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Was Prof Wrong to Ask Students to Not Thank God?

…uestion, that she’s not really interested in how my day is going. Why? Because the unwritten code allows me to interpret the “official” question as a simple polite gesture. I thus respond accordingly, “Great. And you?” If, however, I were actually to take the question seriously, perhaps launching into a diatribe over what a horrible day I am having, that would constitute a violation of the unwritten code, perhaps creating a rather awkward situatio…

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Brownback Nomination Further Evidence That “Religious Freedom” Is Code For “Conservative Christian Supremacy”

…ement policies in respective regions or countries, and develop programs to promote religious freedom.” But given Brownback’s history of using “religious freedom” as a sword to discriminate against LGBT people, his nomination offers the strongest evidence yet that, when the Trump administration talks about “religious freedom,” it actually means “Christian supremacy.” Though Brownback an equal-opportunity excluder: the Council on American-Islamic Re…

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Like the Bible? You’ll Love a ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ T-shirt — How AI Marketing Shapes Identity

…interests, for some this incident revealed that the people controlling the code have a lot of power. If one thinks that marketing agents put “Bible” in the code, then they might think of them as predatory, or presumptuous about U.S. Christians and their political affiliations. They might become angry that companies have such power in shaping the public’s perception of Christianity and, indeed, in shaping Christians’ own ideas about their communiti…

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Give Me That Old-Time Ex-Gay Snake Oil

…mistakes symptoms for the disease here. To say that homosexuality is the cause of substance abuse, depression, violence and early death in the LGBT community is like saying being a teenager causes gangs. While gang membership may be predominantly composed of teenagers, there are societal and familial forces that bring those teens into the gangs. Gangs, aside from the violence they perpetrate, are often a replacement for the love, opportunity and s…

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RD News Round-Up—September 29, 2008

…sociate professor of theology and culture at Fuller Theological Seminary, “uses the IMDb, the wildly popular Internet Movie Database, to select today’s most influential contemporary films. Into the Dark dissects the theology of everyday life, exploring the work of the Spirit of God in creation and redemption to discuss “general revelation” through cinema and sometimes unlikely filmmakers.” John Whitehead, the President and Founder of the Charlotte…

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The Radical Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Left’s Challenge Today

…reading: a very long section detailing the utter corruption of the U.S. “cause” in Southeast Asia: this country’s nine years of covert support for French recolonization efforts, its failure to recognize the Vietnamese determination to be independent from China, its abhorrent marching of Vietnamese women and children into concentration camps (the U.S. military called these “strategic hamlets”), and its indiscriminate use of napalm and Agent Orange…

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Mexico’s Religious Conservatives Seek Anti-LGBT Constitutional Amendment, LGBT Activists Defend Secular Government; Cash From Qatar Funds ‘Traditional’ Family Activism Worldwide; Global LGBT Recap

…Organizers say the gathering, “The Future is Now: Preserving Values for a Better Tomorrow,” will promote “a biblical perspective of family.” David Gibbs III, who takes an anti-gay stand, is not quite as controversial as his father David Gibbs Jr but he has nevertheless spoken out at many public religious events in recent years about what he believes is an agenda or conspiracy by the liberal left to promote gay marriage and alternative lifestyles….

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Civil Unions Battle Heats Up in Italy; Church Leaders in Malawi Defend Criminalization of Homosexuality; Report on LGBT Student Group Sparks Backlash in Indonesia; Global LGBT Recap

…hnology and Higher Education said such groups should not be allowed on campuses because they damage the country’s morality. “LGBT is not in accordance with the values and morals of India,” he said. “I forbid them.” After his comments, a conservative Muslim newspaper ran the headline, “LGBT Poses Serious Threat.” Last weekend, the Alliance of Independent Journalists held workshops about stereotyping and marginalization of LGBT people in media cover…

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Purpose Driven Politics: Rick Warren’s Civil Service

…President Bush’s faith-based initiative. The New York Times reported that “Between now and November, the Obama forces are planning as many as 1,000 house parties and dozens of Christian rock concerts, gatherings of religious leaders, campus visits and telephone conference calls to bring together voters of all ages motivated by their faith to engage in politics.” McCain, on the other hand, has had a rocky relationship with conservative evangelical…

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Muslims Need Not Apply—To the White House or Congress

…ing that Obama should be impeached because he is a Muslim (complete with a promo promising free guns, paid for by “a millionaire” who wants you “protected against what’s coming.”) The video in the email is by evangelist Jack van Impe, known for his premillennial rapture theology and his disconnected rambling in Bible verses. It is entitled “President Obama’s Religion in Question” and argues that he is really a Muslim. Joan, who claims in an email…

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