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An American Muslim Abroad, Or, Things I Saw in Dubai

…ur audience. This oversize sample inadvertently gives away the credit card number of some eight-five million men, most of whom live in Egypt.   ⬆ Earlier on this day, I saw a South Asian gentleman crossing an eight-lane highway while drinking a cup of tea out of a white ceramic mug. He took his time, pausing between lanes to let cars whiz by (at roughly 70 miles per hour) and took measured sips to pass the time, enjoying his hot and fresh caffeina…

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We Went Through Amoris Laetitia Section by Section So You Wouldn’t Have To

…sinful unions into sacramental marriages. This obviously precludes any nice-nice making for same-sex couples because that door to sacramental marriage remains closed ever more firmly by dint of this document. In Section 300 Francis even admits that there is nothing new in this Exhortation and that we shouldn’t have expected any rule changes from him or his bishops. After all, there’s only so much a pope can do, as Patti Miller explains on RD. At t…

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What To Do When Fred Phelps Arrives in Your Neighborhood

…: educability. And if you want to check out some of the wonderful real-life-not-fantasy anti-Westboro picketing ever, click here and add them to your picketing, fantastical or real.   In my fantasy, the family and friends of Devin Snyder understand those called to protest against Phelps in Cohocton as acting in ways consonant with the sergeant’s decision to join an Army and participate in a war with which some of those same protestors disagree. In…

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Put Your Money Where Your Mind Is: A For-Profit Meditation Studio Opens in New York

…ss groups. “…they want spiritual goods, but within the protective, customer-is-in-charge framework of commercial consumption.” Wilson, the Buddhism scholar, argues that this approach to spirituality serves a market in which people “want the benefits of religion, but not the downsides of religion.” “They want the meditation practice, on demand, to provide them with health, and peace, and calmness,” Wilson told The Cubit. “But they don’t want the su…

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The Nation of Islam at the End of the Apocalyptic Age?

…nd the Nation is waning, which he attributes to Farrakhan’s illness; the 75-year-old leader was diagnosed with prostate cancer more than a year ago. While he made what was then called his last public speech at last year’s Saviour’s Day convention, Farrakhan has made appearances since and looked healthy. Magida also believes that the Nation’s influence is waning as black nationalism is waning, “at least the kind the Nation of Islam represents… “The…

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Religion at the Moral March

…t is meant to lift us up in order to help us do justice. “We live in a self-centered, self-preserving culture,” he said. “When I fail to connect with those around me, I am narrow and superficial, and my life is empty until I make a difference.” Across town from Abundant Life, the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh was telling local UUs to stay away from the church because there was no room in the sanctuary or parking lot. The state’s UU…

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Wearing White is Not Enough: A Conversation with Cherisse Scott of SisterReach

…ally center the poor people that sit in the pews of their churches on a day-to-day basis. We had one of our clergy partners urging other faith leaders to speak with their congregants and tap into those congregants with a call specific to their values, specific to some of the policies that are being voted on here locally. When it comes to the black church—at least some black preachers who jumped at the opportunity to just have an audience with Trum…

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The Women’s March, Anti-Semitism, and ‘The Jewish Farrakhan’

…Hurok Enterprises, causing a fire that injured 13 employees and killed a 27-year-old employee, Iris Kones, from smoke inhalation. Hurok was an impresario who often booked Russian acts to perform in America. The bombing, widely believed to be the work of the JDL, resulted in many of those who disagreed with Kahane, but who defended his right to speak, distancing themselves from Kahane and the JDL. It was in many ways, his “Waterloo.” But he still r…

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Where’s Wallnau? A NAR Apostle Takes Aim at Swing Counties in ‘The Battle for the Mountain of Government’

…gence apps” including As One America, which contains the name, address and phone number of Christian neighbors “who are not showing up to vote or who are not registered.” He then showed a map with big red arrows pointing to precincts “within striking distance” from Vida Church to the precincts that are “where the devil’s got a stronghold that God wants to break up.” The app was developed by Superfeed Technologies, which has also designed apps for…

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Anti-LGBT Culture Warriors On The March; More in Global LGBT Recap

…ne” and praised Obradovic’s diatribe against LGBT activists as “a true tour-de-force, an incredibly powerful rebuke of the LGBT movement.” In the speech Brown loves so much, Obradovic called the gay rights movement “a totalitarian cult” and said gay pride parades should be outlawed, saying “What does Pride week even mean? What pride? What are you people proud of? … it is a week of provocation and forceful promotion of the ideology of homosexualism…

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