or have no response to violence, or are just oblivious to where it comes from, have been shaping the decisions too many of us have been making. Because the scary thing is, there are people out there who want this World War to become a lot bloodier, a lot uglier, and a lot scarier. We saw w…

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Is ISIS A Sign of the End Times? It May Only Matter That They Believe So

…luck of late. If it’s not hard to imagine Russia losing in Syria, it’s because we saw Russia lose badly in Afghanistan, even more surprisingly in Chechnya, and cede tremendous autonomy to the Republic of Tatarstan for fear of losing control of that territory altogether. Today, though Russia barely hangs on to Chechnya and has an economy overly dependent on a single commodity (the price of which has been falling), its dictator has decided to annex…

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Will bin Laden’s Killing End the Jihadi Trend?

…s affected by bin Laden’s death. In recent years, al Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan has become increasingly reliant on the military strength of regional allies such as the Afghan Taliban, the Tehrik-i Taliban Pakistan, and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. Each of these allies has an independent organizational structure and operates independently, though sometimes in alliance with, al Qaeda. The Afghan Taliban and the TTP also have a range of…

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