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Flagship Biblical Studies Group Faces Bitter Divide Over Statements on Israel/Palestine

…academic boycotts, such as those the pro-Palestine BDS movement urges, of Israeli institutions. But recent events in Israel and Palestine may have broken open this united front for free speech. Across the nation, everyone from donors and trustees to teachers and students have urged schools to take a stand for either Israel or Palestine, while “free-speech advocates [claim] administrators should not say anything at all, as part of their responsibi…

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Israel Votes to Limit Sheldon Adelson

…say so explicitly, the bill is aimed at limiting the free distribution of Israel Hayom (Israel Today), the free newspaper owned by American casino magnate and Republican super-funder Sheldon Adelson. The same Sheldon Adelson who, at the inaugural meeting of the Israeli American Council in Washington on Sunday, said, “I don’t like journalism.” Haaretz’s Anshel Pfeffer explains the anti-Adelson bill that advanced today: The law, proposed by MK Eita…

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Promise Keepers Launches Effort to Support Messianic Jews in Israel

…ho also oversees the activities of the Messianic Jewish Bible Institute in Israel, was trying to make the meeting. The MJBI in Israel did not respond to a request for comment about its possible participation in the event. The MJBI trains people to evangelize Jews, to “restore” Israel by convincing them to accept Jesus, or Yeshua, as their messiah. Last fall, former President George W. Bush keynoted the MJBI’s annual fundraiser in Irving, Texas, ge…

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Using the “A” Word: Israel and Apartheid

…(for Apartheid) Word,” Polakow-Suransky devotes the book’s epilogue to the Israel-South Africa comparison. He acknowledges that the Israel-South Africa “apartheid analogy is an imperfect one… Unlike white South Africa and other colonial regimes, Zionists never banned miscegenation or kept the people they had conquered as servants in their homes.” But he concludes with a dire warning: “the apartheid analogy may be inexact today, but it won’t be for…

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Reading Beinart and Lerner as Gaza Burns

…c establishment, a one-time hawk who supported the Iraq War as well as the Israeli occupation of Palestine, declared himself a dove on Israel-Palestine, it was widely hailed as a turning point in Jewish American life. In Crisis, Beinart makes his own motives perfectly clear: he has a powerful sense of attachment to the Jewish people and a deep desire to see Jewish life flourish in the future, but an equally powerful commitment to the liberal value…

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Is Zionism No Longer Able to Offer Solutions to the Present Reality?

…story. Is it possible, today, for one to not be a Zionist and still be pro-Israel? Can Israel be a state where Jews have autonomy and partial sovereignty but not be a Jewish state? That is, can one re-conceptualize Israel as a state of all its citizens without undermining the right of Jewish self-determination? I think so, and as Israeli historian Dmitry Shumsky has shown in his book Beyond the Nation State, many early Zionists thought so as well….

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Because God Tells Me So; Do Jews Have a “Historic Right” to Israel?

…d “dared” to express sympathy and concern for Gazan civilian casualties of Israeli air strikes as she had for Israeli victims of Palestinian rocket fire. “At the same time, supporting Israel’s right to protect and defend itself does not diminish the reality that the Palestinian people are also children of God, whose suffering is real and undeniable,” she wrote in a rather temperate acknowledgment of human suffering that apparently crossed a “red l…

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Beinart’s Indictment And The Evangelical Right

…assurances that America still “stood” with Israel. Appearing by video from Israel, Israel’s Vice Prime Minister Moshe Ya’alon (who, Beinart notes, called the “anti-occupation group Peace Now a ‘virus,’”) described these American evangelicals as Israel’s “best friend.” Danny Danon, a Likud Party member of the Knesset and Chairman of World Likud who recently likened President Obama to Pharaoh, added that “we know you love us and want to commend you…

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Of Zionism and Anti-Zionism: The Ultra Orthodox and the Settler Movement in Israel

…onists. They actually considered themselves to be living in exile in Erez Yisrael (The Holy Land of Israel), which happened to also be the State of Israel. Haredi communities lived and flourished in Palestine long before the advent of Zionism. Those who vote, vote largely for Haredi parties whose primary interests are local rather than national. But the Haredim have a big problem, and the settlers and their government supporters have the perfect s…

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Presbyterians Make Right Choice on Israel Divestment

…hey misspeak or misstep. Activists, meanwhile, are shrill. Right-wing “pro-Israel” activists decry any criticism of Israel as anti-Semitic, while left-wing “pro-Palestine” activists call Israel an apartheid state.  This week, all three of these parties—the Right, the Left, and the confused Center-Left—danced for awhile at the 220th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA). At the urging of the denomination’s Israel/Palestine Mission Netwo…

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