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Union Busting for God: Catholic Colleges Invoke “Religious Freedom” to Violate Catholic Teaching

…ming they’re involved in religious education is a slippery slope. In 2015, San Francisco archbishop Salvatore Cordileone garnered national criticism for attempting to do just that in the San Francisco diocesan schools, which would have also required teachers to follow a “morality clause,” meaning that they would obey church teachings even outside of the classroom. The San Francisco archdiocese eventually dropped the effort, but reclassifying theol…

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Spiritual Unplugging, Or What to Do When There is Wifi at the Ashram

…self-interrogation boiled, my hand extended to the right. I reached for my phone, but I found nothing. At first I laughed at my instinct, my muscle memory. The phone, with its glowing screen, gave me solace and control. But I was tied to my cushion for another hour, and in this ashram for another day, so email would have to wait. I panicked. My heart raced. Would my editor be asking for me? Would a reply from that politician’s secretary sit unansw…

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Pop-Culture Angels Are More Than Just Embarrassing Kitsch

…y from Victorian sentimentalism. Such angels are on sale at reduced price; cheap wares for cheap faith. It would be an error, however, to fully dismiss pop culture angels. Despite the fact that representations of angels in film and television, comics and music, paperback novels and posters, are filtered through market concerns, such pop culture can still speak to human meaning—and because of that they merit our attention. Besides, the bulk of art…

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“I’d Be Stupid Not To Go Packing Now.”

…in Oakland, just outside of San Francisco, and he’s going to check out the San Francisco chapter of Pink Pistols. As a national organization that encourages lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender to arm themselves to prevent hate crimes the Pink Pistols are also a social gun club. On the San Francisco Pink Pistols website it invites the community to learn how to shoot: “We are a group of primarily gay shooters, who are welcoming to all. One need n…

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Saint John Coltrane: Fifty Years of ‘A Love Supreme’

…work—including, of course, Saint John Coltrane African Orthodox Church in San Francisco. The Coltrane church began in the late 1960s, when Franzo Wayne King and then-girlfriend Marina King heard Coltrane perform in San Francisco. They called their experience of hearing him live, a “sound baptism.” This led them to form the “Yardbird Temple,” named with Charlie Parker in mind, and with jazz at its base. In 1982 the little independent congregation…

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#TeachAcceptance and the Fight for the Soul of SF’s Catholic Schools

…cking down from his attempt to dictate the private morality of teachers in San Francisco Catholic schools or from his effort to exempt them from federal anti-discrimination protections. The San Francisco Chronicle reported this week that Cordileone will abandon his proposal to declare all teachers at Catholic schools in the diocese “ministers,” which under the Hosanna-Tabor Supreme Court decision would apply the “ministerial exemption” from federa…

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How Can You Exclude The NAACP and Liberal Protestants from Human Rights History?

…erve as “consultants” to the American delegation at the 1945 conference in San Francisco that was to produce a charter for the United Nations. Otto Frederick Nolde of the FCC was among the representatives, joined by the WWI veteran and former League of Nations consultant Clark Eichelberger, who led the American Association for the United Nations, and James Shotwell, a Columbia University historian, diplomat, and Quaker who represented the Carnegie…

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Pelosi Attacker’s New Age Spirituality and Belief in QAnon is no Contradiction

…f course, DePape no longer resides at that house. He did in 2013, when the San Francisco Chronicle interviewed his acquaintance Gypsy Taub, a nudity activist, about her upcoming wedding (at which DePape was to be the best man). In that article, it states that DePape made hemp jewelry for a living. Associating with nudity activists, particularly Taub, seems to locate DePape in San Francisco hippie culture. Taub is a self-described rebel, Deadhead,…

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