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‘Soul of Yoga’ at Stake in Texas Regulation Push

…be running career schools as defined by Chapter 132 of the Texas Education Code. They had already sent such letters to directors in Austin. Arguing that the regulation of career schools benefits consumers by monitoring programs, ensuring that they are legitimate businesses, and providing an avenue for student complaints, the TWC requested directors to choose one of the following: apply and secure a career school license at the cost of up to $3,000…

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Devil’s Bookmark: Doubting God’s Existence, but Angry Nevertheless

…literally a doubting Thomas. Much of Wood’s narrative concerns the tension between these two antagonists. But it is a milder tension than the intense frustration that informs the work of disappointed misotheists like Zora Neale Hurston and Rebecca West—both of whom reflexively equated their father’s betrayal of them with God’s abandonment of humanity. By contrast, Tom genuinely loves his father; he just finds him to be a bit pathetic and tiresome…

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What’s Huntsman’s Game Plan?

…to poke fun at Romney to sharpen those contrasts. And there’s no love lost between Huntsman and Romney, who are distant cousins. 8. And yet, there are undeniable similarities between the Huntsman and Romney, including the fact that both as governors launched health care plans they later disavowed. Does his early hemming and hawing about his own religion indicate a tendency to spin and squirm, or—even worse—flip and flop? It’s way too early to even…

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Showdown Over Shari’ah at Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference

…s clearly in Gaffney’s camp, with murmurs of approval and even amens. One woman said she was from Minnesota, where “we practically have a Muslim state,” and fretted that Rep. Keith Ellison, who is a Muslim, adopted a Scandanavian name to mask his Muslim identity. She asked about something she’d “heard” about a “Muslim flag” being raised over the White House; Gaffney affirmed her paranoia, saying, “it is certainly possible we’d have a Muslim flag f…

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Rick Santorum Figures Out the Feminist Plot to Create “Phony” Abortion Exceptions

…o elective abortion see that it’s another case entirely when the pregnant woman’s life is in danger? And we might go on to suggest that a conversation between doctor and patient is the appropriate setting for determining whether that’s the case in a particular situation. As opposed to, say, legislation that would… well, what? List all of the possible medical conditions in the world that would “count” as being actually deadly enough to warrant lega…

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Jose Antonio Vargas’ Coming Out and the Power of Stories over Religious Remonstrances

…hall, and told her that she was a tea partier, but liked what her congresswoman had to say. At one point, during the question and answer session, there was a discussion about how to talk about race; Edwards said that frequently progressives speak “in their own code,” which “sends people away” rather than “draw[ing] them in.” She added, “I want to make sure we’re using language to draw people in who share the same concerns about declining jobs and…

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The Real Story Behind Rick Perry’s Secret Meetings with Pastors

…. His misuse of the Bible for reactionary politics is wrong. His dichotomy between evangelism and environmentalism is wrong. His demonization of thoughtful pro-environment Christians is wrong.” Robison’s agenda for the 2012 election draws from that same well of contempt for a contemporary secular democracy. Kaylor points to Robison’s June 3 blog post, which reads like a theo-economic merger of a religious right and Tea Party wishlist (a merger Rob…

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Breivik’s Emasculation Paranoia Fueled Vision for Patriarchal “Reforms”

…e multipliers. Conservatives are strenuously trying to challenge parallels between the Norway shooter and the positions they themselves have been advocating. But Breivik’s call for a return to patriarchy, driven by a fear of emasculation by powerful women, is also a feature of American religious right rhetoric. Florida Congressman and Tea Party favorite Allen West, speaking last spring at a “Women Impacting the Nation” meeting, declared: “We need…

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Touch Me, Man, I’m Healed, I’m Straight

…” taking advantage of the “trust and dependency of clients,” and deceptive promotion of products. At Wyler’s Arizona retreat, I was introduced to that healing touch therapy: I sat on the floor between the outstretched legs of a camp guide, my head leaning back against his shoulder. The guide sat behind me, his arms wrapped around my chest. This hold was called “The Motorcycle.” Five men surrounded the two of us, their hands resting gently on my ar…

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Bachmann’s Law School Mentor Asserts Biblical Roots of American Political System

…cannot do within the guidelines of the IRS rules. He cited the part of the code that prohibits influencing legislation and labeled it “legalese,” before a lengthy parsing of what counts as legislation and then what counts as influencing— none of which substantially departed from everyday understanding of those terms. The talk sounded much like the “word study” sermon style found in many fundamentalist churches. He was careful to clarify that wheth…

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