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In a Powerful Statement Black Presidents and Deans Say: No More Stolen Black Lives!

…blic policy initiatives that ensure police review boards comprise citizens representing its diverse neighborhoods. Effective policy requires community oversight. ○ The refusal to hire/retain any officer who has a history of excessive force and misconduct. ○ An end to the practice of aggressive police persons not receiving repercussions and prosecution when they cross the justice line and end the process of internal policing, powerful police unions…

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Fr. John Dear, Dismissed from Jesuits: “It Is So Strange to Be Hated by So Many Church Leaders”

…c Church leaders in the United States became more and more involved in the Republican Party, supporting the war in Iraq. Very few Jesuits espouse nonviolence either. We run 28 universities, all of whom train young people to kill through ROTC. There was a lot of pressure in the Jesuit order to stop me, and they stopped me, and I eventually I left. It is all very sad and tragic, but in many ways what happened to me was inevitable. I am still called…

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Archbishop Dolan’s Love Letter to Rep. Ryan Betrays Catholic Teaching

…ce. But Archbishop Dolan’s letter to Representative Paul Ryan blessing the Republican’s budget proposal was an epic of fawning tepidity and outrage deficit. Suppose a Catholic thief in the act of robbing the homes of the poor were to proclaim his fervid commitment to “Catholic teaching” against theft… while busily robbing. Would Archbishop Dolan praise the robber for his knowing about and proclaiming Catholic teaching? If Archbishop Dolan were ser…

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Rep. Kinzinger Rejects Judgmental Family Letter But He’s No Cure for Evangelical GOP Authoritarianism

This week, Illinois Representative Adam Kinzinger, one of only ten Republicans in the House of Representatives who voted for Donald Trump’s second impeachment, released to The New York Times a letter signed by 11 members of his family eviscerating him for that decision. And that letter [see images below], which accuses Kinzinger of joining “the devil’s army,” which it defines as “Democrats and the fake news media,” is generating buzz in both trad…

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Speaker Mike Johnson to Allow Privately Run National Prayer Breakfast into the Heart of the Capitol

…weeping details about the organization’s global operations. Pocan cited my report last month on The Family paying to send Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI), the co-chair of last year’s prayer breakfast, to Uganda. In his keynote speech for Uganda’s National Prayer Breakfast, Walberg urged national resolve against pressure by the U.S. and others to drop its death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality.” Pres. Joe Biden is expected to participate despite the c…

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Can Expelled Teach Us a Thing or Two?

…ans would be attracted to, appreciate and consider careers in science (the number is decreasing annually). I bet we’d have more productive conversation among students and leaders of science and religion around the many profound issues in our nation that engage both: abortion, medical care, stem cells, homosexuality, and genomic research. The battle rhetoric would fade and, more than likely, movies like Expelled wouldn’t be made in the first place….

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Mitt Romney’s Prosperity Gospel

…I fervently wish that Mr. Obama would say a bit more about the problem of cheap grace. Reminding us that people who work very hard for very little are not the abusers of cheap grace, but that others in well-feathered nests who are preaching sacrifice might be in real trouble on the cheap grace front. Obama cannot and should not condemn those in the electorate who buy into Romney’s “there will be showers of blessing” message, but he probably does …

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Swift-Boat Veterans of American Jewry Charge Anti-Semitism at Occupy Wall Street

…es ECI’s leadership – knows this to be the case. Which makes ECI’s video a cheap lie — yet another in a long litany of desperate efforts by the far right to convert the largely liberal American Jewish community to neo-conservatism, hawkish policies on Israel, and the belief that “Barack Hussein Obama” is a Muslim.  That said, there actually are two interesting forms of antisemitism going on here. First is the antisemitism of ECI itself. To tug at…

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Francis Visits the Church that John Paul Broke

…umber of marriages within the church has declined by nearly half. Only the number of Catholic funerals has held steady. And while the number of Catholics overall has remained level, that’s largely due to Hispanic migration to the US; some 40 percent of those born Catholic have left the church. But numbers don’t tell the whole story. The church Francis will encounter is fundamentally different in character from the church of John Paul in two import…

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What a Turn-of-the-Century Anti-Abortion and Contraception Crusader Reveals About GOP Efforts to Ban Abortion Pills by Mail

…items within their borders (as is already the case federally with lottery tickets). A Republican-controlled Congress could then impose a nationwide ban on the mailing of abortion pills or certain contraceptives. (Republican-controlled state legislatures have already demonstrated a willingness to enact questionable legislation for nothing more than its intimidation factor.) Which brings us back to Anthony Comstock. In 1878, the Supreme Court uphel…

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