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‘Joel’s Army’ Is Already Here: The Obscure 20th Century Religious Movement That Profoundly Influences The Right’s Cosmic Battle

…successful 2022 GOP candidate for governor of Pennsylvania (and a retired U.S. Army Colonel), has said for example that, “God can intervene in history,” but that such interventions are actually carried out by “a man or a woman,” such as the biblical Queen Esther (who got authorization from the King of Persia for the Jews to kill their enemies); and Gideon (the leader and prophet who led 300 soldiers against a far greater force). NAR figures also f…

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From Shofars to Hammers: The Spiritual Warriors of MAGA are ‘ReAwakening’ to Political Violence

…any big surprises when I bought my ticket to see some of the NAR’s brightest stars at the ReAwaken rally when it swept through my hometown. I was wrong. While forays into national politics and spiritual warfare rhetoric have long marked the NAR movement, the degree to which the dominionist theology of NAR has co-opted far-right political extremism, conspiracy theory culture, and open calls for violence is both a novel and dangerous development. A…

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How Much Did Jesus Care About Sex?

…, the granddaughter of one of his patrons, just three weeks before his arrest.  Segue to my second and primary point: Bonhoeffer’s discussion of cheap grace in The Cost of Discipleship was meant above all as a critique of the so-called “German Christians”—the Lutherans who readily went along with the Nazi program—as against the much smaller group of Lutherans who chose the path of resistance through their Confessing Church. Bonhoeffer recognized t…

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Beyond Alarmism and Denial in the Dominionism Debate

…ut you have a favorite pastor or evangelist that you listen to occasionally. Studying scripture means you don’t just read the Bible, you read devotional books, and books designed to help your spiritual walk or the church broadly construed. That is the problem with focusing in only on NAR and dominionism. If you don’t know the everyday context of how people, churches, and organizations deal with these broad-based movements, it can sound like a vast

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Episcopal Church Assault Data Reveals the Dark Side of Inclusive Christianity

…n of sexual misconduct.” The proposed changes would strike that requirement. Instead, ordinands would need to demonstrate the loftier-sounding, but more nebulous, ability to “form communities that understand and welcome diverse experiences of gender and sexuality, manifest safe and appropriate boundaries, and implement strategies to prevent sexual misconduct.” The intent is to underscore “the importance of providing places for inclusion and suppor…

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Florida Gov Cozies to Local Tea Party Xenophobes

…da, instead of in Tallahassee where the budget has been announced in the past. Clearly designed as pageantry to flatter the tea partiers, the Governor boasted some $5.2 billion in cuts (only to later have to admit that the number was inflated and that the cuts were “only” $3.5 billion). The announcement of our state budget, by the way, was held in the Eustis First Baptist Church. Okay, it was supposed to be in a park but they had to move it due to…

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The Story Behind the Catholic Church’s Stunning Reversal on Contraception

…on. The first formal theological condemnation of contraception was made by St. Augustine in the early 400s, when he declared that it is “a procreative purpose which makes good an act in which lust is present” and that married people who contracept “are not married.” It was a proclamation that would guide Catholic thinking about contraception for the next 1,500 years as the Augustinian doctrine was gradually codified by the church. In 590, Pope Gre…

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The Story Behind the Catholic Church’s Stunning Contraception Reversal

…on. The first formal theological condemnation of contraception was made by St. Augustine in the early 400s, when he declared that it is “a procreative purpose which makes good an act in which lust is present,” and that married people who contracept “are not married.” It was a proclamation that would guide Catholic thinking about contraception for the next 1,500 years as the Augustinian doctrine was gradually codified by the church. In 590, Pope Gr…

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Power Up: Turn Off the Cell Phone

…s to loan her a cell in a pinch. You don’t get much more entitled than that. Still, there is something to be said for the virtues of unhooking from technology. I sometimes wonder if the convenience of having a cell is worthwhile, given that one of its most common uses is to find out where my wife got to in Kohl’s. But it seems to me that focusing on the micro-trend of rich people opting out of the plugged-in lifestyle doesn’t really get at the hea…

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Sacred Texting: When Religious Writ Gets Wired

…, Pope John Paul II was the first pope to use SMS (short message service, i.e. “texting”) technology to send out a “daily papal message” to believers. Pope John Paul also oversaw the creation in 1995 of the Vatican’s Web site, complete with searchable encyclicals proposing, in 1999, that the sixth-century scholar St. Isidore be the patron saint of computers and the internet. After succeeding John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI arranged for SMS message…

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