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The Intellectual Source Code For National Conservatism Can Be Found at This Niche Catholic Publication

…cultural conservatism in the United States. The foundation of this source code (the motherlode of the code, as it were) is Catholic natural law moral philosophy. Natural law is the 800-year-old Thomist tradition that absorbs (from revelation and scripture) and communicates (into public discourse and legal practice) a quite specific understanding of the human individual as the summit of God’s creation. First Things has hosted some of the most impo…

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“What Kind of Islam Is That?”: Talking With Refugees From ISIS

…n an acronym for the Arabic name for the movement, al-Dawla al-Islamiya al-Iraq al-Sham (“the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant [wider Syria]”–ISIL or ISIS). By coincidence, the term daesh also means something like the Arabic word for “bullies,” and for that reason ISIS leaders are annoyed by its usage. Probably also for that reason the term persists among those victimized by it. “The Daesh leaders are foreigners,” a Kurdish man from a village…

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Reports of the Death of ISIS Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

…and rise up when the time was ripe. The time could become ripe soon if the Iraqi government and international relief agencies do little to help repair and restore the city. Elsewhere in Iraq, in the Sunni-dominated cities of Fallujah and Ramadi that were liberated from ISIS control over a year ago, the movement has regained influence as the voice of Sunni protest against the Shi’a dominated Iraq government. It may be only a matter of months before…

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The ‘Unified Reich’ Scandal is a Feature Not a Bug of Trump’s Brand of American Fascism

…that gets missed in much of the media coverage and debates around Trump in 2024, especially because so much of the focus has been on the question of is there a nascent multiracial coalition that’s going to be backing Trump? Certainly, it does appear to be that Trump is drawing from a more diverse voter base than he did in 2016 or 2020. But I don’t necessarily think that changes this other dynamic; it might get him elected, but it’s the Groypers w…

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Dispelling the Zombie Myth of White Evangelical Support for Trump

…t 44% of White evangelical Protestant Republicans preferred Trump to be the 2024 nominee for president, compared to 23% who preferred DeSantis and 5% who preferred Haley. Against this backdrop of White evangelical support for Trump, a broad, unsupported hypothesis has re-emerged that Trump’s stalwart continued support among White evangelicals can be explained by his strength among what I’ll abbreviate as WEINO’s, or “White evangelicals in name onl…

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A Roundup of Conspiracies and Bad Ideas That Caught on or Gained Momentum in 2023

…the exact nature of new or evolving conspiracy theories that may emerge in 2024, it’s likely that the pervasive conspiracy theories of 2023 will continue to influence the political landscape, particularly in the context of the 2024 election. In any event, belief in conspiracy theories, often rooted in fear, perceptions of injustice, distrust in societal institutions, and feelings of disenfranchisement, is unlikely to fade away. Issues like immigr…

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Innocent Until Proven Muslim — A Q&A with Dr. Maha Hilal

…son like a terrorist, they become one.”[1] The Public Eye, Fall 2023/Winter 2024 (Issue 108) “Democracy Under Attack—And How We Fight Back,” examines antidemocratic forces on the Right and pro-democracy efforts to counter them. Inform your resistance: Subscribe now! In her book, Innocent Until Proven Muslim: Islamophobia, the War on Terror, and the Muslim Experience Since 9/11, Hilal analyzes the narrative and political mechanisms that enable the…

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How to Prevent Ethnic Cleansing in Syria

…e Mediterranean coastline and some of the inland plains). Meanwhile, as in Iraq, Syria’s Kurds have wrested more sovereignty for themselves, meaning their relationship to Turkey will remain vexing. Syria’s majority Sunnis may be left with what’s in between. Syria would go three ways, like Iraq essentially has. To Intervene or Not Intervene One of the most persuasive arguments against Western intervention in Syria was that neighboring states would…

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What is Interfaith Cooperation For?

…ree on abortion continue educating their students together? Shouldn’t anti-Iraq War Sunnis and pro-Iraq War Kurds send their kids to the same Little League baseball camps? Participating in civic activities with people you disagree with on political or theological issues is not, as Hulsether states, “excus(ing) an exceptionalist ideology that deepens ruts in a two-tiered legal system and sanctions US military presence abroad.” It’s being a good cit…

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Right Makes Might: The President as Political Realist

…Obama wants to root himself within the ethical realist tradition embodied by other US presidents, he eventually will acknowledge the moral legacy of his predecessor’s decisions in Afghanistan and, yes, even Iraq. That US national interests were not as imperiled in Iraq as many contended proves the Iraq War something of an outlier. Time will tell, but we should not be surprised by the impact of Saddam Hussein’s ouster as a defining moment in Iraq’…

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