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Blame Series Bonus: Why We Want That Dish For Free, an Uncut Interview with Bertram Malle

…me shows), even when something unintentional happens—say you know that the airline didn’t intentionally keep you from flying—the question that humans often pose is, “Was this preventable?” “Could they have done something to prevent that?” And that’s when we wonder—well, who could have done something to prevent it? The person at the counter? The pilot? The CEO? We don’t know, and so we have, in a sense, a certain disorientation and don’t know to wh…

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Using the “A” Word: Israel and Apartheid

…oday, but it won’t be forever. The Palestinian population is expanding faster than the Jewish one and Israel’s days of declaring itself both a Jewish State and a democratic one are numbered… By failing to heed the lesson of South Africa’s demise, Israel risks remaking itself in the image of the old apartheid state.”…

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Paranormal Vodka, Exorcists and a Demonic Doll: Welcome to Paracon, Based on the Work of the Demon-Hunters Who Inspired the ‘Conjuring’ Series

…oommate over a period of months in 1970. Although I can’t find an official number, a casino employee tells us over 5,000 tickets have been sold; 5,000 pilgrims who’ve made the trek from around the country to pay their respects to Annabelle, and are willing to wait hours to do so. On the convention floor, an eclectic group of vendors hocks their wares, from Ouija boards and books about ghost hunting to bath bombs shaped like horror movie icons. The…

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Spiritual Unplugging, Or What to Do When There is Wifi at the Ashram

…self-interrogation boiled, my hand extended to the right. I reached for my phone, but I found nothing. At first I laughed at my instinct, my muscle memory. The phone, with its glowing screen, gave me solace and control. But I was tied to my cushion for another hour, and in this ashram for another day, so email would have to wait. I panicked. My heart raced. Would my editor be asking for me? Would a reply from that politician’s secretary sit unansw…

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Pop-Culture Angels Are More Than Just Embarrassing Kitsch

…y from Victorian sentimentalism. Such angels are on sale at reduced price; cheap wares for cheap faith. It would be an error, however, to fully dismiss pop culture angels. Despite the fact that representations of angels in film and television, comics and music, paperback novels and posters, are filtered through market concerns, such pop culture can still speak to human meaning—and because of that they merit our attention. Besides, the bulk of art…

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Religion at the Moral March

…am a member of All Souls.) On Saturday morning before the march, the North Carolina Council of Churches convened an interfaith prayer gathering in front of the state legislative building. It was attended by dozens of clergy who committed themselves “to be steadfast in our work for a just, compassionate, and inclusive North Carolina.” Some of those clergy then walked several blocks to the chapel at Shaw University, near the staging area for the mar…

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Pride Month & Prejudice; ‘Worrisome Time’ For LGBT People; Global LGBT Recap

…ciety,” he said. CNN traces the start of the backlash to early 2016 when a number of political leaders began making “unprompted attacks on Indonesia’s LGBT community.” It notes that conservative Islam is a growing political force, evident in the arrest and conviction of Jakarta’s Christian governor on blasphemy charges. The report says human rights activists have been disappointed by President Joko Widodo’s “lackluster” defense of LGBT people. Sal…

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North Carolina Feels the ‘Love’ in Amendment Campaign

…hey are denouncing gays as demonic enemies of faith and freedom. One North Carolina pastor even said in April that allowing same-sex couples to marry would be the equivalent of a nuclear holocaust. Equality advocates in North Carolina — whose energetic campaign has turned next Tuesday’s vote on a brutally broad anti-gay constitutional amendment into a closer-than-many-expected contest — have really been feeling the “love” from their opponents. Per…

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Arguments That Caste Protections ‘Unjustly Target’ South Asians Don’t Stand Up to Scrutiny

…their classmate on the basis of caste. Cal State’s policy isn’t limited to South Asians, because casteism isn’t limited to South Asians—the largest survey of Indian American attitudes to date, which found that 5 percent of Indian Americans reported facing caste discrimination in the past year, noted that “caste discrimination is a surprisingly equal opportunity offense,” and that “Indians, non-Indians, and people of both categories are almost equa…

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Gandhi, his Grandson, Israel, and the Jews

…for social justice. He joined his father’s movement for racial justice in South Africa and spent over a decade in South African prisons. As Arun Gandhi noted in Kasturba: A Life, a biography of his grandmother, “my father was the only one of the four Gandhi sons to adopt voluntary poverty and devote his life to nonviolence…” Arun left South Africa in 1956 and moved to India, where he spent the next thirty years working as a journalist, activist,…

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